Category: Economy

Are you chicken?

  Are you chicken?  With the continuing drought in the Mid-West, corn prices have hit an all time high on the commodities markets.  Beef and pork prices are primed to soar!  Join GoatHollow this Wednesday 8/1/2012 at 8:00 p.m. Central time, for a discussion on keeping a few backyard chickens, the advantages, pitfalls, and gaining…
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August 1, 2012 1

“Real Economics” for the “Average Joe & Jane”

Our regular host, Christine was not able to do show tonight as she was with her daughter waiting  for the birth of her new grand baby, congrats Christine. As a true Prepper Christine had a backup. Bill Swindler takes the wheel as fill in host for Christine “Great Job Bill” and along with guest Mr…
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July 28, 2012 0

The Surreal News! Sunday 7/15/2012

The Surreal news 7/15/2012!  Where our host Doug brings you the news that the “Main stream media” would rather not have you hear…. The stuff that they bury on page 56.  The life is stranger than fiction stories, that make you wonder, if you are still living in the same world.  Are you becoming certifiably…
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July 15, 2012 0

Save, Savings and More Savings on “The Other Side…A Preppers Path”!

Save, Savings and More Savings! Get the scoop on how to save money, get more and enhance your prepping lifestyle! Lynette Frye of Prepping on a Budget joins The Other Side of a Preppers Path to talk savings through great ideas like coupons. Lynette has been couponing for sometime now and has information on how…
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July 12, 2012 0

Coping if energy sources suddenly disappeared!

By Doug: Prepping With Goat Hollow It’s been estimated that the modern family’s dependence on fossil fuels, is equivalent to having around 100 human slaves living in your basement.  To replace the energy we use in our modern lives, those slaves would have to toil for us, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.…
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July 11, 2012 0

The Economy on The Preppers Poitin Hour!

What commodity or other economic signs or tea leaves do you monitor in the course of your prepping? Are you watching the retail price of fuel? Milk? Electricity?  Are you looking for shortages of fresh fruit? Meat? Grains?  Let us look for signs of impending crisis and decide what we will do at certain price…
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July 10, 2012 0

Prepper Folks visits with Mr Real Economics and others for a Round Table Talk on Prepping!

Our planned guest, Natalie Foster from Girl’s Guide to Guns, was unable to make tonight’s show but good preppers always have a plan B. So, Mr Real Economic joins  The Folks this Saturday night for as we celebrate our first month with Prepper Broadcasting. You can get to know The Prepper Folks a  little better…
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July 7, 2012 0

The Surreal News! 7/1/2012

The Surreal news! Where our host Doug brings you the news that the “Main stream media” would rather not have you hear…. The stuff that they bury on page 56. The life is stranger than fiction stories, that make you wonder, if you are still living in the same world. Are you becoming certifiably insane?…
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July 2, 2012 0

Real Economic Survial!

Grab a seat and have a fireside chat with  Christine & The Real’s | Real Economic Survival Mr. and Mrs. Real have been homesteading, prepping and homeschooling for over 10 years. These down to earth Prepper Folks tell it like it is with a no holds barred discussion about survival, homesteading, and prepping for long…
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June 30, 2012 0

Do you have Barter and Trade items In Time of Disaster?

After the stores are closed where will people get things like shoes, jackets and other things they will need to survive in the aftermath of a major event such as a solar EMP. Once the world as we know it has changed, and we awake to a world where Barter and Trade becomes commonplace, will you have extra…
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June 15, 2012 0

Prepper Folks hits the airwaves!

The Prepper Folks are very excited to have the opportunity to welcome Ray Gano.  Ray is a lecturer,  blogger,  and the author of “Survive The Coming Storm” By Ray Gano . Ray lives a preparedness lifestyle.  Tonight we will be talking to him about how he is prepping and why he is prepping.  We will…
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June 9, 2012 0

Is there a future for the dollar?

What is the future of the dollar?  Will the greenback continue to be the overall dominant currency, backed by Saudi oil or is it about to collapse?  If so, what happens when the US Dollar collapses beyond what the Federal Reserve spin doctors can hide from the flock?  Listen in to this discussion on the…
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June 4, 2012 0

Relationship between FEMA and some school boards!

Chris of The Prepper’s Poitin Hour meets Michael Snyder of the Economic Collapse Blogsite.  They discuss his penetrating article that explores the relationship between FEMA and some school boards across the nation.  How would YOU react if you learned that your children were going to be bodily evacuated from their schools without any or very…
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May 8, 2012 0