Category: Mental

Are They Calm within Chaos? Lost Video of 2020

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December 26, 2022 0

Prepper Fit & Health: Cosmic Flow to the Center of the Universe

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October 25, 2021 0

Sleep Deprivation!

Sleep Deprivation Jordan (Jfurgie) “A Family Affair” in player below! Everyone has heard of the term night owl. But did you know staying up at all hours can greatly affect you. Sleep deprivation is something we all at some time or another have gone through. Sleep deprivation is not having enough sleep, this can be…
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December 2, 2018 0

Beat the Stress Remain Calm

Beat the Stress Remain Calm Host: Jordan “A Family Affair” Audio player provided Have you ever been in a Stressful or frightening situation, Well REMAIN CALM. We will go further in depth of techniques and ways a keeping your head when the moment at hand begs to differ. This advice will cover information on adults,…
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July 15, 2018 0

Mental Health When the Med’s Run Out

Mental Health When the Med’s Run Out! Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper REWIND” Audio player below! Could you manage depression, anxiety, ADHD, or bi-polar disorder after a disaster? You probably know someone close to you with one of the conditions listed above, because a significant percentage of Americans are on anti-psychotic prescriptions. These drugs are linked…
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March 26, 2018 0

Changes are a Coming?

Changes are a Coming… to be or not to be? Lynna… “A Preppers Path” Audio player provided! New Year’s Day has come and gone already….. as the New Year arrives and begins there are always thoughts of change, perhaps renewal and growth. Winter in the northern hemisphere at least has always been a time of…
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January 10, 2018 0

Joy in Preparedness!

Joy in Preparedness! Lynna… “A Preppers Path” Audio player provided! The Season of Joy is fast approaching with Thanksgiving Dinner 2017 but a memory and the vestiges of the Christmas Season appearing everywhere. This time of the year is commonly known as the Season of Joy. That being said and considering the time of the…
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December 6, 2017 0

What Is Your Default Emergency Mode?

What Is Your Default Emergency Mode? Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Audio player below! This special show is going in a different direction than originally planned. A number of things happened over the past week that have relevance to prepping that need to be said.

December 4, 2017 0

The Dying: Knowing when to let go!

The Dying: Knowing when to let go! Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below In this show we will be continuing the theme from last week. EK is back and will be discussing when to let a person die. One of the hardest and most loving things you can do is let a person go.…
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November 18, 2017 0

5 Tips to Prevent Sleep Deprivation

5 Tips to Prevent Sleep Deprivation  Six to eight hours of sleep every day is the amount of rest we need to keep our brain and body healthy and prepared for any challenge. When we’re young, we could manage with less sleep. But as we age, our ability to tolerate the sleep deprivation effects diminishes…
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November 14, 2017 1

Play and Prepping Healthy Fun!

Play and Prepping Healthy Fun! Host: Lynna… “A Preppers Path” Audio player provided! How about it will you come out and play with me? What? No is that what I heard, Why? What what was that, you say your and adult and adults don’t play! Pish Posh if you aren’t playing your playing with fire,…
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November 1, 2017 0

When Darkness Comes! with A Preppers Path on PNB

When Darkness Comes Host: Lynna… “A Preppers Path” Audio player provided! Winter is just around the corner and with it comes a plethora of changes for everyone. Change is oft-times difficult and for the most part unwanted by many. Then again Change can be a breath of fresh air and most welcomed. The thing about…
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October 18, 2017 0

Dark Humor and Coping Mechanisms!

Dark Humor and Coping Mechanisms Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below So most of you out there love a good laugh. It makes us feel good. We can forget our troubles for the moment. Have you ever wondered if humor can go too far? What happens when humor crosses over into a darker area?…
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August 26, 2017 0