Category: Planning

Critical Vs Convenience “The Bug Out Bag”

Critical Vs Convenience “The Bug Out Bag” Host: Joe Prepper “Survival Revolution” Today I discuss the Bug Out or “Ready” Bag and the life supporting gear in it. I give my opinion on the style of bag I like and why. I also talk about how to assess you gear and organize it into three…
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July 12, 2014 0

Escape and Evasion Part 2

Escape and Evasion Part 2 – On the road Host: Sam Coffman “The Human Path” This week, Sam Coffman continues this 2-part series about the bugout.  Once you have packed your bags, figured out where and how you are traveling, and have made the decision to leave, what are all of the issues on the…
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July 8, 2014 0

Maintenance of Supplies & Equipment

Maintenance of Supplies and Equipment Host: Denob “The Prepared Canadian” Here in Canada, we experience a wide range of dangerous weather related emergencies. Some of these weather conditions will give us a bit of a heads up, such as the case with Hurricane Arthur. Some will be a complete surprise with only a moment’s notice at…
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July 5, 2014 0

SHTF, Pets and Herbs for Chronic Illness

What about our pets? Economic collapses has come and were off to our retreats with all our pets in tow. So now what do we do? Do you know how to take care of your pets? What should we have on hand to ensure our pets, which are now becoming alert dogs, be taken care…
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April 29, 2014 1

Evacuation to Tips & Tricks from WWII

Evacuation to Tips & Tricks from WWII! Two shows with a lot of good information starting off with “The Prepared Canadian” and followed by Gary and Brenna of “The Road Less Traveled”. In this first broadcast Denob asks the questions; Do you have what it takes to survive an evacuation at a moment’s notice? What would…
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March 29, 2014 0

Efficiency & Productivity!

Efficiency & Productivity! Host: Lynna “The Other Side… A Preppers Path” Assistance Groups: You scratch my back I’ll scratch yours! Mutual Assistance Groups aka MAG’s are the epitome of this old saying with a lot more to boot. What are Mutual Assistance Groups, Mutual Assistance Associations or a host of other names? What can a MAG…
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March 23, 2014 0

Bugging Out Realistically

Bugging Out Realistically Host: Denob “The Prepared Canadian” How many times have you looked into gearing up your bug out bag? Have you ever planned on escaping the Mad Max type scenario by living off the land somewhere in the middle of nowhere? Do you have the feeling that a complete societal collapse is looming…
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March 8, 2014 0

Food Prices and The Factors That Effect Them!

Food Prices and The Factors That Effect Them! Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty” It takes a bit of forecasting in order to be effective and prepared. I could tell you how to keep warm this week as many parts of the nation are experiencing colder than normal temperatures. The fact is the average person…
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February 21, 2014 0

Alerts USA! Whats Happening Behind the Curtain!

Alerts USA! Whats Happening Behind the Curtain! Host: James “I Am Liberty” Across the web there are many different ways to get your information. I think its normal that all of us want to be the first to know and we want to know that our news is the real deal. There are so many…
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January 24, 2014 0

The Cart Before the Horse – Stocking up #4

The Cart Before the Horse – Stocking up #4 Host: Lynna “The Other Side A Preppers Path” The cart is fully loaded the horse is ready to go, but we can’t turn a wheel or budge the load and the dang horse keeps rearing up… what the heck???? Pretty silly you say, move the horse…
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January 5, 2014 0

Winter and Prepping, Staying the Course

Winter Prepping, Staying the Course Host: Denob “The Prepared Canadian” With the snow on the ground and the mercury closer to the bottom of the tube, many of us will semi retire to the warmth of the indoors for the next few months. Gone for now are the days of foraging, gardening, and preparing harvests.…
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December 14, 2013 0

Re-Inventing the Wheel? – The Have More Plan

Re-Inventing the Wheel? – The Have More Plan Host: Lynna “A Preppers Path” Re-Inventing the Wheel? – A review of The Have More Plan No need to re-invent the wheel, since time began man has endeavored to advance and prepare for life. Preppers, homesteaders, survivalists or whatever label you choose all have much in common.…
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November 30, 2013 0

Prepping for a Suburban or Rural Community

Prepping for a Suburban or Rural Community Host: Tara “Common Sense Prepping” Prepping for a Suburban or Rural Community author Michael Mabee is this weeks’ Common Sense Prepping radio show guest. Mike is very concerned about the vulnerabilities of the power grid and what would happen in American should the fragile electrical system fail. Mabee…
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November 25, 2013 0