Category: Disaster

God bless the victims of Newtown, CT.

This Monday, on The Preppers Poitin Hour, Chris will sadly delve into the minds of the sick and the twisted.  We will talk about the correlation of modern society’s trappings, the younger generations, and the explosive and destructive violence.  We will also give a moment’s thoughts to how the cynical and agenda driven will profit…
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December 16, 2012 1

Do you have what it takes to survive an evacuation at a moment’s notice?

Do you have what it takes to survive an evacuation at a moment’s notice?  What would you be left with if your home were destroyed by fire or a tornado?   There can be any number of disasters that can force you to leave your home without the time to think.  What if you needed to…
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December 15, 2012 0

Will all the fruitcakes in the world finally cause the upper crust to collapse causing the world to implode?

On “Preparing For Life’s Storms”, What Puts the S in your SHTF? Will we get a colossal hug from Nibiru? Will the Sun flare and burn us off the planet like little ants? Did the Mayans game of Ulama go into overtime and they never got back to finishing the Calendar? Will the Earth’s Axis…
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December 11, 2012 0

“Preparing For Life’s Storms” SHTF! What about our pets?

Economic collapses has come and were off to our retreats with all our pets in tow. So now what do we do? Do you know how to take care of your pets? What should we have on hand to ensure our pets, which are now becoming alert dogs, be taken care of and how do…
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December 4, 2012 0

“The Paladin Prepper Report” Premier, The Great Earthquake Barrier and more!

“Meet veteran broadcaster Paladin Prepper as he presents the premier episode of “The Paladin Prepper Report“. Hear prepper related news and straight forward commentary. He also gives you a ‘heads up’ about geomagnetic threats in his brief ‘Space Weather’ segment. Then, be sure and listen for this week’s Prepper Point: “‘The Great Earthquake Barrier”. Paladin…
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November 29, 2012 0

Disaster Films and their relation to prepping!

On this airing of “The Other Side…A Preppers Path” We’ve been told, perhaps even read stories but do we “get” what it all really means.  Disasters’ have occurred throughout the ages, things like the Great Depression, The Dust Bowl and the Chicago Fire not to mentions hurricanes, earthquakes and many more natural disasters. The advent…
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November 26, 2012 0

“Foraging For Life” The risks, dangers and the more easily identifiable wild edibles!

This Friday on “Foraging For Life” we are going to discuss some of the safety issues surrounding foraging for wild edibles, and the reality concerning the  risks and dangers involved that are created by not only mother nature, but yes, our own government and chem trails. I’ll be leading the first part of the show…
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November 23, 2012 0

Alternative heating as our electrical grid remains under constant threat of collapse!

Join Denob AKA The Prepared Canadian for a look at the International Prepper Community, as we look at topics of interest from preppers just like you.  This week’s show will focus on alternative heating as winter approaches and our electrical grid remains under constant threat of collapse from numerous sources.  As always, there will be…
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November 17, 2012 0

Do I stay or do I bug out when the SHTF?

Many Preppers ask themselves the question of, Do I stay or do I bug out when the SHTF? As we have just seen with Hurricane Sandy, sometimes there is no choice.  There are some things such as natural disasters and accidents which can come upon us all of a sudden and we are for a…
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November 16, 2012 0

Hurricane Sandy, A Resident Interview!

Were you prepared for Hurricane Sandy?  My guest on this airing on “Prepping With GoatHollow” this Wednesday will be “Ed from Pennsylvania”.  He’ll talk about how he prepared ahead of time, how those preparations helped him cope with the storm, and what lessons he learned.  Prepping isn’t only for the end of the world!  It…
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November 7, 2012 1

Hurricane Sandy and the fiasco!

Karen with ” In Time of Disaster” and the Hurricane Sandy and fiasco! After the 35+ years in disaster and emergency services I’ve come to the conclusion that Ugly is only skin deep, whereas stupid runs all the way to the bone. After watching the fiasco that is the aftermath of hurricane Sandy and watching…
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November 7, 2012 0

FullSpectrumSurvival! Are you prepared to survive any situation?

Are you prepared to survive any situation? I’m not, so how do we get to that point in our comfort level of preparedness? Join “FullSpectrumSurvival” November 6th at 8pm central time with BexarPrepper  the host of  “Preparing for Life’s Storms” as we learn how to evaluate our environment and prepare our own scenario’s to greatly…
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November 6, 2012 0

Post-mortem of the response to Hurricane Sandy. Conclusions and object lessons.

“The Prepper’s Poitin Hour”, join your host Chris as he decides to postpone the topic of the Debt Ceiling and looks to use his emergency management experience to work in a post-mortem of the response to Hurricane Sandy.  He expects to irritate, anger, and surprise some people as he shares his conclusions and object lessons. …
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November 5, 2012 0