Category: Medicine

Susan Weed, herbalist on American Preppers Radio!

The Other Side of a Preppers Path show had herbalist Susan Weed on again sharing more great information on self help remedies and alternatives for prescription medicines. Susun shared her knowledge of herbs and their uses from daily infusions, to alternatives for prescription medicines, what herbs and plants nature has provided us to treat our…
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May 1, 2012 0

If you know herbs like this lady, you know herbs!

Susun Weed of the Wise Woman Tradition of medicine and life, renowned herbalist and teacher joined Lynna and The Other Side of a Preppers Path with a very informative show. I learned more in this hour about herbs than in my 52 years of living. Listen below in player for some information you may have…
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April 10, 2012 0

Survivor Jane is our featured guest with a talk on root cellars!

Herbs and caring for yourself with the main focus for this episode of The Other Side…A Preppers Path root cellars. Joining Lynn is Survivor Jane as they discuss root cellars, the different types, the many uses of, and the one Survivor Jane has just put in herself. Listen in player below for some great information.…
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April 5, 2012 0

Mr. and MrsNewAmericaNow! All things herbal.

Mr. and MrsNewAmericaNow! Our conversation last week was a lively hour and a half of informative talk about all things herbal!  We’ll be continuing that conversation tonight, so get your pencil and paper ready to jot down lots of timely tips for preppers!!! Listen to show below. Listen to internet radio with American Preppers Radio…
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March 21, 2012 0

Sanitation stored in your toilet!

There are a lot of videos on sanitation out there but I would consider this one of the best for short term emergency situations. All the items you think you may need can easily be stored in this bucket. Not enough room? Add another bucket. Check out this video from Katzcradul. You can visit Katzcradul…
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March 20, 2012 0

Prepping for no access to a pharmacy?

How prepared are you should there come a time when you can not make the trip to a pharmacy and cant access an online pharmacy? What if a collapse were to happen, which seems inevitable, are you prepared? Do you know your herbs and the medicinal advantages they have besides saving you a lot of…
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March 7, 2012 0