Category: Planning

Prepping on the Cheap Part 2- Bugging Out

Prepping on the Cheap Part 2- Bugging Out Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Audio player below! If you had to pick up and go right now, could you do it? How long would it take for you to gather your important documents, extra clothes, food and water, and necessary gear? If so, great. You are…
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August 7, 2017 1

My Many Prepping Failures!

My Many Prepping Failures James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio player below! My Many Prepping Failures I have always learned more from my failures than from my successes. Most of the time, real success just blows up your head and you spend more time fighting the ego than enjoying the success. For me the dark…
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August 3, 2017 2

The Solo Prepper Resource Run

The Solo Prepper Resource Run James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio player below! To build a home of self-sufficiency and preparedness one of the most important things you can do is to include all of those involved in the technology, skills and procsses that allow you to live that lifestyle. In other words, you want…
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July 13, 2017 0

SHTF Prepping for City Dwellers!

SHTF Prepping for City Dwellers Highlander “Survival & Tech Preps“ Audio in player below! This is a concept that is hard for many city dwellers. Without proper room how can you possibly prep or create a bug in plan? How many preppers do you know that say they are in an apartment and very limited…
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May 9, 2017 0

Taking your Home Back!

Taking your Home Back! Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio in player below! If you have lived through a terrifying survival situation the disaster itself could only be the beginning. This is especially true in urban areas. Are you prepared to be under siege by multiple attackers in your home? You may or may…
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January 26, 2017 0

2016: An Apocalyptic Thrill Ride

2016: An Apocalyptic Thrill Ride Host: Bobby Akart “Prepping For Tomorrow“ Audio in player below! On this year-end episode of the Prepping for Tomorrow program, bestselling Author Bobby Akart looks back upon 2016 and the apocalyptic roller coaster ride it provided us all. 2016 provided us one of the most intriguing political elections in our…
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December 30, 2016 0

PREPPER BASICS Should I stay or should I go?

PREPPER BASICS: Should I stay or should I go? Bobby Akart “Prepping For Tomorrow” Audio in player below! On this week’s episode of the Prepping for Tomorrow program, Author Bobby Akart will continue his month long discussion of prepper basics. The Prepper’s Conundrum is Bug In or Bug Out—Should I stay or should I go?…
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October 21, 2016 0

Winter Survival

Winter Survival Josh “7 P’s of survival” Listen in player below! In this episode of the 7 P’s of Survival Radio Show we will be talking all things winter survival and preparedness. While we are all most likely a few weeks away from out first major winter storm now is the time to stock up. Get…
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October 19, 2016 0

Devil In The details & The Trash Man

Devil In The details & The Trash Man Bob Hawkins “The APN Report” Listen in player below! Just how prepared are you? We can all go on & on about how we’ve set aside for a rainy day. We stockpiled this, acquired that, planned for this, that, or another. Have you really made ready when…
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October 16, 2016 0

Surviving Civil Unrest, Riots and Terror Attacks!

Surviving Civil Unrest, Riots and Terror Attacks with Guest Chuck Hudson Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Listen in player below! Learn how to survive civil unrest, riots and terror attacks this week on Herbal Prepper Live. My guest will be Chuck Hudson, Survival Instructor and founder of The Medic Shack. We are going to discuss:…
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October 10, 2016 0

Nature’s Calling: Preparing For The Worst

Nature’s Calling Preparing For The Worst By H.D. Imagine yourself at home in the living room, relaxing while listening to the news. During the broadcast, you hear one of the anchors say, “The state has officially issued a tornado watch and warns all residents to be prepared in case they have to evacuate.” You glance…
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October 1, 2016 0

Bug Out Bags, Get Home Bags and EDC

Bug Out Bags, Get Home Bags and EDC Forrest & Kyle “The Prepping Academy” On this live broadcast of “The Prepping Academy” join Forrest and Kyle as they discuss: everyday carry items, get home bags, and bug out bags. These are literally the backbone of prepping. The items you carry with you can literally make or…
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September 10, 2016 1

Bugout pt 2

Bugout pt 2 James Walton “I Am Liberty” On this second installment of the I AM Liberty bugout discussion we are talking all about movement. Our first show was about the factors leading up to the bugout and in this episode i want to talk more about being on the road and safe movement. Again…
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August 11, 2016 0