Author: James Walton

Intro to Prepping – 101

Intro to Prepping – 101 A step-by-step process to becoming a prepared prepper. Forrest Garvin “”The PreppingAcademy” On this episode Forrest and Kyle begin their “Intro To Prepping 101” series. We’ll also hear more on why they became Preppers and reasons you should too! Whether you’ve been a prepper since the Cuban Missile Crisis, or just…
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July 23, 2016 0

The EMP Threat—Solar Flares

The EMP Threat—Solar Flares Bobby Akart “Prepping For Tomorrow” On this episode Bobby Akart, continues his two part series on the threats our nation faces from an EMP. Bobby will focus on man-made and EMPs emanating from our Sun. Ya’ live by the sun, ya’ die be the sun. Our planet’s source of life can…
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July 22, 2016 0

PermaCube Revolution

PermaCube Revolution James Walton “I Am Liberty” It takes a very special product to get on the I AM Liberty show. When I started this show I wanted to be sure I wouldnt fall into the trap of becoming an affiliate salesman or a peddler. It’s for this reason   I only introduce the I AM…
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July 20, 2016 0

Emergency Preparedness for You and Your Family

Emergency Preparedness for You and Your Family It would take an ambulance or emergency workers to help take care of any harmful or havoc situation which may happen on a street or in a community. What will you do if God forbid anything happens in your own home? Should you be prepared for any emergency…
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July 20, 2016 0

Justin Vititoe from History Channels Alone!

Justin Vititoe from History Channels Alone Josh “7P’s of Survival” This week we will have Justin Vititoe from History Channels Alone on the show and we will be talking about his life’s journey leading up to his choice to take part in ALONE. Once we learn a little about his background we will dig into…
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July 20, 2016 0

Extroverts or Introverts in Prepping!

Extroverts or Introverts in Prepping! Highlander “Survival and Tech Preps” I bet most of you have never even heard these terms before right? Well basically an extrovert is a very outgoing, and friendly type of person whereas an introvert is not. Introversion is a personality trait characterized by a focus on internal feelings rather than on…
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July 19, 2016 0

Don’t Lose the Mental Game!

Don’t Lose the Mental Game Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Preppers and survivalists, I have a vital message that a lot of you won’t want to hear: It is imperative that you keep your head in the game and keep calm. I know, with all the signs of increased terror activity, the shenanigans of

July 18, 2016 0

The Prepping Academy Premier!

Prepping Academy Radio Show “Premier” first live show! Forest Garvin “The Prepping Academy” The Prepping Academy Radio Show is a radio show devoted to a wide variety of preparedness, survival, self-reliance and personal defense topics. The show is for listeners who want to protect themselves and their family from seen and unseen disasters that could…
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July 16, 2016 0

The EMP Threat: Nuclear and Man-Made

The EMP Threat: Nuclear and Man-Made Bobby Akart “Prepping For Tomorrow” On this week’s episode of the Prepping for Tomorrow program, Bestselling Author Bobby Akart, will begin a two part series on the threats our nation faces from an EMP: Electromagnetic Pulse. Bobby’s poignant analysis of the EMP threat has achieved #1 Bestseller rankings on Amazon…
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July 15, 2016 0

Fridays Paycheck & Preparedness!

Put Fridays Paycheck Towards Preparedness James Walton “I Am Liberty” It was about two months ago now when I felt the prick of preparedness again. It came flooding back to almost like a premonition. The world was screaming and I was listening. Since then I have been pushing the pace on my preparedness. I can…
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July 14, 2016 0

Emergency Preparedness Generalized

Emergency Preparedness Generalized Josh “The 7P’s of Survival” This week on the 7 P’s of survival we will be talking about generalized emergency preparedness. The recent flooding that devastated southern West Virginia gave me pause and made me reevaluate my own level of preparedness. 99% of the people we rescued

July 13, 2016 0

Who Is Forrest Garvin?

Who Is Forrest Garvin? Highlander “Survival and Tech Preps” On this episode of Survival & Tech Preps we are going to meet Forrest Garvin. When you meet Forrest you wonder if this man ever sleeps and what keeps him going. Not only does Forrest have his grip on many different projects as you will see reading on…
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July 12, 2016 1

Success Stories!

Success stories from a self made publisher & self made author. Tom “Galt Strike” Melanie Davis is the founder of Triumph Press, publishing a nonfiction genre of books including true and inspiring stories of overcoming or self-help.  She is also a bestselling author and ghostwriter, including The Triumph Book Series.  The Triumph Book is the first…
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July 10, 2016 0