Category: Media

Battlefield America 7 P.P.W.S. Pt 2

Battlefield America 7 P.P.W.S. Pt 2 Allen Getz ” Behind The Headlines ” Audio player below! For the twelfth broadcast of Behind the Lines, we continue the examination of reading material used in the college classroom. The focus will remain upon how this material shapes the thinking of specific portions of the student body. We…
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July 3, 2018 0

Battlefield America Part 4 The Classroom

Battlefield America Part 4 The Classroom Allen Getz ” Behind The Headlines ” Audio player below! For this broadcast of Behind the Lines, we examine the battlefield called academia from a defensive vantage point. A short synopsis of the preceding episode will lead into how to combat the ‘pro-state’ mentality. This plan centers upon a…
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June 12, 2018 0

Battlefield America Part 1 with Reality Check on PBN

Battlefield America Part 1 Allen Getz ” Behind The Headlines ” Audio player below! On this broadcast of Behind the Lines, we will identify the ‘combatants’ participating for control within the United States of America. Using the concepts and ideologies examined in the previous episodes, we will identify the participants in this conflict. In conjunction…
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May 22, 2018 0

From PrepperCon 2018 with Dave and James

From PrepperCon 2018 with Dave and James David Jones “Prepping Up with the Jones “Audio player provided! On this episode of Prepping Up Dave travels to PrepperCon in Salt Lake City Utah and broadcasts his show live form the floor of the show. His sponsor Emergent Biosolutions, maker of RSDL sent Dave to one of…
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May 20, 2018 0

The Social Network!

The Social Network James Walton “I Am Liberty ” Audio player below! Are you concerned about social media? Do you wonder about your privacy on sites like Twitter and Facebook? It has been made painfully clear that these businesses aren’t afraid to silence those they disagree with and promote those they do not. On this…
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May 17, 2018 0

Bringing the Collapse to Life W/ Author Shelby Gallagher

Bringing the Collapse to Life W/ Author Shelby Gallagher James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio player below! On this show we have an author with us. This is a big statement because, to me, there are few people who can see the collapse like authors. When I say “see” I am not giving the credit…
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April 26, 2018 1

Get your intel here!

Get your intel here! David Jones “Prepping Up with the Jones “Audio player provided! This week’s show has two great guests on one great show. We start off the show with Mark Budro, one of the founders of Sentinel Intel Group. These are the subscription-based information agency that analyzes open source information and writes easy…
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April 15, 2018 0


KING OF THE WORLD!! James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio player below! Did you ever wonder what it would be like to control the game board of life? What would you do if you ad the power to make or remake the rules. We see the aggressive, regressive and radical left wing pushing towards these…
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April 5, 2018 0

Jim Cobb, Disaster Prep Author and Educator!

Jim Cobb, Disaster Prep Author and Educator Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Audio player below! This week on Herbal Prepper Live, we are joined by preparedness expert, Jim Cobb. Jim is a prolific preparedness author, blogger, podcaster, and educator. One of the things I appreciate most about Jim’s approach to prepping, is that he takes…
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February 12, 2018 0

Prepping Up and Rick Austin and Biolite!

Prepping Up and Rick Austin and Biolite! Host: David Jones “Prepping Up with the Jones “Audio player provided! On this show Dave has former Television Producer turned Prepper, Rick Austin on the show. Rick is also the brains behind Prepper Camp one of, if not the largest, outdoor Prepper and Self Reliance Expos in the…
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February 11, 2018 0

G.O.O.D. Game Bugging Out!

G.O.O.D. Game Bugging Out! Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below! Do you remember the fun you had as a family while playing a good game of Monopoly or Sorry? We all remember that one family member who made a spectacle of yelling ‘Yahtzee’ at the dinner table. Playing board games with friends and family…
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February 10, 2018 0

How to Conduct a Prepper Exercise!

How to Conduct a Prepper Exercise! David Jones “Prepping Up with the Jones “Audio player provided! Dave talks candidly with 3-time New York Times best selling author Tim MacWelch on prepping up and then he sits down with the Vice President of Marketing, for Emergent BioSolutions, Rebecca Fish to talk about RSDL. Dave will also…
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January 28, 2018 0

Prepping up in the UK

Prepping up in the UK David Jones “Prepping Up with the Jones “Audio player provided! If you have ever wondered if the Prepper movement is just a US thing wonder no more! This week’s show offers a different prospective on Prepping because Dave will have as his special guest Tom Lindon from the UK. Tom…
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January 7, 2018 1