Category: Communication

Well-Appointed Prepper Homestead Part III

Well-Appointed Prepper Homestead Part III Host: Renee “The Homestead Honey Hour” This week on the Homestead Honey Hour I’ll be concluding by discussing the Barn and Barnyard as well as all those things that come under the category of Miscellaneous. Whether you already keep livestock on your place, are thinking of adding something new, or…
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March 27, 2014 0

Privacy with Dr. Katherine Albrecht!

Privacy with Dr. Katherine Albrecht Host: Barbara “Best of Prepper Broadcasting” Most of us have heroes. Mine happens to be Dr. Katherine Albrecht who is considered one of the world’s foremost privacy advocates.  If you want to know how smart phones, GPS, RFID, facial recognition, and remote fingerprint readers pose a threat to your privacy,…
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March 11, 2014 0

Devices for Survival!

Devices for Survival! Host: Denob “The Prepared Canadian” A growing number of preparedness items that the typical prepper has in their kits are run by batteries. From Iphones to AM/FM radios to ham HT’s and flashlights, these low power devices need juice. There are several ways to keep them charged, either with their built in…
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March 1, 2014 0

Gourmet Preppers and Solar Physics!

Gourmet Preppers and Solar Physics! Hosts: Gary L. & Gee’sBoo ‘The Road Less Traveled’ Welcome to this week’s outing on “The Road Less Traveled with GaryL and GGsBoo. On this excursion we’ll continue focusing on some of the intricacies of Prepping from our perspectives with an emphasis on psychological preparedness being quite important to our…
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February 22, 2014 0

Canning to Amateur Radio!

Canning to Amateur Radio Host: Gary and Brenna “The Road Less Traveled Join us for tonight’s outing on “The Road Less Traveled.” On this excursion we’ll continue focusing on some of the intricacies of Prepping from our perspectives with an emphasis on psychological preparedness being quite important to our overall efforts. GGsBoo will discuss pressure…
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February 8, 2014 0

Secure Communication Through The Internet

Secure Communication Through The Internet Host: Dr. John Waterman “The Waterman Files” Secure communication through internet is the main focus of this show with special guest, “Herio” also this is THE big week! The week for the tipping point (Webbot). A tipping point that is suppose to have a huge impact on our future. Comparing…
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January 7, 2014 0

Best Teacher in Life is Life Itself~

Best Teacher in Life is Life Itself~ Host: Denob “The Prepared Canadian” There is no better teacher in life than life itself. What I mean by this is that actual hands on experience is the best way to gain knowledge and skill sets that you may need. Sure, we can read up about something in…
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December 7, 2013 0

An Old Geezer and His Tips on Communications!

When regular means of receiving information are not available such as television, am/fm radio, telephones, and cell phones where should one go? Most experts would agree that of all forms of radio communications that may be put to use in a post disaster situation the Ham Radio (amateur radio) would be the most valuable in…
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September 3, 2013 2

Capitalism prevails over government programs, depend on yourself!

Imagine a world where you can’t trust the government, and you have to be totally self reliant. A world where you can’t even trust dispatch to send someone your way, should you need help. In many ways, we’re already there. In most major cities, you could set of your house alarm and order a pizza…
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September 2, 2013 0

Rabbits and HAM: Food and Commo for the End of the World!

One of the simplest ways to prepare for disaster is to buy and stock up on ready-made foods and gear. There is nothing wrong with this unless it is your only strategy or unless you are only interested in being able to survive for a week or two. However, during any kind of disaster that…
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August 28, 2013 0

Protecting your on line privacy!

ZippCast a no show but our host managed well with current news and more. Listen in player below! How private is your life? In the news recently we’ve all learned that our lives are becoming much less private! Our phone records are being recorded. Our online lives are being tabulated, collected and filed away in…
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June 19, 2013 0

EMP and The Faraday Cage

Is an EMP coming?  What if an EMP, or solar storm happened?  Would your electronic equipment be safe?  These events can destroy electronic equipment, or even wipe out the electrical grid for an extended time.  Preppers have long known that the only way to protect your critical electronic preps is to use what’s called a…
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June 5, 2013 0

Breaker 1-9 for a copy! on The Prepared Canadian

This week on The Prepared Canadian, we take a look back to the times of Smokey and the Bandit. Yup, you guessed it…CB radios. We look at the benefits as well as the pitfalls of using CB’s as a source of communications as well as how to get set up. Also, why and how to…
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June 1, 2013 0