Category: Indoctrination

Battlefield America 7 P.P.W.S. Pt 2

Battlefield America 7 P.P.W.S. Pt 2 Allen Getz ” Behind The Headlines ” Audio player below! For the twelfth broadcast of Behind the Lines, we continue the examination of reading material used in the college classroom. The focus will remain upon how this material shapes the thinking of specific portions of the student body. We…
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July 3, 2018 0

Battlefield America Pt 6 College Classroom

Battlefield America Pt 6 College Classroom Allen Getz “Behind The Headlines” Audio player below! For the eleventh broadcast of Behind the Lines, we will continue our examination of specific reading material used in the college classroom. However, the focus will rest upon how this material shapes the thinking of a particular sub-set of the student…
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June 26, 2018 0

Battlefield America Part 5 M(BC)2

Battlefield America Part 5 M(BC)2 Allen Getz ” Behind The Headlines ” Audio player below! For this episode of Behind the Lines, we examine a specific text used in academia today which molds collegiate students thinking regarding society. A short review of the preceding episode will lead into this analysis. This dissection will develop into…
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June 19, 2018 0

Battlefield America Part 4 The Classroom

Battlefield America Part 4 The Classroom Allen Getz ” Behind The Headlines ” Audio player below! For this broadcast of Behind the Lines, we examine the battlefield called academia from a defensive vantage point. A short synopsis of the preceding episode will lead into how to combat the ‘pro-state’ mentality. This plan centers upon a…
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June 12, 2018 0

Battlefield America Part 3

Battlefield America Part 3 Allen Getz ” Behind The Headlines ” Audio player below For this eighth broadcast of Behind the Lines, we continue the examination of the ‘combatants’ while reviewing a specific portion of the battlefield – academia. A short synopsis of preceding broadcasts will lead into how the ‘pro-state’ viewpoint entrenches itself within…
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June 5, 2018 0

Battlefield America Part 1 with Reality Check on PBN

Battlefield America Part 1 Allen Getz ” Behind The Headlines ” Audio player below! On this broadcast of Behind the Lines, we will identify the ‘combatants’ participating for control within the United States of America. Using the concepts and ideologies examined in the previous episodes, we will identify the participants in this conflict. In conjunction…
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May 22, 2018 0

Manipulation: If you can’t beat them…

Manipulation: If you can’t beat them! Allen Getz ” Behind The Headlines ” Audio player below! For the fifth broadcast of Behind the Lines, we will see how society is becoming primed and ready to accept its own destruction. We will begin the episode with a review that centers upon the use of manipulation for…
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May 15, 2018 0

Privacy with Dr. Katherine Albrecht on Off Grid Preppers

Privacy with Dr. Katherine Albrecht on Off Grid Preppers Host Barbara Fix “Off Grid Preppers” Audio in player below! Most of us have heroes. Mine happens to be Dr. Katherine Albrecht who is considered one of the world’s foremost privacy advocates.  If you want to know how smart phones, GPS, RFID, facial recognition, and remote…
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January 24, 2017 3

De-Population …

De-Population … Host: Jackie “Apocalypse Nana” APOCALYPSE NANA wants you to round up your loved ones, including your pudgy-faced kiddies, because it’s time for some population control in the United States, worldwide, and in your bunker. Let’s face it, there’s too many people in your party, bunker, and regime of smelly survivors. It’s time to…
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April 9, 2015 0

Nationalism or Survivalists, Preppers, Patriots

Nationalism or Survivalists, Preppers, Patriots Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty” We are looking down the barrel of another loaded gun. Unfortunately its one that will target the very people that hold this nation closest to its heart. If you have loved America and its founding principles to any degree you have been targeted for…
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July 18, 2014 0

America On the Dole-The Buck Stops Where?

America On the Dole-The Buck Stops Where? Host: Lynna “The Other Side… A Preppers Path” America on the Dole! Fact or fiction and just where does the buck stop? Questions we each need to answer, not for the country as a whole but personally. Semantics aside whether you call it on the dole, welfare or…
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January 26, 2014 0

Common Core Education = Communist Indoctrination

Common Core Education = Communist Indoctrination Host: Noreen “The Homestead Honey Hour” Have you noticed something different about the way your children are being taught? Have you noticed the way that teachers approach their job lately? Have you noticed little changes in the work your children are bringing home? Did you think there may be…
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November 14, 2013 0