Category: Financial Collapse

Societal Collapse, A Fiction Interview

Are You Prepared For Societal Collapse – A Fiction Interview Karen Lynn “Lil’ Suburban Homestead” This week Karen Lynn interviews prepper fiction authors Bobby Akart who is also blog owner of Freedom Preppers, contributing writer at America’s Preppers Network, and Steve Konkoly who has a strong military background and Author of several books. Karen Lynn…
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June 30, 2015 0

The Surreal News 10/15/2014

The Surreal News 10/15/2014 Host: Doug aka GoatHollow News 10/15/2014 with Goat Hollow isn’t quite Edward R. Murrow, remember legendary Edward R. Murrow the quintessence of unbiased and real information, surreal or not? A news media, taking pride in the integrity of reporting with factual representation regardless of personal agenda! The Surreal News 10/15/2014 hearkens back to the reporting skills of…
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October 15, 2014 0

The Surreal News 8/20/2014

The Surreal News 8/20/2014 Host: Doug aka GoatHollow News 8/20/2014 with Goat Hollow isn’t quite Edward R. Murrow, remember legendary Edward R. Murrow the quintessence of unbiased and real information, surreal or not? A news media, taking pride in the integrity of reporting with factual representation regardless of personal agenda! The Surreal News 8/20/2014 hearkens back to the reporting skills…
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August 20, 2014 0

Will America and Canada Fall Together?

Will America and Canada Fall Together? Host: Denob “The Prepared Canadian” We have all heard plenty about the impending economic collapse.  But how many of us really understand what it means?  Just how does an economy or more specifically, a currency collapse?  How about the Canadian economy more specifically?  Again, we have heard that the…
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March 21, 2014 0

The Surreal News 3/5/2014 with Goat Hollow!

The Surreal News 3/5/2014 Host: Doug aka GoatHollow News 3/5/2014 with Goat Hollow isn’t quite Edward R. Murrow, remember legendary Edward R. Murrow the quintessence of unbiased and real information, surreal or not? A news media, taking pride in the integrity of reporting with factual representation regardless of personal agenda! The Surreal News 3/5/2014 hearkens back to the…
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March 5, 2014 0

The Surreal News 2/5/2014 with Goat Hollow!

The Surreal News 2/5/2014 Host: Doug aka GoatHollow News 2/5/2014 with Goat Hollow isn’t quite Edward R. Murrow, remember legendary Edward R. Murrow the quintessence of unbiased and real information, surreal or not? A news media, taking pride in the integrity of reporting with factual representation regardless of personal agenda! The Surreal News 2/5/2014 hearkens back to the…
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February 5, 2014 0

The White Getto!

The White Getto! Host: Doug “They Were Preppers” Owsley county Kentucky is the poorest county in the United States. It’s a place with rampant drug abuse, and more Food Stamp fraud, than jobs. A place of despair, and hope at the same time. It’s a place where the typical male has a life expectancy of…
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January 28, 2014 0

America On the Dole-The Buck Stops Where?

America On the Dole-The Buck Stops Where? Host: Lynna “The Other Side… A Preppers Path” America on the Dole! Fact or fiction and just where does the buck stop? Questions we each need to answer, not for the country as a whole but personally. Semantics aside whether you call it on the dole, welfare or…
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January 26, 2014 0

Practices in Safety During a Societal Collapse!

Practices in Safety During a Societal Collapse Host: Barbara Fix & Big John Lipscomb This Tuesday on Off Grid Preppers, Big John and Barbara will talk about safety during a time of societal Collapse. If you plan to run a generator or use oil lamps and emergency candles for a grid-down situation, learn tactical measures…
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January 20, 2014 0

American Exit Strategy!

American Exit Strategy Host: Dave Womach “The Gun Show” With the implementation of Executive Order 13603 giving Obama full dictatorial rights over all water, food, transportation, energy, construction, health resources, farm equipment, fertilizer, and fuel – the implications are radically dangerous. We all need an exit strategy. Join us Monday on The Gun Show when…
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January 13, 2014 0

Surviving through a Financial Collapse

Surviving through a Financial Collapse Host: Sam Coffman “The Human Path” This week, Sam Coffman interviews Fernando Ferfal Aguirre, author of the highly acclaimed book, “Surviving the Economic Collapse.” Fernando lives in Buenos Aires and survived with his family through the sever financial collapse in Argentina near the turn of the millennia. During that time, citizens’…
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November 19, 2013 0