Category: Living Off Grid

Building your own systems!

Building your own systems. Why buy? On this episode of the Tech, Build and Grow show, Brett is discusses new build ideas for our preps, homesteads and more. Moving beyond the greenhouse with our automation and build ideas where can we better our lives and make them more efficient?

December 27, 2015 0

OPSEC The Quiet Life!

OPSEC The Quiet Life! D J Cooper “Surviving Dystopia” So, you just bought a shiny new  WonderMill grain mill. You ordered it online and it finally arrived in the mail today. Hastily you open the package and excited with your new prepper gadget you swiftly break out the grain and whip up a lovely loaf…
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December 10, 2015 0

What is it to live Off Grid?

What is it to live Off Grid? DJ Cooper “Surviving Dystopia” First, right now I do not live off grid… While wishes I do think come true…there is much that must be overcome sometimes to get what we hope for. A favorite saying of mine is the 7 p’s (a military adage) “Proper Planning and Preparation…
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December 3, 2015 0

The self sufficient home!

The self sufficient home. DJ Cooper “Surviving Dystopia” This week on Surviving Dystopia I would like to discuss the art of self sufficiency! What exactly is it to be self sufficient? Personally I think there are many “degrees” of self sufficiency. While to one person it might simply mean that they do not need assistance…
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July 22, 2015 0

6 Tips to Lay Low Post-SHTF

6 Tips to Lay Low Post-SHTF Everyone knows that, when disaster strikes, keeping your family, your guns and your stockpile safe is crucial. The first few weeks, when stores will be empty and food will be scarce, there are going to be a lot of people who will do anything to get food, water or…
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July 20, 2015 1

Strategic Relocation!

Strategic Relocation! Jack Spirko “The Survival Podcast” David Haight stated when he asked to do this show that, “once upon a time, I prided myself on my ability to be content anywhere. Over time though I realized I was lying to myself. This led to a though and carefully planned and executed strategic relocation. I…
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July 8, 2015 0

Technical Preps for the homestead!

Technical Preps for the homestead! Dirty Lew & Highlander “Tech Preps” This week’s show, Highlander and I will be going over different Technical Preps for your homestead.  We will be discussing different topics on how to power your homestead (Solar, Backup Generators and/or Wind), how to keep your homestead secure (Security Systems, CCTV and/or Weaponry),…
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June 6, 2015 0

Tiny House,Off-Grid Living!

Off-Grid Living In A Tiny House Could You Do It? Host: Karen Lynn “Lil’ Suburban Homestead” Well Karen Lynn’s guest tonight Teri at Homestead Honey lives the Off-Grid Tiny House Dream that so many folks are dreaming of these days.  Is it really simpler? Teri’s blog posts and beautiful pics sure capture the imagination of…
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January 19, 2015 0

The Alaskan Wilderness, Could You Survive?

The Alaskan Wilderness, Could You Survive? Host: Karen Lynn “Lil’ Suburban Homestead” Karen Lynn has a special guest on her show this week Bonnie Rose Ward Author of The Winds of Skilak “A tale of True Grit, Love, and Survival In The Alaskan Wilderness”. We will hear all about Bonnie and her husband Sam’s adventures…
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January 6, 2015 1

Off Grid Cooking Alternatives

Off Grid Cooking Alternatives Host: Denob “The Prepared Canadian” Over the last couple of years, I have had the chance to try a lot of different off grid cooking options. From home made solar ovens to open fire methods and everything in between, I found out a lot about what works and what doesn’t. Actually,…
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June 21, 2014 0

Community Preppers!

Community Preppers! Host: Denob “The Prepared Canadian” As preppers we all realize the importance of alternate shelter in the form of a bug out location. A safe place away from the hustle and bustle of large towns and cities where we have all the necessary supplies safely tucked away for when we need them. Some…
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April 12, 2014 0

The Well-Appointed Prepper Homestead!

The Well-Appointed Prepper Homestead Part II Host: Renee “The Homestead Honey Hour Last month, I talked about outfitting your homestead prepper kitchen and household. If you missed the show, you can find it in the archives Go HERE! This month, on The Homestead Honey Hour I will be continuing with this expansive subject and talking…
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March 13, 2014 0

Practices in Safety During a Societal Collapse!

Practices in Safety During a Societal Collapse Host: Barbara Fix & Big John Lipscomb This Tuesday on Off Grid Preppers, Big John and Barbara will talk about safety during a time of societal Collapse. If you plan to run a generator or use oil lamps and emergency candles for a grid-down situation, learn tactical measures…
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January 20, 2014 0