Category: Desserts

The Simple Life

The Simple Life Thoughts and recipe contributed by Dakota The stove crackles, the coffee pot gurgles. The herd of deer have been fed, the wild barn cats as well. Quiet time in the cabin, nestled in a grove of majestic cedars and snow frosted hills……Its chilly this morning. I sigh with gratitude and contentment for…
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November 26, 2017 1

Holiday Gifts, Odds and Ends!

Holiday Gifts, Odds and Ends! I thought instead on one general theme, I would touch on several different things today. It’s fast approaching holiday time and it shows in all the markets. I enjoy baking for the holidays and giving holiday gifts of of food to people. This is a great thing to do and if…
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October 22, 2015 0

Making Sugar and no Bees or Trees

Making Sugar and no Bees or Trees Author: Stephanie Dayle Making Sugar Without Bees or Trees It started like this.  In my quest for self-sufficiency, I wanted to have the ability to produce my own sugar if need be.  I planned on adding bees to the farmstead this last spring – but ‘we’ spent money…
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April 10, 2015 0

Don’t forget the delicious, nutritious, and important part of your food storage!

Just hear those sleigh bells jinglin’ ring ting tinglin too!  Come on and join the girls for another episode of the Homestead Honey Hour.  The holidays are upon us and there is no better time of year to take advantage of great buys on all sorts of ingredients to stow away in your food storage…
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November 29, 2012 0