Category: E.M.P.

Grid Down Black Sky Event!

Grid Down Black Sky Event! David A. Vine “All Hazards Communications Preparedness” Audio player below Imagine waking up in the middle of the night. You are suddenly jarred awake by a strange warning siren you rarely hear. You’re equipped with a NOAA Weather Radio in your bedroom but it hasn’t gone off. Is it the…
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September 12, 2018 0

Disaster Preparedness & Who Survives an EMP?

Who Survives an EMP? James Walton “I Am Liberty ” Audio player below! Tonight we welcome author Tim Maynard on the I AM Liberty Show to discuss his book Southbound. I am sure we will also spur some great conversation on the topics of disaster and preparedness as on a whole. It should be a…
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July 19, 2018 0

EMP Friendly Downgrades on Your Homestead

EMP Friendly Downgrades on Your Homestead If you’re lucky enough to have a homestead, you’ve no doubt discovered the peace of mind that comes with being more self-sufficient. Providing for your family through homesteading can be extremely rewarding even in normal times. It can be empowering to grow food, raise your own livestock, and provide…
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November 21, 2017 0

The First 24 Hours

The First 24 Hours Forrest & Kyle “The Prepping Academy” Audio in player below! On this episode of The Prepping Academy Forest and Kyle take a stab at the age old Prepper questions: when do I bug out and what happens in the first 24 hours. Let’s just say that you are in for a reality check.

March 25, 2017 1


GRID DOWN! A history + preparedness solutions by Sol-Ark (Two Part Analysis) Bobby Akart “Prepping For Tomorrow” Audio in player below! On the next two week’s episodes of the Prepping for Tomorrow program, Author Bobby Akart discusses the number one concern of most preppers—a collapse of the power grid. Do you think this is only…
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December 9, 2016 0

20 Quick and Cheap Ways to Prep for an EMP

20 Quick and Cheap Ways to Prep for an EMP If you haven’t experienced the effects of an EMP, it’s hard to believe that it could be a real threat to our way of life. Our planet has made extremely rapid progress in technology and thus, we have generations of people who have become truly…
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December 1, 2016 0

The EMP Threat: Nuclear and Man-Made

The EMP Threat: Nuclear and Man-Made Bobby Akart “Prepping For Tomorrow” On this week’s episode of the Prepping for Tomorrow program, Bestselling Author Bobby Akart, will begin a two part series on the threats our nation faces from an EMP: Electromagnetic Pulse. Bobby’s poignant analysis of the EMP threat has achieved #1 Bestseller rankings on Amazon…
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July 15, 2016 0

WALT BROWNING: Post-Apocalyptic Author

WALT BROWNING: Post-Apocalyptic Author Bobby Akart “Prepping For Tomorrow” On this  episode of the Prepping for Tomorrow program with Author Bobby Akart, critically acclaimed post-apocalyptic author, Walt Browning, will be his special guest. As preppers, we hunger for knowledge and often seek out post-apocalyptic fiction as a source. We try to imagine ourselves in a…
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July 8, 2016 0

EMP… Lights Out!

EMP… Lights Out! DJ Cooper “Surviving Dystopia” Most of us have heard of this thing called the EMP, but what exactly is it?  E.M.P. is short forElectro Magnetic Pulse, in essence a surge of electricity capable of frying modern electronics.

December 17, 2015 0

EMP, The Big Blackout!

EMP, The Big Blackout! Highlander “Tech Preps” This episode I will talk about the technology we should have in case an EMP was to occur. What we should have before and after and how to prep for such an event. We will go over the possible causes of EMP (electromagnetic pulse) and how to prevent it from affecting…
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October 27, 2015 0

Nitty Griddy EMP

Nitty Griddy EMP Host: Jackie “Apocalypse Nana” There are several different reasons and scenarios that could drive us back to the stone age. You could be tired of life heartbroken, in debt, just all around tired of the way things are run and suddenly you vanish. You pack what you need, find a decent piece of land…
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April 23, 2015 0

EMP the Electric Pulse Orchestra

EMP the Electric Pulse Orchestra Host: Jackie “Apocalypse Nana” The Apocalypse Nana Show brings you, “Electric Pulse Orhestra” or “Lights: Don’t Bring Me Down (Bruce!)”! As you may know, during early nuclear research, scientists discovered that a nuclear explosion renders all nearby electronic equipment useless. This effect is fallen Electromagnetic Pulse, or EMP. Since this…
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January 29, 2015 0

The Faraday Cage!

The Faraday Cage on The Surreal News Host Doug Carlston “The Surreal News” Is an EMP coming?  What if an EMP, or solar storm happened?  Would your electronic equipment be safe?  These events can destroy electronic equipment, or even wipe out the electrical grid for an extended time.  Preppers have long known that the only…
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September 24, 2014 0