Hows it Hangin? Cured Country Ham (3mos) and Piglet Ham Hang
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Vinegar, not just for Fish n Chips! Lynna “A Preppers Path ” Audio player below! Vinegar, one would be hard pressed to find anyone who hasn’t used vinegar in one way or another. We most commonly think of white or apple cider however vinegar can be made from a vast array of things it really…
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Grid Down Figgy Pudding Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below! In this show we will be getting completely smashed with holiday cheer…well I might be anyway. Almost everyone loves alcohol in some form or fashion. Food preservation generally evokes visions of pickles, jellies, canning, dehydrating, dried garlic strung on a decorative braid, or even…
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Food Storage with Katzcradul and Peggy Layton! Host: Katzcradul “The Homestead Honey Hour” Can you think of anyone better to talk to about long-term food storage than someone who’s a home economist and licensed nutritionist, has written a series of books on the subject, and has raised seven children utilizing her food storage? She’s out…
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