Genetically Modified Seeds: Your garden and your food, what you need to know.
During my last show “Preparing to Provide“, where I was discussing seed types, I ran out of time and was unable to cover GM or Genetically Modified seeds. The topic of GMO (genetically modified organism) is one that most people have a very strong opinion about. With the failure of California to pass Prop 37,…
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Tips from Australia and New Zealand on gardening!
It’s 5:00 somewhere as the country music song goes!!! It’s also Spring in Australia and New Zealand. Join me, and my guest “Hamish121212″ from Youtube on “Prepping with GoatHollow“. He’s planting his garden right now! LOL. He’ll talk about how the climate is different there, and dealing with that. Give us a little hope for…
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Foraging For Life!
Introduction to Foraging for Life. This first airing of “Foraging for Life” will cover how to identify what region you live in and what types of foraging is available. Where to find identification materials that are suited to your lifestyle and why that is important. Learning the seasons of different edibles and looking for places…
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Putting your gardens to bed, with Bobby otherwise known as MhpGardener!
So your harvest is slowing down or your gardens are done, so now what do you do? Putting your gardens to bed, with Bobby otherwise known as MhpGardener from YouTube. So come join us on “Preparing For Life’s Storms” as we learn what we should be doing now to put those gardens to bed. If…
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Grab-and-Go Kit must- haves and tips on gathering wild edible and medicinal plants.
Prepping for something unexpected like being stranded in grid-lock a long ways from home requires planning. What would you want in your Grab-and-Go kit for unforeseen emergencies and how would you survive if your food supply ran out? Join Hedy Hammond, Off Grid Prepper’s new co-host, and me as we discuss Grab-and-Go Kit must- haves…
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Long term storage concerns of Preppers!
Join Deb Friday 10/12/2012 on “Common Sense Prepping” for a good old fashioned Chit-chat on long term storage concerns of Preppers. Deb will be specifically speaking about food preps and the quantities needed for at least one year. Each consecutive week we will discuss different areas and levels of concern, but we will talk in…
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When pollination of certain fruits and vegetables stops. Think that will never happen?
This Tuesday 6:00pm/Central on Off Grid Preppers with your host Barbara we’re going deep into the rabbit hole…when pollination of certain fruits and vegetables stops. Think that will never happen? It already has. Find out why and tips on hand pollination for a time when the birds and the bees won’t be helping to produce…
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National Preparedness Month is a wrap with “The Prepper Folks”
National Preparedness Month is a wrap with “The Prepper Folks”. Join us as we fix our eyes on lawlessness, rioting and government intrusion. Greece is in flames. Spain is in pain. America’s bubble is about to be burst. From the Arab spring into an uncertain fall, will it sow a winter of discontent for the…
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The Survival Mom joins The Other Side…A Preppers Path!
The Survival Mom, Lisa Bedford strolls down The Other Side of a Preppers Path with Lynna. Don’t miss your chance to meet and share with The Survival Mom. Lisa began her public trek to preparedness in 2009 with the advent of her blog “The Survival Mom”. She has become a reliable steady voice for living…
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