Category: chickens

SkyBird and GoatHollow! nano technology to chickens

“SkyBird” from Youtube joins Doug on Prepping With Goat Hollow. SkyBird is a Youtuber and prepper from way back. Topics were prepper related including everything from nano technology that is becoming as important an issue to pay attention to as G.M.O..  A little canning was discussed as well as some great information on chickens, goats…
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May 30, 2012 0

Karen, Chris, DB, Gman and others join in on livestock and gardens!

Friday’s show “Living off the land” Part Two did not go exactly in line with show description that was posted but maybe for the better. With the input of the hosts and the callers including myself a lot of great information, tips, and ideas were put forth. A good time was had talking about the…
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May 11, 2012 0