Category: Disaster

Prepper Folks hits the airwaves!

The Prepper Folks are very excited to have the opportunity to welcome Ray Gano.  Ray is a lecturer,  blogger,  and the author of “Survive The Coming Storm” By Ray Gano . Ray lives a preparedness lifestyle.  Tonight we will be talking to him about how he is prepping and why he is prepping.  We will…
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June 9, 2012 0

Community Involvement

Gman, db cox, and the mom all join Doug in a lively discussion on community involvement.  All involved talked about the role your neighbors will and must have in an SHTF scenario. Some great ideas were passed around on how to break the ice within the community or at the very least with close neighbors…
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June 6, 2012 0

Is there a future for the dollar?

What is the future of the dollar?  Will the greenback continue to be the overall dominant currency, backed by Saudi oil or is it about to collapse?  If so, what happens when the US Dollar collapses beyond what the Federal Reserve spin doctors can hide from the flock?  Listen in to this discussion on the…
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June 4, 2012 0

In Time of Disaster! Survival and Hunting weapons

In this episode of “In Time of Disaster” Karen visits with special guest, Kurt Wilson, the Armchair Survivalist for a great discussion on Firearms and Security in a post disaster world. From target and small caliber rifles to high power hunting, combat rifles and side arms. Both Karen and Kurt are experts in the field…
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June 2, 2012 0

SkyBird and GoatHollow! nano technology to chickens

“SkyBird” from Youtube joins Doug on Prepping With Goat Hollow. SkyBird is a Youtuber and prepper from way back. Topics were prepper related including everything from nano technology that is becoming as important an issue to pay attention to as G.M.O..  A little canning was discussed as well as some great information on chickens, goats…
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May 30, 2012 0

DROUGHT the unforseen Natural Disaster!

The unsung disaster! DROUGHT! Most never think of drought as a Natural Disaster, yet it is often the costliest of all. Join the Other Side of a Preppers Path as we quench the thirst for knowledge about the Natural Disaster facing a large portion of our Nation today, with no end yet it sight. It’s…
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May 22, 2012 0

Intelligence means and methods in Time of Disaster!

You have your BOB’s and GHB’s packed, you have your BOL and BOV ready to go with fuel and a year’s supply of food. You have you MNR and sidearms dialed in with bricks of ammo stocked.You have your doomsday vault with non-GMO seeds in your cellar. YOU ARE PREPPED!!! Bring on the NWO, Blue…
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May 18, 2012 0

Engineer775, Prepping and “Doomsday Preppers”

Doug, the host of Prepping with GoatHollow has none other than Engineer 775 from Youtube as his guest. Not only a well rounded prepper but very knowledgeable in E.M.P. and protection from, but also on water and how to get it where you want it. Engineer 775 is also now a consultant on Dooms Day…
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May 9, 2012 0

Nuclear, biological, or chemical what do you know? Are you prepaired?

Concerned about the terrorists or rogue nations unleashing nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons on Main Street? Do you worry about your ability to survive these threats? There is a LOT of misconceptions about the threats. Misconceptions that could cost lives! We discussed and to cleared a little air on the subject. Be ready to hear…
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April 13, 2012 0