Category: Finance

Dirt Cheap Prepping!

Dirt Cheap Prepping! Host: Bob Mayne “Today’s Survival Show” Some of us have limited budgets. It can be very intimidating to prepare your family for an emergency or SHTF situation and not have the money to do so. In this episode I interview Cal Wilson, the Author of the book, “Dirt Cheap Valuable Prepping.” I think…
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March 28, 2015 0

“Tasty Survival ” with Chef Tess!

“Tasty Survival ” with Chef Tess! Host: Nick & Don “We Grow Ours” This week on the We Grow Ours show, Nick and Don have Chef Tess on this week, and she has food! Stephanie Petersen (AKA Chef Tess) joins us in the situation room to talk about her new book, and survival meals. She…
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November 17, 2014 0

Debt – Contemporary Slavery…

Debt – Contemporary Slavery and Prepping for the Future Gale Newell We know – it’s a topic everyone hates. I hate it too. Prepping is about securing a homestead, about making a plan for your family, and about living in a day in which the economy fails and our legal tender (paper money) becomes utterly…
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June 10, 2014 0

“Shield” yourself from the I.R.S.

“Shield” yourself from the I.R.S. Hosts: Nick & Don “We Grow Ours” This week on the We Grow Ours Show, Nick and Don continue sharing the tools of sustainability and empowerment of independence with a VERY special guest. She’s a “goddess” in her field and an author with the know-how. She has watched the business…
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June 2, 2014 0

Will America and Canada Fall Together?

Will America and Canada Fall Together? Host: Denob “The Prepared Canadian” We have all heard plenty about the impending economic collapse.  But how many of us really understand what it means?  Just how does an economy or more specifically, a currency collapse?  How about the Canadian economy more specifically?  Again, we have heard that the…
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March 21, 2014 0

Shopping Tactics to Psychological Preparedness!

Shopping Tactics to Psychological Preparedness! Host: Gary & GGsBoo “The Road Less Traveled” Welcome to this week’s outing on “The Road Less Traveled.” On this excursion we’ll continue focusing on some of the intricacies of Prepping from our perspectives with an emphasis on psychological preparedness being quite important to our overall efforts. Learning exactly who…
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February 14, 2014 0

Business Co-op’s 2014 getting America back to work!

Business Co-op’s 2014 getting America back to work! Host: James “I Am Liberty” The idea behind business cooperatives is not a new one. It’s still very much an interesting one. Don’t be fooled its not just a hippie idea for selling vegetables from farms. I believe the model can be adjusted to create a good…
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January 3, 2014 0

Cheap Prepping on The Crooked Path!

Cheap Prepping on The Crooked Path! Host: Sissy Bob “The Crooked Path to Preparedness This Tuesday on Best of Prepper Broadcasting Sissy Bob of The Crooked Path to Preparedness is discussing Prepping on the Cheap. Not too many people have so much money they can just run out and buy everything they need to be prepared…
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December 30, 2013 0

Preserving Food Year Round!

Preserving Food Year Round! Why would you put that canner and dehydrator into storage? Even though winter is here you’re not through yet. You may have put that garden to bed or have just payed off the butcher for taking care of that deer and elk tag that was filled but it’s not over. Canning…
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December 5, 2013 0

Financial Preparedness! “The Sky is Falling”

Blood on the Moon, a sign/omen that danger is coming. Through the eyes of many, an apt description of the times we live in. A glance at any news site is sure to enforce this belief with predictions of financial crisis, continued economic failure, natural disasters in all corners of the world, civil wars, holy…
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October 13, 2013 0

Energy, This Prepper is Not Gonna Leave the Light On!

Sipping hot cocoa while contemplating the day ahead a chill pervaded the room. Glancing at the outdoor thermometer revealed the reason, 42 degrees and only September 5th. The realization that I better get the stove pipe repaired now, hit me. Autumn is on the way and in the natural course of things winter follows and…
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September 6, 2013 2

Being prepared when the stuff hits the fan!

When the stuff hits the fan, either for the not so long term or when the end is not in sight, all the goods we have stored will eventually run out. For many, this time will come much sooner than for others who have made at least some preparations. A lot of things can simply…
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August 10, 2013 0

Gold Chip Embedded Credit Cards!

Tom and Catman talk with Ed Cambpell from on Galt Strike about how to use fractional gold and silver to barter when the SHTF.  Are precious metals a safe investment for an alternative currency? Inspired by Ayn Rand’s book Atlas Shrugged and the Character John Galt. Our goal is to teach and share every…
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May 30, 2013 0