Category: News

Well Regulated Militia!

Well regulated militia! Host: Dave Womack “The Gun Show” The modern militia movement has been under fire by the media lately, but what the media tends to miss are the following to points: 1) A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and…
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October 27, 2013 0

Founding Fathers on Tyranny!

Founding Fathers on Tyranny! Host: Charlie “Charlie in the Box” Thomas Jefferson said, “all tyranny needs to gain a foot hold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.” … And what I think he meant by that is when good men and women with strong morals and values are confronted with the truth…
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October 25, 2013 0

Hegelian Dialectic, Predictive Programming Part II

Hegelian Dialectic, Predictive Programming and You! Part II Host: Noreen, Katzcradul “Homestead Honey Hour” Last week on the Homestead Honey Hour the topic of Hegelian Dialectic was addressed in reference to how it is being used and has been used for at least the past 100 years as a form of mass mind control.  If…
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October 24, 2013 0

News 10/23/2013 with Goat Hollow

News 10/23/2013 with Goat Hollow isn’t quite Edward R. Murrow, remember legendary Edward R. Murrow the quintessence of unbiased and real information, surreal or not? A news media, taking pride in the integrity of reporting with factual representation regardless of personal agenda! The Surreal News 10/23/2013 hearkens back to the reporting skills of Murrow. Information, the real facts whether…
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October 23, 2013 0

US economy, 10 decisions to make now!

Preparing for the real US economy, 10 decisions to make now! Host: James “I Am Liberty” The shell game goes on as Reid and Mconell have passed a bill to sustain THE BLOB we call a government until February 7th. Fake money will exchange hands and many people will feel good about their country again.…
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October 18, 2013 0

Hegelian Dialectic, Predictive Programming and You!

Hegelian Dialectic, Predictive Programming and You! Host: Noreen “The Homestead Honey Hour” The time has come to have a serious conversation. A conversation about how we are being manipulated in this society through different processes which include some very high brow classifications. These are the Hegelian Dialectic and predictive programming. You may or may not…
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October 17, 2013 0

News 10/16/2013 with Goat Hollow

News 10/16/2013 with Goat Hollow isn’t quite Edward R. Murrow, remember legendary Edward R. Murrow the quintessence of unbiased and real information, surreal or not? A news media, taking pride in the integrity of reporting with factual representation regardless of personal agenda! The Surreal News 10/16/2013  hearkens back to the reporting skills of Murrow. Information, the real facts whether…
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October 16, 2013 0

Despair a “de-Americanized world”

Our nation is in utter despair. China’s official news agency has called for the creation of a “de-Americanised world”, saying “the destinies of people should not be left in the hands of a hypocritical nation with a dysfunctional government.” Our national memorials are being barricaded and veterans are blocked from having access. The government is…
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October 14, 2013 1

News 10/9/2013 with Goat Hollow

News 10/9/2013 with Goat Hollow isn’t quite Edward R. Murrow, remember legendary Edward R. Murrow the quintessence of unbiased and real information, surreal or not? A news media, taking pride in the integrity of reporting with factual representation regardless of personal agenda! The Surreal News 10/9/2013 hearkens back to the reporting skills of Murrow. Information, the real facts whether stranger…
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October 9, 2013 0

Militia the modern movement!

Militia the modern movement! Host: The Gun Show The modern militia movement is much more than just a fancy term used to demonize the Americans involved in such an “extremist” view, it’s more of an awakening. It is the right of the people to keep and bear arms. Furthermore, A “well regulated Militia being necessary…
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October 7, 2013 0

Police militarization, the dangers!

Police militarization, the dangers! Host: I Am Liberty To me there are few things more demeaning than the idea of a military presence in this country. The country that ousted its foreign oppressor and declared its independence on a new land. No matter how you feel about those early days of the country and the…
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October 4, 2013 2

News 10/2/2013 with Goat Hollow

News 10/2/2013 with Goat Hollow isn’t quite Edward R. Murrow, remember legendary Edward R. Murrow the quintessence of unbiased and real information, surreal or not? A news media, taking pride in the integrity of reporting with factual representation regardless of personal agenda! The Surreal News 10/2/2013 hearkens back to the reporting skills of Murrow. Information, the real facts whether stranger…
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October 2, 2013 0

The Collapse Started Yesterday! w/ James Wesley Rawles

“The Collapse Started Yesterday”  live broadcast on American Preppers Radio! Starting us off with tonight’s broadcasts, The Gun Show with “The Collapse is coming” It’s time to sell everything you don’t need, and can’t use for barter later.” New York Times Best Selling Author James Wesley, Rawles says. Find out why in an interview by…
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September 30, 2013 0