Category: Disaster

WHEN will people ever learn?

Coming up on The Preppers Poitin Hour, your host Chris, weather permitting will be asking a simple question.  “WHEN will people ever learn?”  This NOT a rhetorical question.  So join us and let us look at why people who live in disaster prone areas and in uncertain economic times refuse to get a clue and…
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October 29, 2012 0

A talk about high security, self- sufficient residences and retreats

Let’s take a look at home security. Is your home secure? Furthermore is your home location conducive to your safety regarding economical, biological or political threat? Are you living in a locale that aids you or places roadblocks in your quest for preparedness and safety? These are questions we often neglect to ask during times…
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October 14, 2012 0

Long term storage concerns of Preppers!

Join Deb Friday 10/12/2012 on “Common Sense Prepping” for a good old fashioned Chit-chat on long term storage concerns of Preppers.  Deb will be specifically speaking about food preps and the quantities needed for at least one year. Each consecutive week we will discuss different areas and levels of concern, but we will talk in…
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October 12, 2012 0

What if we are hit with a Plague?

As Preppers, we plan for the worst and hope for the best. We just never know from one day to the next what can impact our lives. There are some things such as natural disasters and accidents we expect to happen, and although they can leave us feeling at a loss, a plague, is a…
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October 5, 2012 0

National Preparedness Month is a wrap with “The Prepper Folks”

National Preparedness Month is a wrap with “The Prepper Folks”.  Join us as we fix our eyes on lawlessness, rioting and government intrusion.  Greece is in flames.  Spain is in pain.  America’s bubble is about to be burst.  From the Arab spring into an uncertain fall, will it sow a winter of discontent for the…
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September 29, 2012 0

What’s going on in the world today? Do we need to prepare?

Tonight’s show topic open “The Lost Art of Prepping” is discussing what’s going on in the world today and is this signs of what is coming? And how does it affect you as a prepper, survivalist or just anyone concerned with what lays ahead. What can you do to make stronger efforts? As seasoned preppers…
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September 26, 2012 0

Dealing with trying times ahead on The Homestead Honey Hour!

On this show of the Homestead Honey Hour, Noreen will be taking the wheel and bringing on a heavy topic.  Have you been paying attention?  Our world is turning topsy turvy.  From turmoil in the middle east to trouble on the home front, we are facing trying times here in America and across the world.  …
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September 20, 2012 1

Are Preppers Being Watched?

By: Aj Prepper Everywhere you look today, you hear about the war on terrorism.  Do we really understand what they are looking for?  Do we really know what criteria they use to describe the people they flag as possible threats?  Do you think people that prep are among those that could be targeted?  These are…
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September 10, 2012 0

Energy Alternatives and expectations in an S.H.T.F. world!

Join GoatHollow on “Prepping With Goat Hollow” in this show with great callers for a discussion on energy alternatives, and more importantly… Adjusting your energy expectations in an S.H.T.F. world!!!  Figuring out how to “Get the Job done”  with less energy, using alternatives to the fullest advantage, keeping your family warm, and safe if we’re…
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September 5, 2012 0

Preparing For Life’s Storms on the fly

“The Impending Cascade in Human Life in a SHTF Situation” So what can we expect in a shtf situation and how can we become more prepared to increase our survivability.  BexarPrepper was suppose to be joined by guest Pam Stegner on this episode of “Preparing For Life’s Storms” to talk about what we can expect…
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September 4, 2012 0

Humanity “In Time of Disaster”

This Friday on “In Time of Disaster” we will discuss humanity, or the lack thereof in the aftermath of a major disaster and how it will not only affect your family but all of humanity as society begins to fall into the depths of despair and manufactured hate as a lack of everything brings out…
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August 31, 2012 0

Goat Hollow on Drought!

Join GoatHollow in this episode of “Prepping With GoatHollow” for a discussion on the current drought.  What it means for Preppers, how to adjust your preps, and a few side effects that you might not have thought about! While topic did go off track a lot of good information was still passed with good participation…
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August 30, 2012 0

This year’s harvest and storing!

Have you folks noticed that the days are getting shorter? Meteorologists tell us that Solar Summer ended on August 5th. For the folks who are blessed to have a garden, this is the time of the year when all the hard work pays off. It’s the time when they are picking and storing up for…
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August 18, 2012 0