Category: Media

Medical bags, kits and what to make sure you should not do without!

In this Episode of “The Lost Art of Prepping” we will have a discussion on medical bags, kits and what to make sure you should not do without when there is no doctor around. For it is highly important to be ready with preventive care of the sick and injured. Also in this discussion we…
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September 12, 2012 0

An intrusive Facebook?

How do you like Facebook? How do you like privacy? Is Facebook the cousin of Big Brother? This Monday night on The Preppers Poitin Hour we will be looking at yet another new and eerily intrusive Facebook app that is in beta testing in select locations. When you hear about this, folks,you will wonder whether…
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August 27, 2012 0

Preppers and books and Preppers and books and….

Join Noreen and Katzcradul on this Homestead Honey Hour the topic is all about books and information resources!  As preppers and homesteaders we rely on good books to get our information.  I know that I have personally amassed a huge reference library.  Not to mention the myriad of websites and printed information that I have…
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August 23, 2012 0

The Surreal News! Sunday 8/19/2012

Join us on this Sunday for a full thirty minutes of The Surreal news!  Where our host Doug brings you the news that the “Main stream media” would rather not have you hear…. The stuff that they bury on page 56.  The life is stranger than fiction stories, that make you wonder, if you are…
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August 20, 2012 0

The Surreal News! Sunday 8/12/2012

Join us this Sunday for a full thirty minutes of The Surreal news!  Where our host Doug brings you the news that the “Main stream media” would rather not have you hear…. The stuff that they bury on page 56.  The life is stranger than fiction stories, that make you wonder, if you are still…
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August 11, 2012 1

How do we save our beloved Country and way of life? Can we?

We talk about it, prepare for it but will it happen? World chaos, the 2nd Great Depression, the largest hurricane in history hits Florida and another is bearing down on Texas, martial law is the order of the day. Domestic terrorist run rampant in our Country and the military might of the Middle East has combined…
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July 26, 2012 1

“The Solitary Man” author Ron Foster visits with “Prepping With Goat Hollow”

Doug, the host of Prepping With GoatHollow interviews author Ron Foster on many aspects of prepping as well as his many books, his most recent “The Solitary Man”. Listen below as information is bountiful from our host and guest as well as questions from callers and those in chat. Expect a little preview of what…
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April 11, 2012 0