Author: Dan Wolfe

Prepper/Survival Myths

Prepper/Survival Myths Host: James “I Am Liberty” We are all learning. Every day we are reading and learning. How to’s and What if’s. The thing is now more than ever there are many keyboard survivalists and article writers who are looking to get traffic with outlandish articles that could hurt you more than help you. 

October 16, 2015 0

Sustainability – Be Your Own Boss!

Sustainability – Be Your Own Boss!-Replay- Karen Lynn “Lil’ Suburban Homestead” This week Karen Lynn’s guest is Gregg Carter blog owner ofRural Economist and Author of “Micro and Cottage Businesses: What You Need to Know and How to Get Started”. Gregg’s blog is full of information on practical sound advice, homesteading, sustainability

October 15, 2015 0

Blank page in prepping?

Blank page in prepping? D.J.Cooper “Surviving Dystopia” I sat down tonight after a long week and a long drive to Louisville getting in the night before so I could be up and chipper first thing in the morning for the NPS expo. Suddenly, I get the message asking about where this very article is. Darn…
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October 14, 2015 0

Goats, Axes & Fire!

Goats, Axes & Fire Ohhh My! This week on the 7 P’s Of Survival Show we will have Chris Gustafson on the show and will be talking all about the life of a Michigan Outdoorsman. We plan to talk about using goats for all things self reliance, collecting fire tinder material and what works best,…
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October 13, 2015 0

Every Day Carry, Then and Now part 2

Every Day Carry, Then and Now part 2 Highlander “Tech Preps” Have you ever wondered what was used a thousand years ago or more as protection and weapons for hunting or self defense? How did these tools come to be and where did the ideas come from. On this episode of Tech Preps we look…
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October 12, 2015 0

Herbs for the Gluten-Free Prepper

Herbs for the Gluten-Free Prepper Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” It seems like everyone is avoiding gluten these days. Some people give it up without even knowing if they need to. Others think reactions to gluten are “all in your head”. Today, there are growing “gluten-free” sections at the grocery store, which on one hand…
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October 11, 2015 1

Science Fiction & Omega Plague

Science Fiction & Omega Plague: Collapse Mathew Gilman “The Collapse Experiment” This week on the Collapse experiment i will be joined by fellow post apocalyptic author P. R. Principe. His new book Omega Plague: Collapse is currently ranking 4.5 stars on amazon and is quickly joining the ranks of the best Science Fiction in the Indy…
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October 10, 2015 0

Trapped in a Riot. Now What?

So You’re Trapped in a Riot. Now What? Ferguson and Baltimore showed us everything’s possible when it comes to social unrest. It takes days, even hours from things to go from bad to worse and if we have to learn to protect ourselves and our families. Here’s how…

October 9, 2015 1

Where’s the focus?

Where’s the focus? DJ Cooper “Surviving Dystopia” As we go about our daily lives we get wrapped up in things that are our focus. Where that focus is will be where our efforts are expended. But what happens when that focus is shifted or fragmented? Our thoughts and actions become the same. This week I…
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October 7, 2015 0

Civilian Emergency Response Team!

Civilian Emergency Response Team Training In A Nutshell! Josh “The 7P’s of Survival” This week on the 7 P’s Of Survival Show we will be stepping into my roots (Shout out to my hometown fire department Triune-Halleck Fire Department within the Emergency Response Community and talking about one of my favorite classes I used to teach…
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October 6, 2015 0

EDC, Then and Now, What did soldiers carry?

EDC, Then and Now, What did our soldiers carry? Highlander “Tech Preps” Have you ever thought of technology and how it came about? Let us define technology, it is not just computers and gadget, technology is manmade devices, objects, tools that are designed to aid in man’s work, pleasure, and over all progress. In this…
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October 5, 2015 0

Migraines and Severe Headaches

Migraines and Severe Headaches When There Is No Doctor Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” If you have ever had a migraine, you know it’s not your normal headache. It is pure debilitation. This isn’t a regular headache. This is severe sensitivity to light, sound, and smells, and come with bouts of nausea. Medication only helps…
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October 5, 2015 0

Desperation, Fear, Death, Surviving the “Intruder”

Desperation, Fear, Death, Surviving the “Intruder” Reposted from a not so long ago happening! I shot a man in desperation the other day and haven’t been able to sleep since. I had often wondered if I had to, would I be able to, now I know. Pulling the trigger was not that hard, not with what…
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October 3, 2015 0