Category: Politics

Tolerance is compliance. Social justice is collectivism. Political correctness is infringement of free speech.

“The Prepper’s Poitin Hour”, What if you were living in a war zone and did not KNOW it?  What if you were in mortal combat and did not yet realize it? Ladies and gentlemen, this is US.  This nation has been besieged for decades in a multiple front war for our culture, our children, our…
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May 7, 2013 0

GoatHollow and “The Surreal News” Wednesday 5/1/2013

Are you yearning for the real news?  The stories that “They” don’t want you to see? Join GoatHollow for up to date reporting of the stuff that “They” bury on page 64… The true facts about where our world is heading.  Non biased reporting, commentary, and an occasional interview, about what’s really happening!!!  You’re about…
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May 1, 2013 0

Boston, what did the Government already know?

This week on Charlie in the Box I’m going to talk about the Boston bombing. In the news they painted a picture for people to see as if they have done it before. The stage was set and all they had to do was say “action”. That’s saying that our government and the media are doing this or…
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April 26, 2013 0

Bombings, manhunts, shoot-outs, devastating explosion and even ricin attacks. What a week!

“The Prepper’s Poitin Hour”, What a week! Bombings, manhunts, and shoot-outs in  the Boston area in one of the the most leftist and liberty infringed states of the union. Devastating explosion near the site of the 1993 Branch Davidian massacre by federal agents. Ricin attacks upon the president and congress. Reports of bombs, threats, and…
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April 22, 2013 0

Communism and socialism in America, our government, our schools, our ….

This week on Charlie in the Box will be a continuation from last week’s show, Communism and socialism in America. In our schools, our government, music, TV. shows and movies. We as American’s for far too long have been going down this road allowing government to grow too big in a short amount of time. That is one of the…
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April 19, 2013 0

GoatHollow and “The Surreal News” Wednesday 4/17/2013

Are you yearning for the real news?  The stories that “They” don’t want you to see? Join GoatHollow and The Surreal News for up to date reporting of the stuff that “They” bury on page 64… The true facts about where our world is heading.  Non biased reporting, commentary, and an occasional interview, about what’s…
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April 17, 2013 0

Boston Marathon, Complacency, and then the Bombs, are you prepared yet?

What happened today at the finish of the Boston Marathon while horrific I found was not really much of a surprise. What does surprise me is that something like this has not happened sooner. While the vast majority of Americans have become complacent with their trust in government to thwart another attack such as this…
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April 15, 2013 4

In the vein of civil duty and education, coming together discussing Article Three of the Constitution.

Amid the furor over recent Supreme Court cases and as 2A advocates ramp up for future litigation battles it is time to take a look at Article Three of the Constitution.  At one time, the jurisprudence system of this nation was better appreciated by the many and was not considered an arcane world best left…
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April 15, 2013 0

Armageddon Preppin and a look at the current situation in North Korea!

This week on The Prepared Canadian I have a product review for something that I feel has been lacking in the prepper community for some time.  It’s a card game called Armageddon Preppin and it will be on sale soon, so be sure to look out for it. Also, I’ll take a look at the…
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April 13, 2013 0

Legislators should consider the thoughts and belief of those who are living and working in the trenches of violence.

Author: Lynna Host of  The Other Side…A Preppers Path Knee-jerk reaction to tragedy occurs as regular as clockwork, upon this we can depend. Now after terrorizing rhetoric and posturing a new tack appears regarding the heated topic of gun control.  Today mainstream news agencies tout the clout of some victims’ families and their emotional plea…
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April 13, 2013 0

Men of power and influence, the working man, and the people we choose to feel sorry for!

This week on Charlie in the Box we will start off with, Coral Castle and what one man can accomplish when he puts his mind to it. Next we will dip into the mind set of different people within our society. Men of power and influence, the working man, and the people we choose to…
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April 12, 2013 0

Collectivism and the current peacehawk warmongering from Obama and his cronies!

“The Prepper’s Poitin Hour”, join your host Chris as he talks about collectivism.  He was recently incensed over a soundbite on CNN where a big education mafiosi was saying that we, as parents, have no rights to view our children as our own.  She was recycling the old Hillary Clinton “It Takes A Village” garbage…
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April 7, 2013 0

The constitution, communism, socialism and more!

On this episode of Charlie in the Box will be about your republic, communism, socialism and more. We as American citizens need to know how to tell the difference. The American constitution, the communist manifestos, where do rights come from? And let’s take another look at some of our founding fathers. We as Americans have…
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April 5, 2013 0