Category: Disaster

Living the mercy of the wildfire!

According to the calendar spring has sprung but looking outside it’s still pretty dreary with last year’s bounty of grasses and bushes and overgrowth lying about in dingy disarray.  Uggghhhh not only does it look unsightly but it is a danger.  True it should have been dealt with last fall, cut, mowed or just hauled away…
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March 24, 2013 0

Greenhouse gardening, this is what I’m talking about!

Times are tough, and getting tougher by the day. The proverbial handwriting is on the wall. In order to survive in an uncertain future, we need to be finding more ways to grow our own food. For many of us, that means a garden. But what happens if a storm wipes out your garden? What happens…
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March 12, 2013 1

When forced to leave, are you ready?

No matter how well prepared your home is, no matter how much food you have, no matter how well dug in you may be, there may come a time when the forces of nature or other issues could force you to leave your home at a moment’s notice.  This is known as bugging out, and…
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March 1, 2013 0

Nuclear Leaks & Organic Pest Control

The Doom and Bloom(tm) Hour with Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy today, February 24,2013 discusses Nuclear Leaks, Organic Pest Control, and our newest addition the Blow Out Kit Advanced. Nurse Amy and Dr. Bones have been podcasting as the Doom and Bloom Hour for over two years. Their shows are focused on medical preparedness including…
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February 24, 2013 0

Part 1 Communicable diseases and conditions caused by the lack of hygiene, sanitation and poor living conditions.

Over thousands of years poor living conditions, sanitation and lack of hygiene has caused some of the most devastating wide spread diseases and deaths in the history of mankind. Just think about Hepatitis A, Giardia, Cholera, Dysentery, food poisoning (Salmonella and E. coli), lice, and scabies. What causes the start and spread of the disease?…
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February 22, 2013 0

The Prepared Canadian, prepping 101, or where to begin.

This is the first in a 2 part series on “The Prepared Canadian“, where I’ll discuss the most basic needs and some of the solutions to getting through a disaster.  We’ll talk about knowing what to prepare for, keeping your home ready to deal with the first few days of a disaster, and what the…
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February 2, 2013 0

Preparing now for a worst case scenario.

Regardless if we fear a super-earthquake, a volcano eruption, war, or an EMP attack, survival will depend on being prepared. Only those who take on the responsibility now and are ready to learn sustainable skills will survive with some sense of security. Join Common Sense Prepping with Deb as she and her guest Host, Sargent…
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February 1, 2013 0

Through The Eyes of Zombies!

Through The Eyes of Zombies! This story is fiction and not recommended for those “Faint of Heart” To go a day without food is not so hard. Before this I once went without food for four days but this time around it was eight days before I finally had something to eat. The man that…
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January 24, 2013 0

The Simpsons and Fox, their take on Preppers facing the end of the world!

Fox entertains us with their version of Preppers last night on “The Simpsons”. While their representation was not far from the version that main stream media or National Geographic’s “Doomsday Preppers” portrays a Prepper to be it did make this Prepper smile, even laugh. In my humble opinion they were a little closer to the…
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January 7, 2013 3

A time honored skill used by untold numbers of people in the pursuit of water, minerals, and more.

Dowsing? Personally, I have not much faith in dowsing although I have known several people including a few of my own relatives who will swear by this method of finding many things besides just water. My first thought is always, if you are an expert at dowsing why have you not dowsed for gold, silver,…
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December 30, 2012 0

Doomsday prediction falls short Preppers stay the course!

It’s a Miracle!  It’s a Miracle!  Tis true the end of the year is drawing nigh, we totally dodged the bullet on Friday the 21st, and my prediction was upheld we are all still here. But what does that mean for the prepper world?  Do we stop, throw our hands up and sigh..geez not another…
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December 24, 2012 0

A member of the Mayan Council of Elders who says the end of the long count calendar doesn’t spell disaster!

In addition to news, commentary, and space weather… join Paladin Prepper for this week’s ‘Prepper Point’… “A New Long Count – A new beginning’”.  Hear the words of a member of the Mayan Council of Elders who says the end of the long count calendar doesn’t spell disaster, but rather, the western culture simply has…
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December 19, 2012 0

Medicine a top priority for any Prepper in any disaster!

Peace, Joy, Love and all that this season brings…. relaxing and peaceful thoughts… BUT disasters happen every day.  In the wake of the recent tragedy in Conn this was driven home all too vividly to the entire nation. Crisis/Disaster Medicine a top priority in any disaster, what do you know? What can you do? Monday…
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December 17, 2012 0