Category: Finance

Homestead Bliss: Balancing all that weight on your shoulders

On this episode of the Homestead Honey Hour: Balancing all that weight on your shoulders with Renée aka MichiganSnowPony Chances are, if you homestead, you also engage in several (or even all) of the following activities: Work off-farm, have a family, take care of livestock, keep a large garden, preserve and put up your own…
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May 23, 2013 0

IRS, Bengazi, Obama care and Free Stuff!

On this episode of Galt Strike! Free stuff! Originally show was to include an open discussion, IRS, Bengazi, Obama care etc… Hey free stuff is good! Inspired by Ayn Rand’s book Atlas Shrugged and the Character John Galt. Our goal is to teach and share every possible “Legal” method of reducing and eliminating our tax…
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May 23, 2013 0

Are you kidding me? Really, you can do that with that?

Are you kidding me? Really, you can do that with that? Yep true story! This Sunday on the Other Side of a Preppers Path we’ve got the answers from how to store cleaning supplies, to uses for garlic, coffee, vinegar and more. We are even gonna talk about how to squeeze more out of what you’ve got, along with…
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April 28, 2013 0

Breaking government dependence, co-op opportunity, and making Pasta.

Imagine the strain that just government funded housing puts on the taxpayer. Now imagine if the tenants could take ownership of that housing project and turn it into a private owned co-op business. This is not just a dream this is reality at the Atkinson Housing Cooperative. I talk a big game every Friday on I Am…
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April 5, 2013 0

How to Eat on $10 a Week A 10 Step Guide to Eating on Less.

On this episode of Preparing For Life’s Storms! It is all about how you form a budget for yourself and learn to shop wisely while gathering a good food storage.  You learn how to use your kitchen and cook from scratch, then you start using the storage you built up.  Meanwhile, there is a way…
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April 2, 2013 0

We are prepared and no one goes hungry on the mountain!

I was asked if I would write an article on “Prepping and Self-Reliance in Northern Idaho”. I laughed and replied, “But I can’t write!” However, truth be told, writing is one of my many passions. Mushroom hunting is another. I love being out in the great outdoors…exploring, treasure hunting, taking in the fresh air and…
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December 20, 2012 1

Our money and how we might be masters of it instead of slaves.

The average American family has burdened themselves with — depending on what source you believe — $7,500 to $16,000 in credit card debt alone.  As of December 12th, the average credit card rate stands at over 14%.  You don’t have to be a whiz at math to see this is not a good situation to be…
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December 19, 2012 0

Using Your Preps to Make your Holiday Bountiful in Times of Need!

Every year we rush out and select our turkey, make sure our cabinets are full with all the ingredients we need to bake our family’s favorites. We Gift Shop, buy wrapping paper and tape and bows…But…what if the year was not so great? What if Turkeys were just too expensive for our budget? What if…
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December 13, 2012 1

Getting the most value out of your food storage and budget.

The holidays are upon us, old Mother Hubbard went to the cupboard, and the cupboard was……….BARE? Yikes, not only would that be a tragedy during the holidays but a catastrophe during times of disaster. So what are you gonna do? The questions of food storage and value face us daily but never more prominently than…
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December 3, 2012 0

“Common Sense Prepping” and specifics on food storage.

Join Deb today on “Common Sense Prepping” as she gets specific on food storage.  Many new Preppers ask what exactly they need to have in a full months’ food supply. This week, Deb will let you know what to buy and how to get a good start on your storage in a hurry. Deb will…
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November 23, 2012 0

A Handmade Holiday with the Homestead Honeys!

We are hardly preparing for our Thanksgiving feast, yet we can hear the jingle bells, the soft tones of holiday music and the blatant advertising reminding us of how many days there are until Christmas! In recent days, national retailers have reported that they are scrambling to get our attention as consumers because even they…
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November 15, 2012 0

The Crooked Path to Preparedness discussing Prepping on the Cheap.

This Tuesday on The Crooked Path to Preparedness we are going to discuss Prepping on the Cheap. Not too many people have so much money they can just run out and buy everything they need to be prepared for tomorrow’s disaster. Most people are normal, everyday, overall wearing, average income earning people that have to…
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October 23, 2012 0

Over 50? Save a little money for your preps!

In these dire times we all can use some help. If you are a prepper, like many of us it’s scrimp and save to prepare. I recently received this email from a dear friend and found worth posting and sharing with all of you. I believe that most preppers are in the 50 plus year…
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September 8, 2012 0