Category: E.M.P.

Rob Underhill, Award winning director “The Carrington Event”

Rob Underhill “The Carrington Event” Host: Tara “Common Sense Prepping” Award winning director Rob Underhill is the next featured guest on the American Prepper Broadcasting’s Common Sense Prepping radio show. Underhill’s The Carrington Event is a six-season television series which depicts the aftermath of a massive Earth-directed solar flare in America. The captivating and award-winning…
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December 16, 2013 0

The End – Post-Apocalypse!

The Gun Show    guest G. Michael Hopf After his departure from the Marines, Mr. Hopf was recruited by a private security firm to operate as an Executive Protection Agent. He spent 9 years providing close protection to celebrities, corporate executives and the Saudi Royal Family. He operated around the world and was a detail leader…
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June 17, 2013 0

EMP and The Faraday Cage

Is an EMP coming?  What if an EMP, or solar storm happened?  Would your electronic equipment be safe?  These events can destroy electronic equipment, or even wipe out the electrical grid for an extended time.  Preppers have long known that the only way to protect your critical electronic preps is to use what’s called a…
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June 5, 2013 0

The effects of EMPs on a society!

On this episode of the Doom and Bloom ™ Hour we welcome EMP Expert G Michael Hopf, author of “The End, A Post-apocalyptic Novel.  We’ll discuss his book,  the effects of EMPs on a society, and the likely fallout from this type of scenario.  We’ll also talk about the upcoming Self-Sustainable Expo in San Diego…
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May 12, 2013 1

The Simpsons and Fox, their take on Preppers facing the end of the world!

Fox entertains us with their version of Preppers last night on “The Simpsons”. While their representation was not far from the version that main stream media or National Geographic’s “Doomsday Preppers” portrays a Prepper to be it did make this Prepper smile, even laugh. In my humble opinion they were a little closer to the…
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January 7, 2013 3

“The Paladin Prepper Report” Premier, The Great Earthquake Barrier and more!

“Meet veteran broadcaster Paladin Prepper as he presents the premier episode of “The Paladin Prepper Report“. Hear prepper related news and straight forward commentary. He also gives you a ‘heads up’ about geomagnetic threats in his brief ‘Space Weather’ segment. Then, be sure and listen for this week’s Prepper Point: “‘The Great Earthquake Barrier”. Paladin…
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November 29, 2012 0

Engineer775, Prepping and “Doomsday Preppers”

Doug, the host of Prepping with GoatHollow has none other than Engineer 775 from Youtube as his guest. Not only a well rounded prepper but very knowledgeable in E.M.P. and protection from, but also on water and how to get it where you want it. Engineer 775 is also now a consultant on Dooms Day…
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May 9, 2012 0