Category: Pantry

4 Types of Food Storage in Buckets

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November 17, 2022 0

5 Items I Buy Every Time I’m at the Grocery Store + 1 Bonus Item

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April 18, 2022 0

Food Storage 2021: Protein Pivot

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January 5, 2021 1

Recipe: Ruby Slaw

For the longest time I have deprived you guys of my recipes and knowledge from years of cooking. I was more into being a chef than I was ever into anything else. I worked at some great restaurants. Both the type that you would eat at once in a lifetime and those that you would…
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July 19, 2020 0

PANTRY: Long Term Food Storage

PANTRY: Long Term Food Storage Bobby Akart “Prepping For Tomorrow” Audio in player below! On this week’s episode of the Prepping for Tomorrow program, Author Bobby Akart continues his discussion about stocking your Prepper Pantry. Last week, the program focused on growing your own food and heirloom seeds.  This week, we’ll focus on food storage…
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October 14, 2016 0

The Organic Prepper!

The Organic Prepper, Daisy Luther Host: Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” On this episode, I’m joined by my good friend Daisy Luther. Daisy is a blogger, author of multiple preparedness-oriented books, and expert prepper who shares my passions for natural health and finding the enjoyment in prepping.

March 28, 2016 0

Food Storage, another look!

Food Storage, another look! Food storage is easy, storing food to get the most length of storage out of it and to keep it as safe as possible while not taking up the entire house with towers of cans can be a bit more work! However, since food is essential for life, it’s worth doing…
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November 6, 2015 1

Natural pest control

Natural pest control, staying healthy! Lynna “A Preppers Path” Mice and ants and weevils OH MY! No it’s not the old lions and tigers and bears oh my! We aren’t in OZ anymore but right here in our own home, the pantry and more. Summer weather is arriving nearly everywhere in the Western Hemisphere and…
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June 8, 2015 0

The top 10 in must have food storage!

If you do nothing else what are the minimum items you should have in your food storage. Tonight on “Preparing For Life’s Storms” with BexarPrepper we will go over her list of must haves of food storage. What are your top 10? This hour BexarPrepper will devote the time to basic food preparations for the…
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January 8, 2013 0

We are prepared and no one goes hungry on the mountain!

I was asked if I would write an article on “Prepping and Self-Reliance in Northern Idaho”. I laughed and replied, “But I can’t write!” However, truth be told, writing is one of my many passions. Mushroom hunting is another. I love being out in the great outdoors…exploring, treasure hunting, taking in the fresh air and…
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December 20, 2012 1

Using Your Preps to Make your Holiday Bountiful in Times of Need!

Every year we rush out and select our turkey, make sure our cabinets are full with all the ingredients we need to bake our family’s favorites. We Gift Shop, buy wrapping paper and tape and bows…But…what if the year was not so great? What if Turkeys were just too expensive for our budget? What if…
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December 13, 2012 1