Category: storing

Smarter Food Storage!

Smarter Food Storage! Host: Katzcradul “The Homestead Honey Hour” Since all the Honeys of The Homestead Honey hour believe it’s important to formulate shows based on what our subscribers and listeners want, Katzcradul is devoting this upcoming show to the discussion of “Smarter Food Storage”, how to get the most: for your food storage dollar,…
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May 7, 2015 0

Backyard, Long Term Food Storage!

Backyard, Long Term Food Storage! Host: Karen Lynn “Lil’ Suburban Homestead” Did You Know You Can Plan For Long Term Food Storage Right In Your Own Backyard? Make sure to mark your calendars this week Karen Lynn has the good pleasure of interviewing Jared Stanley of J&J Acres and Permasapien….the two go hand in hand. …
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February 23, 2015 1

Food storage & survivalism misunderstood!

Food storage & survivalism misunderstood! Host: Jack Spirko “The Survival Podcast” Today is a show about one of the fundamentals of modern survival philosophy, food storage. Food storage is actually something that at one time was simply something everyone did. Every home in America at one time seemed to have a root cellar full of…
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January 10, 2015 3

The Wish List, great ideas for Christmas!

Do you have a homesteading item you would love to have? Are you having trouble deciding what that perfect gift for family or friends should be? That favorite prepping item you want is probably the same your loved ones or friends would want. Karen Lynn shares her wish list for her homesteading and prepping needs…
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December 15, 2014 0

All Things Canning!

All Things Canning w/ guest Kendra Lynne Host:KarenLynn “Lil’ Suburban Homestead” Karen Lynn and Kendra Lynne both are farm girls will be chatting about their love of canning and discussing favorite recipes, canning tips, tricks, and tutorials and more! You won’t want to miss this interview Karen Lynn will dive right in and ask Kendra…
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December 9, 2014 0

“Tasty Survival ” with Chef Tess!

“Tasty Survival ” with Chef Tess! Host: Nick & Don “We Grow Ours” This week on the We Grow Ours show, Nick and Don have Chef Tess on this week, and she has food! Stephanie Petersen (AKA Chef Tess) joins us in the situation room to talk about her new book, and survival meals. She…
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November 17, 2014 0

A Year’s Supply, Really?

A Year’s Supply, Really? This is my fourth or fifth attempt to write on this subject. It just never comes out the way I want it to nor does it convey what I am trying to express. I will try again and see how it goes. We always hear and read about how much folks…
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October 21, 2014 0

Baking using Stored Foods

Baking using Stored Foods This is what I do for storing ingredients for baking.  First I buy a bag of wheat and preserve it in gallon size containers.  This will provide you with top rate whole wheat flour.  You will also want to store soft white wheat if you want some good pastry flour (it is…
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October 10, 2014 0

Re-purposing, Having vs Hoarding

Re-purposing, Having vs Hoarding Host: Joe Prepper “Survival Revolution” Today I’ll be talking about the fine art of re-purposing items, and the potential of an ambitious, creative mind. I will also talk about having vs hording and the litmus test to tell where you stand. Cleanup days are coming all too often as I find…
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June 21, 2014 2

Food storage & understanding the label

Food storage & understanding the label! Host: Lynna “The Other Side A Preppers Path” Food and the prepared life seems simple enough, however, there are so many varied aspects or aisles to travel down. There is the often first heard of, storage, how much for how long, bulk or freeze dried or? Grow your own, farmers…
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June 15, 2014 0

Simply Canning with Sharon Peterson

Simply Canning with Sharon Peterson Host: Mike Podlesny “Mike The Gardener” In this week’s episode, Mike the Gardener talks with canning expert Sharon Peterson of Simply Canning, about how you can perserve all of those fruits and veggies you grow in your garden using various canning methods. It does not matter whether you have never…
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May 21, 2014 0

Planting for Storage!

Planting for Storage! Host: Denob “The Prepared Canadian” This week I’m going to discuss gardening from a bit of a different perspective. There is no shortage of information out there about garden placement for maximum sun, or how to double dig your vegetable plot. You can even find more than you could possibly read about…
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May 17, 2014 0

Food Prices and The Factors That Effect Them!

Food Prices and The Factors That Effect Them! Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty” It takes a bit of forecasting in order to be effective and prepared. I could tell you how to keep warm this week as many parts of the nation are experiencing colder than normal temperatures. The fact is the average person…
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February 21, 2014 0