Category: Animals

Is a Family Cow “Worth It”?

Is a Family Cow “Worth It”? Host: Austin Martin “Homesteady Live“ Audio in player below! Owning a family cow is a huge responsibility. A recent guest on the Homesteady show (here) compared it to marriage. A cow requires daily care and attention. A family that wants to own a cow will need to be able…
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March 15, 2017 0

Raising Meat Chickens

Raising Meat Chickens Host: Austin Martin “Homesteady Live“ Audio in player below! Should you raise meat chickens on your homestead? Chickens are commonly called the “Gateway Animal”, and so it makes sense that Chickens are a great way to get started with raising your own meat. But raising meat birds is not the same as…
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March 8, 2017 0

Survival Canines

Survival Canines James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio in player below! Its funny but out of the estimated 8.7 million species on this planet we really have only have one that likes us. Lets be honest. Some people will say they keep birds and other food items as pets but in most cases they are…
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January 19, 2017 0

Trapping in the Wild

Trapping in the Wild! Josh “7 P’s of survival” This show in player below! Listen in as we talk about all things trapping! Brian King is with us to explore the entire spectrum of trapping. We cover training, gear, selection of grounds, reading sign, lure and how to make it. Also discussed, setting a line, harvesting…
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November 16, 2016 0

Pets in a Post-SHTF World

Pets in a Post-SHTF World Highlander “Survival & Tech Preps” Listen in player below! What about owning or maintaining your pet in a post-shtf world? Is having your pet going to be a good thing, a hindrance, or are you somewhere in the middle. There can be some great advantages to pets now and then,…
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November 1, 2016 2

Nick Klein & Raising Rabbits

Nick Klein & Raising Rabbits Karen Lynn “Lil’ Suburban Homestead” Nick Klein blog owner at Hostile Hare and Podcaster at We Grow from Hostile Hare will be on the show this episode talking all about raising rabbits for meat not only for

December 11, 2015 1

Goats, Axes & Fire!

Goats, Axes & Fire Ohhh My! This week on the 7 P’s Of Survival Show we will have Chris Gustafson on the show and will be talking all about the life of a Michigan Outdoorsman. We plan to talk about using goats for all things self reliance, collecting fire tinder material and what works best,…
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October 13, 2015 0

Hunting, more than a sport!

Why I Started Hunting James Walton “I Am Liberty” Standing on the edge of summer it’s easy to look off the cliff and see into the dark dismal valley of winter. I hate winter. Still, the holidays that come along with it make it bearable. Then of course there is hunting. I am no seasoned…
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September 4, 2015 0

The Beekeeping Question & Chat Show!

The Beekeeping Question & Chat Show! Karen Lynn “Lil’ Suburban Homestead” This week on the Lil’ Suburban Homestead  Karen Lynn has her three favorite beekeepers back on the show again!! Troy Marino a commercial beekeeper from the Bayou, Brent Wesley a commercial beekeeper from Akron, Ohio and the Viking in Karen Lynn’s life Eric Thompson, a backyard beekeeper…
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August 20, 2015 0

The Last Tree!

The Last Tree Mathew Gilman “The Collapse Experiment” This week on The Collapse Experiment I will be discussing the state of collapse in the world today. Cecil the Lion will be one topic and what it represents for our place in the world. In This discussion I will cover the history of collapse and where…
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August 8, 2015 0

Bird Flu Sweeping US, should you worry?

Bird Flu Sweeping US, should you worry? Lynna “A Preppers Path” All major news outlets in the past few days have related stories of the bird flu and it’s ravages on poultry producers throughout the Mid-West reporting some 40 million birds have died or put down due to contamination. It’s not just chickens, the turkey…
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May 25, 2015 0

Goat Farming & Farm Living!

Goat Farming & Farm Living with Heidi Gonzales From Tres Rios Farm Host: Karen Lynn “Lil’ Suburban Homestead” Karen Lynn is so excited to interview her good blogging friend Heidi Gonzales from Tres Rios Farm……Heidi is someone many of you can relate to and be inspired by she is a 40+ housewife, mother, grandma, goat,…
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May 4, 2015 1

Dogs and Self Defense!

Dogs and Self Defense! Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty” In this age of ever growing threats we all want to feel a little more secure. Did you hear our wonderful president is piloting a foreign parole program for immigrants south of the boarder. How about the Mexican militaries discovery of an ISIS stronghold just…
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April 17, 2015 0