Category: Finance

Homestead In A Rental on The Crooked Path to Preparedness!

There Is No Such Thing As I Can’t!  Sissy Bob, the host of  “The Crooked Path to Preparedness” has a very encouraging and inspirational guest, Helen from HomesteadInARental.   Helen and her husband, Tim,  have a very inspirational story they have agreed to share with us.  they are currently doing their best to homestead and prep with…
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August 14, 2012 0

Off Grid Preppers on American Preppers Radio!

The premier of our newest program “Off Grid Preppers” on American Preppers Radio Tuesday at 6:00pm Central is sure to be a hit with the quality of information and the experience these two new hosts bring to the table. On our launch show of Off Grid Preppers, Big John Lipscomb will describe moving from the…
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August 14, 2012 1

Outside the box for Successful Preppers!

Outside the box! Successful Preppers always think outside the box! Join the Other Side of a Preppers Path this show accomplished beekeeper, teacher and author Christy Hemenway shares Bee Keeping outside the box! You’d love bees and honey but isn’t commercial bee keeping expensive and tough to learn? No worries let Christy help you out of the…
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August 1, 2012 0

Save, Savings and More Savings on “The Other Side…A Preppers Path”!

Save, Savings and More Savings! Get the scoop on how to save money, get more and enhance your prepping lifestyle! Lynette Frye of Prepping on a Budget joins The Other Side of a Preppers Path to talk savings through great ideas like coupons. Lynette has been couponing for sometime now and has information on how…
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July 12, 2012 0