Category: cooking

Butchering and Preserving a Piglet

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January 13, 2023 0

Salt, Sugar, Fat, Smoke

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January 11, 2023 0

5 Things EVERYONE Should Be Able to do With Flour

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March 29, 2022 0

Preparing IC’s Favorite Meal

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September 17, 2021 0

Back to Basics – Cooking Oils With The Next Generation Show

Listen to “Back to Basics – Cooking Oils With The Next Generation Show” on Spreaker. 0 (15s): Broadcasting network. We have to hit the reset button to create a true culture of preparedness, starting at a very young age all the way up. 0 (51s): 1 (1m 13s): Hello everyone. And welcome to the next…
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January 29, 2021 0

Recipe: Ruby Slaw

For the longest time I have deprived you guys of my recipes and knowledge from years of cooking. I was more into being a chef than I was ever into anything else. I worked at some great restaurants. Both the type that you would eat at once in a lifetime and those that you would…
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July 19, 2020 0

Important Cooking Techniques for Preppers

There are all kinds of high speed tactics, gear and tips that one can get all wrapped up with when it comes to preparedness. This is all a part of preparedness but its easy to get too wrapped up in calibers and Kevlar. You can forget that the core of prepping comes down to two…
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February 16, 2020 0

The Simple Life

The Simple Life Thoughts and recipe contributed by Dakota The stove crackles, the coffee pot gurgles. The herd of deer have been fed, the wild barn cats as well. Quiet time in the cabin, nestled in a grove of majestic cedars and snow frosted hills……Its chilly this morning. I sigh with gratitude and contentment for…
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November 26, 2017 1

8 Alternative Ways to Cook without Power!

8 Alternative Ways to Cook without Power Whether stranded in the wilderness by accident, or relaxing at your campsite on a weekend getaway, hunger will come calling – and without traditional cooking instruments or appliances readily accessible, keeping your party fed means trying new methods of cooking. Don’t wait to experiment in the woods; review…
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May 23, 2017 0

The Foodie Show

Pizza, Pickles, and Well Heck It’s The Foodie Show Karen Lynn “Lil Suburban Homestead” This week Karen Lynn is interviewing Teri from Homestead Honey to discuss her book. Also her upcoming e-learning cooking course. Teri has been on The Prepper Broadcasting Network before with Karen Lynn to discuss her off-grid tiny house living lifestyle (Listen Here)…
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November 23, 2016 0

Fall Food Preservation!

Fall Food Preservation James Walton “I Am Liberty” Listen to this show in player below! That smell is in the Its also getting colder, bacteria, flies and the like are getting slower and less prolific. On the East coast Fall is an incredible time of the year with apples to be picked, cider to be had…
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October 27, 2016 0

Let’s Cook with the Sun!

Let’s Cook with the Sun! Highlander “Survival and Tech Preps” This show I will be discussing solar ovens and the uses. How can you build one yourself? And a few pre-made ones you can buy. What are the advantages and drawbacks to such a device? The need for food is unquestionable. When we do not have…
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August 30, 2016 0

5 Survival Recipes You Can Make from Your Stockpile

5 Survival Recipes You Can Make from Your Stockpile If you’ve been prepping for any length of time, you’ve started to build up your pantry stockpile to draw from when SHTF or when times get lean. There are many different survival pantry lists out there that list out what types of food to stockpile and…
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August 7, 2016 0