Author: Dan Wolfe

9 Every Day Carry Items You May Have Missed

9 Every Day Carry Items You May Have Missed A lot of preppers consider their everyday carry kit (EDC kit) to be more important than any bug out bag, get home bag or any other type of bag that’s hot right now. Reason? The items that are on their person at all times are the…
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September 17, 2015 2

The Next Generation of Gardeners

Raising The Next Generation of Gardeners Karen Lynn “Lil Suburban Homestead” Karen Lynn interviews Christina Kamp, Blogger at Little Sprouts this week!  Christina Kamp is a family childcare provider in Oklahoma with a passion for giving kids her very best and caring for the whole child. She has been teaching in her home for almost…
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September 17, 2015 0

What is your disaster?

What is your disaster? DJ Cooper “Surviving Dystopia” Why do we prep? I know from much reading and research that there are almost as many reasons as there are preppers, just like last week’s discussion of barter lists. The reasoning behind a choice is always a personal one. We each must decide why we choose to prepare.…
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September 16, 2015 0

Spy Secrets That Can Save Your Life!

Spy Secrets That Can Save Your Life! Josh “The 7P’s of Survival” This week on the 7 P’s Of Survival Show we will be talking about spy safety and survival techniques that can save your life all while keeping you and those you love protected from danger. We will have Jason Hanson, a former CIA…
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September 15, 2015 1

PCOS, Heart Disease, and Herbal Medicine

PCOS, Heart Disease, and Herbal Medicine Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) not only comes with uncomfortable and sometimes embarrassing symptoms, PCOS raises a woman’s risk of diabetes, heart disease, liver disease, hypertension, and cancer. These are potentially deadly diseases no matter if we have access to medical help or not. They…
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September 13, 2015 0

Kicking ISIS Ass

Kicking ISIS Ass – an interview with Hanna Bohman of the YPJ Matthew Gilman “The Collapse Experiment” Saturday’s episode of the Collapse Experiment pod cast will feature an Interview with Hanna Bohman.  A former model turned soldier Hanna has spent time documenting the Kurdish fight against ISIS in Kurdistan.  In recent weeks she has been an…
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September 12, 2015 0

Weapons, lethal and hand to hand!

Weapons, lethal and hand to hand! James Walton “I Am Liberty” It wasn’t until I started writing this show description that I realized what an undertaking a show about self defense would be. I mean there are so many means to defend ones self its absolutely mind boggling. There are less than lethal methods, there…
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September 11, 2015 0

Clean Water as a Barter Item

Clean Water as a Barter Item Russ Michaud – Everyone agrees that water is a must have essential at the top of the list for survival preparations. It is prudent to have a back up source of potable water in case of temporary infrastructure problems and natural disasters. Usually this is in the form…
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September 9, 2015 1

The Art of Barter!

The Art of Barter, more than just swapping! D.J.Cooper “Surviving Dystopia” Bartering in some form or another has been around since the beginning of civilization.  The question is how do we do it? According to Webster’s it is; verb:  1. exchange (goods or services) for other goods or services without using money. “he often bartered…
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September 9, 2015 0

What Does It Mean To Bugout?

What Does It Really Mean Practically To Bugout? Josh “The 7P’s of Survival” This week on the 7 P’s Of Survival Show we will be talking about all things surrounding what bugging out would be like. We will be exploring what you should include in a bug out bag/go bag/woods bag/shtf bag/ etc. and what…
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September 8, 2015 0

Bug Out Essentials!

Bug Out Essentials Highlander “Tech Preps” On tonight’s show, we will talk about eBugout – a brand new custom bug out bag building tool. What makes eBugout different is the ability to choose each piece of gear that goes into your bag. Every product featured by eBugout has been hand selected, purchased, tested, and reviewed by…
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September 7, 2015 0

How to Keep Your Liver Healthy!

How to Keep Your Liver Healthy Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” To pick up where we left off with last week’s discussion about liver function and the importance of keeping your liver healthy, this episode is all about how to care for the liver. This episode will be just about the herbs themselves, what parts…
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September 6, 2015 0

China sends warships and European refugees

China sends warships and the European refugee crisis. Mathew Gilam “The Collapse Experiment” In this weeks show I will discuss the current situation in Europe and the Middle East concerning refugees fleeing Syria. Refugees have resorted to using life rafts and other simple flotation devices to try and reach Europe. Many of them have drowned…
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September 5, 2015 0