Category: Media

Darker Trails: Stories of Survival, Apocalypse and Prose with Charcoal

Get your copy of my new book, today! It is now available to everyone in paperback. It has been 4 years since I published a book. Not since The Christmas Hook! Well, here we are. Get your copy of Darker Trails By James Walton What is this world coming to? This collection of 20 stories…
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December 11, 2022 0

Author Interview Joshua Gayou – The Next Generation Show

Listen to “DAC – NBC Guy asks would you trust the US Postal Service?” on Spreaker. 0 (13s): The broadcasting network, we have to hit the reset button, create a true culture of preparedness, starting at a very young age and still train all the way up. 0 (48s): 1 (1m 9s): What did it…
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August 6, 2020 0

Preppers Make the Big Time on the Joe Rogan Experience

First off there are a ton of people who deserve credit for the nearly 2 hour conversation on the most popular podcast in the world that centered mostly on preppers and the idea of prepping. Obviously, the guest, Dr. Bradley Garrett, took the initiative to write his book and his publisher got him a seat…
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July 29, 2020 0

Jordan “JFURG” host of A Family Affair in Desoto Magazine Feature

Our very own Jordan “JFURG” host of A Family Affair is telling the readers of Desoto Magazine its time to GET PREPARED! Jordan is a force of nature and a whirlwind of preparedness. My one piece of advice to anyone who hasn’t met her personally is, ‘dont underestimate her.’ Read the article here at Desoto…
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July 6, 2020 2

Early Onset Survival: Why Kids Need to Learn Prepping Skills

When I look at what it means to be successful as a prepper or as a parent, all I have to do is look at my kids. The areas where I have failed present themselves on occasion. Usually, it’s through insult or injury. Sometimes both. But the successes also show up from time to time.…
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June 27, 2019 0

Spiritual Survival

In the coming weeks the world will draw closer to God, as a whole, than any other time of the year. It is a magical time for many reasons but this, above all, is what makes it so incredible. Think to yourself, you to probably get a little closer to God this time of year.…
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December 14, 2018 0

The Digital Age: Technology!

The Digital Age: Technology! When is it too much? Jordan “A Family Affair” audio provided below! During this time every year, everyone is getting ready for the holiday season. Buying presents and gadgets, all sorts of technology at our fingertips. Being able to purchase gifts has been simplified by technology. Even everyday life has been altered. …
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December 10, 2018 0

Big Changes Coming to PBN

Big Changes Coming to PBN James Walton “I Am Liberty” audio in player below! It’s a new day. A new theme on the way and some big changes for PBN. We have so much to cover on tonight’s show I don’t know where to start. You see something very important has transpired and it deserves…
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November 30, 2018 1

Silence the Opposition!

The News Pt 2 Silence the Opposition! Allen Getz “Behind The Headlines” Audio player below This week’s broadcast of Behind the Lines continues the exploration of the ‘tactical execution and practical application’ of collectivization. This practical application includes the implementation of mechanisms that eliminate opposing viewpoints. When these mechanisms manifest themselves within present day events…
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October 16, 2018 0

Escaping the Internet Oligarchs!

Escaping the Internet Oligarchs with Steven Menking James Walton “I Am Liberty ” Audio player below! We have all been thinking about it. There is not one person reading this show description that hasn’t sat down and considered removing their Facebook, deleting their youtube channel and shutting down their twitter page. We have all been,…
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August 30, 2018 0

Kids, Technology, and Altered Reality!

Kids, Technology, and Altered Reality Ryan Buford “The Next Generation” Audio player below! Technology as a tool is an amazing advantage that our kids have over our generation. They have more in the palms of their hands than we did by far, and we had more than our parents. But the ongoing trend of absolute…
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August 6, 2018 1

Survival and M.A.R.S. Tactical

Survival and M.A.R.S. Tactical! Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below! This week on Reality Check we have a special guest that needs no introduction to the Carolinas. ‘Worst Case Rob’ a.k.a. Robert Bratyanski will be on the show to talk about his many books and short stories as well as his invention, the M.A.R.S.…
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July 21, 2018 0

Disaster Preparedness & Who Survives an EMP?

Who Survives an EMP? James Walton “I Am Liberty ” Audio player below! Tonight we welcome author Tim Maynard on the I AM Liberty Show to discuss his book Southbound. I am sure we will also spur some great conversation on the topics of disaster and preparedness as on a whole. It should be a…
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July 19, 2018 0