Author: Dan Wolfe

Dumpster Diving!

Dumpster Diving For Daily Living, Gardening, and Future Preps! Karen Lynn “Lil’ Suburban Homestead” This week Karen Lynn brings to all of you “Live” a Viking and Karen Lynn exclusive radio show! She will have her husband she calls the Viking on her show and they are going to be talking about “Dumpster Diving” and…
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July 9, 2015 1

Strategic Relocation!

Strategic Relocation! Jack Spirko “The Survival Podcast” David Haight stated when he asked to do this show that, “once upon a time, I prided myself on my ability to be content anywhere. Over time though I realized I was lying to myself. This led to a though and carefully planned and executed strategic relocation. I…
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July 8, 2015 0

The 7 P’s of Survival first live radio show!

The 7 P’s of Survival first live radio show! Host: Josh “The 7 P’s of Survival” Welcome to the 7 P’s of Survival first live radio show! This week we will introduce you to the 7 p’s of Survival Blog, its content and my general preparedness method. Once we get a few of the philosophical…
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July 7, 2015 0

Health Care and Sam Coffman!

Health Care and Sam Coffman! Lynna “A Preppers Path” Health care is on the minds of many particularly this week with the Obamacare Health Exchanges going on line Tuesday morning. A controversial plan at best, our Nation has embarked on a new course for health care and the people. Notice I didn’t say its people,…
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July 6, 2015 0

Independence Day Celebration!

Independence Day Celebration! James Walton “I Am Liberty” Few holidays hold the meaning and importance of the anniversary of our Independence. Though it may be cool in some factions to pity my country and speak on how great America once was. It may be fashionable to speak America as though it were some sort of…
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July 3, 2015 0

Societal Collapse, A Fiction Interview

Are You Prepared For Societal Collapse – A Fiction Interview Karen Lynn “Lil’ Suburban Homestead” This week Karen Lynn interviews prepper fiction authors Bobby Akart who is also blog owner of Freedom Preppers, contributing writer at America’s Preppers Network, and Steve Konkoly who has a strong military background and Author of several books. Karen Lynn…
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June 30, 2015 0

Fire Season & Being Prepared!

Fire Season & Being Prepared! Lynna “A Preppers Path” Warning! Warning! Will Robinson Danger! This warning isn’t just for Will Robinson of the famed Lost in Space but for All. The 2015 fire season is already upon us. Record temperatures of as much as 25 above normal run rampant throughout the U.S., snow pack on…
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June 29, 2015 0

Surviving MRSA

Surviving MRSA Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Methicillin-resistant Staphloccocus aureas (MRSA) is a muti-drug resistant bacteria which causes a range infections of infections, including skin infections, pneumonia, and bloodstream infections. is in every hospital, in every community, and in the food supply. At best, it causes large, painful boils that leave gaping wounds when drained.…
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June 28, 2015 0

Cyber Security and Privacy!

Cyber Security and Privacy! DirtyLew & Highlander “TechPreps” In this week’s episode of Tech Preps, Dirty Lew and Highlander will be going over the topic of “Cyber Security and Privacy.”  As you may have seen or heard in different media outlets, different governmental or commercial agencies continuously getting hacked or their networks breached.  We will…
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June 27, 2015 0

Cheap Hot Water Anyone?

Cheap Hot Water Anyone? James Walton “I Am Liberty” Its rare that I get into preparedness products. Self-reliance toys if you will. Now I am not talking about silly cheap China made knives that are also wrenches that are also flints that pose as shovels and when held in the just right light resemble a compass.…
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June 26, 2015 0


BACK TO EDEN & PAUL GAUTSCHI! It’s been a week since I posted about tonight’s live show with the return of our host Katzcradul and her guests the producers of Back to Eden and special guest Paul Gautschi. The response across the internet has been overwhelming. Almost everyone is familiar with Back to Eden the…
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June 24, 2015 0

6 Critical Mistakes When Collecting Rainwater!

6 Critical Mistakes When Collecting Rainwater! Rainwater is safe. Rainwater is free. Rainwater needs to be harvested. Unless you leave near a nuclear plant or in a highly polluted region, you shouldn’t shy away from collecting and stockpiling as much rainwater as possible. Although it’s a little acidic, so are many of the foods we…
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June 23, 2015 4

Canning 101

Canning 101 Noreen What’s the difference between pressure canning and water bath canning? I don’t have a pressure canner, can I can my chicken in a water bath? How long do you need to process meats for? Can I make jam without pectin? What is pectin? What is the difference between jam, jelly and preserve?…
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June 22, 2015 1