Author: Dan Wolfe


WILLPOWER, CAVEMEN AND TUBERS James Walton “I Am Liberty” Running up a stiff incline the other day I thought about willpower and a book about the finite daily resource that is willpower. I thought about a fed up American population that is stressed to the max about issues both personal and social. Willpower is often…
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August 21, 2015 2

The Beekeeping Question & Chat Show!

The Beekeeping Question & Chat Show! Karen Lynn “Lil’ Suburban Homestead” This week on the Lil’ Suburban Homestead  Karen Lynn has her three favorite beekeepers back on the show again!! Troy Marino a commercial beekeeper from the Bayou, Brent Wesley a commercial beekeeper from Akron, Ohio and the Viking in Karen Lynn’s life Eric Thompson, a backyard beekeeper…
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August 20, 2015 0

Sara F. Hathaway “Day After Disaster”

Sara F. Hathaway “Day After Disaster” Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Join me this week as I have the pleasure of interviewing Sara F. Hathaway, author of the post-apocolyptic novel, Day After Disaster, the first installment of the Changing Earth Series. In a field dominated by male authors and male main characters, Sara brings a…
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August 16, 2015 2

Currency wars and Ferguson one year later!

Currency wars and Ferguson one year later Mathew Gilman “The Collapse Experiment” This week on the Collapse Experiment China lowered the value of the Yuan after reports came back that their economic growth was lower than expected. China has always been accused of unfair currency manipulation but is that the real threat we have to…
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August 15, 2015 0

September 2015 Are You Prepared?

September 2015 Are You Prepared? James Walton “I Am Liberty” I was joking about the severity of September in a podcast I put out this week entitled Fear, Trump and Spiced Pumpkin. I was jesting about how everyone knows when a collapse is coming until the day it really comes. There are religious correlations and…
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August 14, 2015 0

Cat Ellis on Lil’ Suburban Homestead!

Cat Ellis on Lil’ Suburban Homestead Karen Lynn “Lil’ Suburban Homestead” Karen Lynn is so excited to have fellow Prepper BroadcastingNetwork Host of the live radio show The Herbal Prepper Cat Ellis on her show this week!  Cat had Karen Lynn and her husband she calls “The Viking” on as guests on her show shortly…
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August 13, 2015 0

The New Prepper Overload!

The New Prepper Overload DJ Cooper “Surviving Dystopia” It happens… New and Old to the world of Prepping sometimes things just get overwhelming and we need to take a breather.  It is important to keep our priorities in line so that we can better plan our preparedness. Whether we use checklists or a system of…
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August 12, 2015 0

Canning, Increasing Self Sufficiency

Canning A Viable Means Of Increasing Self Sufficiency Josh “The 7P’s of Survival” Tonight we are going to talk about food preservation, canning in particular. I’ve never been big on canning but my grandmother canned a great deal and I have been thinking about getting into more gardening and canning as of late. It seems…
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August 11, 2015 0

Herbal First Aid Kit- Part Three

Herbal First Aid Kit- Part Three Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Tonight wraps up this series on herbal first aid kits. Here, the focus will be on topical applications, such as salves, powders, and washes. The types of injuries these help tend to be cuts and lacerations, skin infections, wound care, and eye care. Plus,…
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August 9, 2015 0

The Last Tree!

The Last Tree Mathew Gilman “The Collapse Experiment” This week on The Collapse Experiment I will be discussing the state of collapse in the world today. Cecil the Lion will be one topic and what it represents for our place in the world. In This discussion I will cover the history of collapse and where…
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August 8, 2015 0

Stockpile Your Bug Out Location?

Stockpile Your Bug Out Location? Dan F. Sullivan For some reason, not a lot of people talk about this very important yet crucial aspect of prepping. Everyone’s got food and water in their pantry, in their bug out bags but no one seems to care whether or not they have any preps at their bug…
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August 7, 2015 0

Situation Awareness

Situation Awareness James Walton “I Am Liberty” Bloodshed, shootings, cuttings, hackings, its just another day in America. Movie theaters, schools, malls and other public places are becoming shooting ranges. Its a frightening truth that today in America you better know about the people around you and the settings. You also better understand that at any…
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August 7, 2015 0

Homeschooling, what you want to know!

Homeschooling, what you want to know! Karen Lynn “Lil’ Suburban Homestead” Karen Lynn is so excited to interview a “returning guest” Tiffany Davis Author of the blog Imperfectly Happy.  Tiffany is a homeschooling mom of 4.  Tiffany is an eclectic (and sometimes eccentric) homeschool mom with 19 years of success and failures under her not-so-supermom…
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August 6, 2015 0