TGA- AR15’s: Starter Rifle
I want to buy an AR15 but I have no idea where to start and what to buy….
I want to buy an AR15 but I have no idea where to start and what to buy….
Do you want to know more about US Military 30 Cal Rifles from the past? How to fix them, get parts, what to watch out for, and the various models that were fielded and are still available?? Tune in and find out!
This show is about the various US Military .30 cal rifles from WW2, Korea, and even Vietnam. History, Operations, and Gunsmithing.
How do we smith the 1911? What gunsmithing projects need to be done and what doesn’t? What upgrades can anyone do? Wanna find out? Tune in.
Hello TEAM GUNMETAL!! This week, I’m going to finish up my 1911 Gunsmithing podcast, talk a bit more about some mods you can make to a 1911, ways to take care of common 1911 problems… and if I have enough time… I’ll discuss some other handguns and gunsmithing them. I will touch on the Bible…
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Gunsmithing the 1911 and other handguns for Preppers and Survivalists
This week on TGA, we are gonna visit the library of the Gunmetal Armory. We are going to call on our brother Miles F. from Archangel Dynamics… and if possible, we are going to bring in another special guest. We’re going to discuss self-defense, what can happen in those highly charged situations, and what the…
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Matter of Facts Podcast
Preppers LIVE 8pm EST/6pm PST
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I AM Liberty 8pm EST
The Gunmetal Armory LIVE 8pm EST
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