Category: Medicine

Uses for certain trees as well as some tasty tree treats!

This Friday evening on Foraging For Life we will be discussing the different uses for certain trees as a means to sustain ones’ self along with some tricks one can do to obtain some tasty treats from those trees. We will also look into some of the natural medicinal attributes for a few of the…
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February 22, 2013 0

Part 1 Communicable diseases and conditions caused by the lack of hygiene, sanitation and poor living conditions.

Over thousands of years poor living conditions, sanitation and lack of hygiene has caused some of the most devastating wide spread diseases and deaths in the history of mankind. Just think about Hepatitis A, Giardia, Cholera, Dysentery, food poisoning (Salmonella and E. coli), lice, and scabies. What causes the start and spread of the disease?…
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February 22, 2013 0

Doom and Bloom, cosmic, garden updates and treatment for infections.

On the Doom and Bloom Hour with Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy, we will review the latest cosmic events and Nurse Amy’s garden update. Dr. Bones discusses important medications you should stock up on for the treatment of infections. Nurse Amy reviews joint diseases and some natural remedies to help with the pain. Nurse Amy…
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February 17, 2013 0

10 over the counter medicines you should not be without.

On today’s Doom and Bloom ™ Hour, Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy “prep” you with lots of important information for your medical preparedness! Dr. Bones discusses the recent blizzard, and also, 10 over the counter medicines you should not be without. Nurse Amy will share more herbal medicinal plants you may want to grow and…
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February 10, 2013 1

Rick Austin, the author of Secret Garden of Survival and Medicinal Gardens!

The Doom and Bloom(tm) Hour with Nurse Amy and Dr. Bones, brings you a very interesting and important interview with Rick Austin, the author of Secret Garden of Survival and active permaculturist in North Carolina. Nurse Amy will continue her Medicinal Garden series with Part 2. Nurse Amy and Dr. Bones are focused on medical…
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February 3, 2013 0

Stranded with nothing to eat, what will you do?

Stranded with nothing to eat, what will you do? This is our topic for the upcoming episode of “Foraging For Life“. The scenarios below are just a couple of untold numbers that could actually take place and put you in a position of having to forage for food in order to survive. You’re heading home…
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January 11, 2013 0

Susun Weed renowned herbalist, teacher, joins A Preppers Path to share knowledge!

The wait is over! The Wise Woman returns to The Other Side of a Preppers Path with the 2nd installment of The Herbal Medicine Chest!  Susun Weed renowned herbalist, teacher, author and wise woman will grace the first show of 2013  with the awaited 2nd herb in the chest. In August 2012 Susun absolutely captivated us with…
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January 6, 2013 0

Self-defense, protecting your family any way you can, and survival sanitation, the flu.

Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy now being broadcasted here on Prepper Broadcasting every Sunday at 7:00pm/Est.  6:00pm/Ct.. Join us on this episode of “The Doom and Bloom Hour” as Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy talk about sanitation in a survival situation and discuss Influenza (the FLU). Our special guest is Jim Cobb, author of “Prepper’s…
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January 6, 2013 0

Medical preparedness including strategies for medical issues without access to modern medical help and more!

If you don’t know Nurse Amy and Dr. Bones you soon will. They both can best be described as a deep well of information that never runs dry. I have had the pleasure of working with them both over the past couple of years on different podcasts and very much look forward to working with…
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January 1, 2013 0

The medicine cabinet outside!

This episode of “Foraging For Life” we will look a few more resources nature has to offer in the way of medicinal plants and herbs. There are several plants and herbs that are in natures medicine cabinet that can help us when no other resources are available. We will talk about a few of these…
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December 28, 2012 1

We are prepared and no one goes hungry on the mountain!

I was asked if I would write an article on “Prepping and Self-Reliance in Northern Idaho”. I laughed and replied, “But I can’t write!” However, truth be told, writing is one of my many passions. Mushroom hunting is another. I love being out in the great outdoors…exploring, treasure hunting, taking in the fresh air and…
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December 20, 2012 1

Medicine a top priority for any Prepper in any disaster!

Peace, Joy, Love and all that this season brings…. relaxing and peaceful thoughts… BUT disasters happen every day.  In the wake of the recent tragedy in Conn this was driven home all too vividly to the entire nation. Crisis/Disaster Medicine a top priority in any disaster, what do you know? What can you do? Monday…
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December 17, 2012 0

Wild edibles, uses for herbs and what time of year to begin looking!

This upcoming “Foraging For Life” show is going to cover some more selected wild edibles and uses for herbs. We’ll be going into detail about what time of year to begin looking for them, their varied uses, as well as preserving them.We will also discuss ways you can move nature into your yard to create…
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December 14, 2012 0