Author: James Walton

ABC’s of the Survival Group!

ABC’s of the Survival Group! DJ Cooper “Surviving Dystopia” The second part in a series of shows highlighting the survival group.  With this we include many different kinds of groups.  Last week we talked about the need for a group, the kinds of groups and whether or not to build or join one.  Moving forward…
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May 26, 2016 0

David McIntyre from History Channels Alone

David McIntyre from History Channels Alone Josh “The 7P’s of survival” This episode we  have David McIntyre from History Channels Alone on the show and we talk about his life’s journey leading up to his choice to take part in ALONE. Once we learn a little about his background we dig into what he decided to…
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May 25, 2016 0

Are any of us prepared? prepper checklist

Are any of us prepared? prepper checklist Highlander “Survival & Tech Preps” This episode I will talk about how prepared we think we are, or aren’t. I will make a generalized checklist of what we should have and maybe a few things you might not have thought of. Many of us get a general Bob…
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May 24, 2016 0

Herbs for Seasonal Allergies!

Herbs for Seasonal Allergies Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” It’s springtime, the air smells of flowers and cut grass. The sun is out, and there is a gentle breeze. People are outside, enjoying their backyards, gardening, and cooking out on the grill. On the weekends, perhaps they are out camping or hiking. That is, unless…
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May 23, 2016 0

Broiling and Baking!

Broiling and Baking James Walton “I Am Liberty” For week two of the I AM Liberty series of cooking methods we are going to move the conversation over to the dry side. Week one was all about the wonders of braising. This week we are going to talk broiling and baking. Do you even use…
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May 21, 2016 0

Prepping and Politics: Part Two

Prepping and Politics: Part Two Bobby Akart “Prepping For Tomorrow” On this week’s episode of the Prepping for Tomorrow program with Author Bobby Akart, we continue the subject of politics, from a prepper’s perspective. Last week, we had an excellent conversation with Tom Martin, founder and owner of the American Preppers Network. We only scratched

May 20, 2016 0

Spotting scopes and why you need them!

What are spotting scopes and why you need them! Any prepper worth his salt knows the value of hunting when SHTF. Maybe you need to supplement your diet with protein. Maybe you need to ward of predators. Maybe you just think it’s cool. Regardless you need to know all about scopes or “glass” as seasoned…
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May 19, 2016 0

Survival groups why do you need one?

Survival groups why do you need one? DJ Cooper “Surviving Dystopia” You considered all the scenarios and you feel prepared.  One thing troubles you, others…  There must be others out there that think like you do.  Others that think like you do that can offer assistance, others to barter with.  You know that it is…
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May 19, 2016 0

Larry Roberts From History’s ALONE!

Larry Roberts From History’s ALONE Josh “The 7P’s of Survival” We have Larry Roberts from History Channels Alone on the show and we talk about his life’s journey leading up to his choice to take part in ALONE. Once we learned a little about his background we dig into what he decided to take on the…
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May 18, 2016 0

Paranoia in prepping good or bad?

Paranoia in prepping  good or bad? Highlander “Survival & Tech Preps” We often get called paranoid and crazy. We also get told that nothing will ever happen, we will be fine, and we do not have to worry about anything. I am sure the people who suffered Katrina, or Fukushima thought the same thing till disaster hit…
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May 17, 2016 0

Braising, inexpensive meats made great!

Braising, inexpensive meats made great! James Walton “I Am Liberty” For our first week in this series on cooking we are going to talk about braising. This cooking method is my favorite by far. This is a transformation technique that often involves tougher cuts of meat. This means cheaper cuts of meat. If you can…
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May 14, 2016 0

Galt Strike & Owner Tom Martin of A.P.N.

Galt Strike & Owner Tom Martin of A.P.N. Bobby Akart “Prepping for Tomorrow” On this week’s episode of the Prepping for Tomorrow program with Author Bobby Akart, we’ll join the fray and dive into the subject of politics, from a prepper’s perspective. First, I’ll take a moment to introduce our listeners to, a prepper-oriented website…
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May 13, 2016 0

Experiences in living off grid!

Experiences in living off grid! DJ Cooper “Surviving Dystopia” On this weeks episode of Surviving Dystopia DJ Cooper welcomes John Milandred to the show.  John has been a Preparedness, Survivalist, and Prepper Consultant to individuals and companies alike. Having been involved with The Prepper Podcast Radio Network, Radio host of Pioneering Your Way to Freedom

May 12, 2016 0