Category: infections

COVID-19 Q&A with Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy on the Survival Medicine Podcast

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August 4, 2020 0

Dive Bombers of Summer The mosquito!

Dive Bombers of Summer The mosquito! Lynna “A Preppers Path ” Audio player below! The dive bombers aka heat seeking missiles of summer have arrived in full force and have invaded our lives. They strike like stealth missiles and and their attack always leaves it’s mark, often for days! The dreaded mosquito. Depending upon where…
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June 27, 2018 0

Digestion System and Complaints Part II

Digestion System and Complaints Part II Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Audio player below! This episode continues our series on the digestive system with a look at some viral and parasitic infections which are currently both common and generally easy to survive. However, in a post disaster scenario, could become far more serious. We will…
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June 4, 2018 0

Digestion Complaints and Natural Remedies

Digestion Complaints and Natural Remedies Listen in to The Herbal Prepper in player below for the first of a two-part series on herbs and other natural remedies for the digestion system. Part One will cover infections, while next week’s episode will cover chronic complaints. E-coli, salmonella, rotovirus, norovirus, giardia, botulism- nothing stops you in your tracks…
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May 28, 2018 0

Lyme Disease Part 2

Lyme Disease Part 2 Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Audio player below! This show picks up where we left off last week in a series on herbs and Lyme disease. We will talk more about various herbs for Lyme, as well as Lyme coinfections. Check out last week’s description (below) for more about this series.…
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April 16, 2018 0

Surviving the Flu with Herbs!

Surviving the Flu with Herbs Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Audio player below! Need an herbal survival guide for the flu? Herbal Prepper Live has you covered. This week’s show is all about influenza, the H3N2 strain, and herbal remedies for the flu. This episode covers:

February 19, 2018 0

Respiratory Rescue Herbs!

Respiratory Rescue Herbs Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Audio player below! On this episode I’m talking about serious remedies for serious respiratory infections. I’ve been horridly sick, and I want to share with you what has worked to get over it, as well as to get some comfort from brutal flu and bronchitis symptoms.

November 13, 2017 1

Parasites Dealing with Infection in a Down-Grid Scenario

Parasites Dealing with Infection in a Down-Grid Scenario Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Audio in player below! This show is all about parasites, both internal and external. Be sure to listen and learn how to respond to these kinds of infections when there isn’t a doctor or a pharmacy available. A caller to the show…
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February 27, 2017 0