Category: freedom

Are there two Americas?

Are there two America’s? Over 236 years ago, something happened in the world that changed it forever. Man gaining his freedom at birth with certain unalienable rights. Now A government that seems to be mad and out of control. So is the United States government in there actions doing the American people’s bidding? Or are…
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June 7, 2013 0

Questioning our elected officials!

This week on the Charlie In The Box radio show we got to start with questioning our elected officials, at our city halls, state capitals, and even Washington D.C. What’s the best way to do that? E-mail, phone call, how about even walking in? Telling them what’s on our minds. If you ask me…government is…
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May 31, 2013 0

“Red Horse Unleashed” 5/27/2013 Memorial Day Roll Call!!!

Memorial Day Roll Call!!! Remember that for the inaugural (sp) show of Red Horse Unleashed we will honor our fallen service-members. In my 20 years of wearing a uniform, I have lost 21 comrades. They were brother Horsemen, fellow engineers, and one exceptional Army officer. If YOU have names you want to include in our…
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May 27, 2013 0

Johnathan Snodgrass aka Snoddy – Memorial Day “The Gun Show”!

Yes, If things keep going the way they are now for the next 1-3 years, Yes, I could see our Economy Crash, SHTF and Citizens Rise Up against this Administration, Rebel Against it. Yeah I could share my war stories and considering the fact…. The Treasury is printing money to stay afloat our dollar could…
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May 27, 2013 0

A nation of immigrants

America is a nation of immigrants.  Many of those immigrants have come to the U.S. to seek freedom and to escape persecution, tyranny, socialism and other forms of totalitarianism from their own home countries.  Will we someday find ourselves in a similar situation where we must decide if it’s time to flee the U.S. or…
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May 16, 2013 0