Category: Books


THE FIRST EVER PREPPER/SURVIVAL COMIC! by: James Walton There are so many ways for knowledge and ideas to be communicated. It is our duty as Humans to continue seeking out new and exciting ways to do so. There are so many great books both fiction and non that are filled with info. We are looking…
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March 2, 2015 0

“Breaking News” Our Word: Recovered Journals

Our Word: Recovered Journals Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty” It’s a celebration! Tonight on I AM Liberty. My new book is out and I would like to take the night to revel in the fact. I will probably twist the cap off a Hank’s Root beer and talk about whatever comes to mind. Sure…
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October 17, 2014 0

Apocalypse Nana “Premiere”

Apocalypse Nana “Premiere” Host: Jacqueline Druga “Apocalypse Nana” Who says learning can’t be fun? Whether you are an expert prepper or just beginning, Author Jacqueline Druga opens up your world to survival and readiness in an entertaining, fun and informative way. More than an author, Jacqueline is a mother and grandmother and her means of…
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June 26, 2014 0

Wild Edibles with Tim MacWelch Part II

Four Seasons of Wild Edibles with Tim MacWelch Part II Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty” Would you like a copy of “Prepare For Anything” ? Here’s your chance on this edition of I Am Liberty. We only made it into two seasons on our show last week with Tim MacWelch. There was some incredible…
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June 13, 2014 0

5 Acres and A Dream!

5 Acres and A Dream Host: Renee “Homestead Honey Hour” Modern day homesteaders seek out an agrarian lifestyle for a laundry list of reasons and come from a multitude of backgrounds. Within this growing segment of the population going “back to the land” are more than a few baby-boomers. Beginning to homestead as a middle-aged…
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May 22, 2014 2

299 Days Apocalyptic Fiction Author

299 Days Apocalyptic Fiction Author on Survival Medicine Hour Host: Dr Bones and Nurse Amy “The Survival Medicine Hour” In this episode of the Doom and Bloom(tm) Survival Medicine Hour interview their friend Glen Tate, author of the popular 299 Days apocalyptic fiction series. We’ll talk about Glen’s journey on the road to preparedness, his life…
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April 28, 2014 0

American Exit Strategy!

American Exit Strategy Host: Dave Womach “The Gun Show” With the implementation of Executive Order 13603 giving Obama full dictatorial rights over all water, food, transportation, energy, construction, health resources, farm equipment, fertilizer, and fuel – the implications are radically dangerous. We all need an exit strategy. Join us Monday on The Gun Show when…
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January 13, 2014 0

Prepper Books and Author Ron Foster

Prepper Books and Author Ron Foster on Best of Prepper Broadcasting! Host: Lynna “Other Side… A Preppers Path” Prepper books author Ron Foster;  survivalist, instructor and mentor for many joins Lynna as her special guest to discuss real life events and how they are mirrored in his trilogy. Learn the realities of prepping and surviving through Fiction. Ron’s Prepper…
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December 17, 2013 0

Prepping for a Suburban or Rural Community

Prepping for a Suburban or Rural Community Host: Tara “Common Sense Prepping” Prepping for a Suburban or Rural Community author Michael Mabee is this weeks’ Common Sense Prepping radio show guest. Mike is very concerned about the vulnerabilities of the power grid and what would happen in American should the fragile electrical system fail. Mabee…
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November 25, 2013 0

Surviving through a Financial Collapse

Surviving through a Financial Collapse Host: Sam Coffman “The Human Path” This week, Sam Coffman interviews Fernando Ferfal Aguirre, author of the highly acclaimed book, “Surviving the Economic Collapse.” Fernando lives in Buenos Aires and survived with his family through the sever financial collapse in Argentina near the turn of the millennia. During that time, citizens’…
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November 19, 2013 0

MAGS: Mutual Assistance Groups!

Mutual Assistance Groups! Host: Tara “Common Sense Prepping” Charley Hogwood of P.R.E.P. (Personal Readiness Education Programs) is the featured guest on the next episode of Tara and Common Sense Prepping. Hogwood’s preparedness and tactical training related resume is lengthy, to say the least. In addition to offering extensive and personally detailed survival training courses at his…
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November 17, 2013 0

Ron Foster on Common Sense Prepping!

Ron Foster on Common Sense Prepping! Host: Tara “Tara and Common Sense Prepping Common Sense Prepping radio show guest this week is Ron Foster. The popular prepper fiction writer also boasts decades as an emergency disaster professional. Foster, known as the Solar Prepper, on Twitter, will be discussing the power grid, EMPs, solar flare dangers…
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November 11, 2013 0

James Walton on The Prepared Canadian!

James Walton Guest Appearance Host Denob “The Prepared Canadian” What do the I Am Liberty show, the Reboot USA movement, and the book The Men Who Built The End all have in common? The answer is James Walton. James is the host of the I Am Liberty show, which focuses on the what next of…
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November 9, 2013 0