Category: Economy

The Surreal News 10/15/2014

The Surreal News 10/15/2014 Host: Doug aka GoatHollow News 10/15/2014 with Goat Hollow isn’t quite Edward R. Murrow, remember legendary Edward R. Murrow the quintessence of unbiased and real information, surreal or not? A news media, taking pride in the integrity of reporting with factual representation regardless of personal agenda! The Surreal News 10/15/2014 hearkens back to the reporting skills of…
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October 15, 2014 0

The Surreal News 10/8/2014

The Surreal News 10/8/2014 Host: Doug aka GoatHollow News 10/8/2014 with Goat Hollow isn’t quite Edward R. Murrow, remember legendary Edward R. Murrow the quintessence of unbiased and real information, surreal or not? A news media, taking pride in the integrity of reporting with factual representation regardless of personal agenda! The Surreal News 10/8/2014 hearkens back to the reporting skills of…
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October 8, 2014 0

When Empires Fail

When Empires Fail on The Surreal News 9/10/2014 Host: Doug aka GoatHollow “The Surreal News” Join us on this incitefull look at what happens when empires fail. We’ll go over what government leaders do, how the “Playbook” is never deviated from. What the motivations are, and how our current American Empire compares. We’ll look at…
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September 10, 2014 0

The Surreal News 9/3/2014

The Surreal News 9/3/2014 Host: Doug aka GoatHollow News 9/3/2014 with Goat Hollow isn’t quite Edward R. Murrow, remember legendary Edward R. Murrow the quintessence of unbiased and real information, surreal or not? A news media, taking pride in the integrity of reporting with factual representation regardless of personal agenda! The Surreal News 9/3/2014 hearkens back to the reporting skills…
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September 3, 2014 1

The Surreal News 8/20/2014

The Surreal News 8/20/2014 Host: Doug aka GoatHollow News 8/20/2014 with Goat Hollow isn’t quite Edward R. Murrow, remember legendary Edward R. Murrow the quintessence of unbiased and real information, surreal or not? A news media, taking pride in the integrity of reporting with factual representation regardless of personal agenda! The Surreal News 8/20/2014 hearkens back to the reporting skills…
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August 20, 2014 0

The Surreal News 8/13/2014

The Surreal News 8/13/2014 Host: Doug aka GoatHollow News 8/13/2014 with Goat Hollow isn’t quite Edward R. Murrow, remember legendary Edward R. Murrow the quintessence of unbiased and real information, surreal or not? A news media, taking pride in the integrity of reporting with factual representation regardless of personal agenda! The Surreal News 8/13/2014 hearkens back to the reporting skills…
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August 13, 2014 0

World War 3 has already begun!

While you weren’t looking, a massive war has started world wide, and it involves many nations. Don’t expect the Media to tell you about it either. It’s not nukes over a city near you (Knock on wood), but something entirely different. And just like an atom bomb, it can kill you!!! Find out what’s happening, how it’s unfolding,…
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August 6, 2014 0

The Surreal News 7/30/2014

The Surreal News 7/30/2014 Host: Doug aka GoatHollow News 7/30/2014 with Goat Hollow isn’t quite Edward R. Murrow, remember legendary Edward R. Murrow the quintessence of unbiased and real information, surreal or not? A news media, taking pride in the integrity of reporting with factual representation regardless of personal agenda! The Surreal News 7/30/2014 hearkens back to the reporting skills…
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July 30, 2014 0

The Surreal News 4/16/2014 with Goat Hollow!

The Surreal News 4/16/2014 Host: Doug aka GoatHollow News 4/16/2014 with Goat Hollow isn’t quite Edward R. Murrow, remember legendary Edward R. Murrow the quintessence of unbiased and real information, surreal or not? A news media, taking pride in the integrity of reporting with factual representation regardless of personal agenda! The Surreal News 4/16/2014 hearkens back to the…
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April 16, 2014 0

The Surreal News 4/9/2014 with Goat Hollow!

The Surreal News 4/9/2014 Host: Doug aka GoatHollow Join GoatHollow for a special edition of The Surreal News tonight at 8:00 p.m Central time, or 9 Eastern.  We will be interviewing Eugene “Trapper Jack Survival” Runkis, of the Destination America television show “Hillbilly Blood”!!!  As one of the stars of this show, He’s shown us…
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April 9, 2014 0

The Surreal News 4/2/2014 with Goat Hollow!

The Surreal News 4/2/2014 Host: Doug aka GoatHollow News 4/2/2014 with Goat Hollow isn’t quite Edward R. Murrow, remember legendary Edward R. Murrow the quintessence of unbiased and real information, surreal or not? A news media, taking pride in the integrity of reporting with factual representation regardless of personal agenda! The Surreal News 4/2/2014 hearkens back to the…
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April 2, 2014 0

Will America and Canada Fall Together?

Will America and Canada Fall Together? Host: Denob “The Prepared Canadian” We have all heard plenty about the impending economic collapse.  But how many of us really understand what it means?  Just how does an economy or more specifically, a currency collapse?  How about the Canadian economy more specifically?  Again, we have heard that the…
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March 21, 2014 0

The Surreal News 3/19/2014 with Goat Hollow!

The Surreal News 3/19/2014 Host: Doug aka GoatHollow News 3/19/2014 with Goat Hollow isn’t quite Edward R. Murrow, remember legendary Edward R. Murrow the quintessence of unbiased and real information, surreal or not? A news media, taking pride in the integrity of reporting with factual representation regardless of personal agenda! The Surreal News 3/19/2014 hearkens back to the…
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March 19, 2014 0