Author: Dan Wolfe

Tomorrow Night, Wednesday: Prepping With Goat Hollow!

“Prepping With Goat Hollow” Tomorrow night on the Prepper Broadcasting Network Wednesday: 12/21/2011 9:00pm/Est 8:00pm/Ct 7:00pm/Mt 6:00pm/Pt

December 20, 2011 0

Canning Without a Pressure Canner

Original post by Alaska Rose on A.P. N. First, a disclaimer. This is not an approved method for canning. This is for survival knowledge only. If you are in a survival situation and don’t have a pressure canner available but need to can some meat or vegetables to keep them from spoiling, you can do…
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December 19, 2011 0

A Natural Approach to Prepper Family Care!

A great post with many home remedies! These are my favorite remedies / products — the ones I consider indispensable for a natural family first-aid kit. All of the remedies are available at any well-stocked health-food store and by mail-order. Be sure to buy pure essential oils, not fragrance oils. To prevent breakage, wrap glass…
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December 18, 2011 0

Prepping With Goat Hollow!

My dad once told me. “Son, a man in his lifetime should consider himself lucky to have one or two people he can truly call a friend.” He was right. I am 53 years old now and consider myself fortunate to have two or three that I can call a true friend. A person that…
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December 15, 2011 1

Prepper tips on repackaging and storing food!

If you are packaging for really long term storage, it is advisable to use mylar bags. You can order from Amazon, ebay and any no. of sites. Just google for 5 gallon mylar bags. For long term storage of grains: wheat berries, flour, corn, oatmeal, rice, etc. you should use a mylar bag, the appropriate…
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December 13, 2011 1

Another lost drone?

Another drone shot down by terrorists…or was it? The Lost Drone by gmanprepperLike it? Create your own at It’s free and fun!

December 12, 2011 0

Promote yourself, and your website or blog.

Promote yourself, and your website or blog. Share with others Self Reliance and Independence. It’s easy, a lot of fun, and very rewarding. Be a host on our network and get to know many well- known names in the Prepper, Survivalist community. We are a fast growing network featured on American Preppers Network Prepper…
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December 11, 2011 0

Prepping on the CBC

A great interview about prepping on the CBC Listen to BridenSolutions (Alberta Preppers Member: Go Here ….and…Go Here ) As they discuss prepping with the CBC Here is the audio link: Go Here

December 8, 2011 0

The bombs that will make America Great again!

Is it possible? Can bombing and air strike attacks fix everything, our status in the world, productivity, economics, employment, health and our perception to the rest of the world, etc., and leave us on top? It is possible but first you have to be prepared for the aftermath. In preparation for the aftermath many things…
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December 6, 2011 0

When is it foraging, looting, or survival, and why to prepare

There are around 300 million people in the contiguous US, and about 1900 million acres of land. That equals 6.3 acres of land per person if it was all doled out equally. What percentage of the US population do you think is actually prepared for a collapse, whether permanent or temporary? I bet it is…
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December 5, 2011 0

Prepper Broadcasting shares prepping.

The Prepper Broadcasting Network and all of our hosts involved, work hard to bring you new and fresh information to help you become better prepared and better aware with each broadcast.  Because of the diversity of our hosts you will find no two hosts or their show topics alike. Each of our hosts provide their…
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December 4, 2011 0

Shipping Containers for Bunkers, Bomb Shelters, A Prepper Emergency Retreat

A reply to a question posed about bunkers and laws in building provided a lot of great information and I thought worth sharing. However as with all second hand information, now third hand for those reading this I always recommend doing your own homework and seeking professional advise.

December 2, 2011 0

Other Side of a Preppers Path with co-founder of Self-Reliance Illustrated LT Wright

Tonight, The Other Side of a Preppers Path looks at Self-Reliance with co-founder of Self-Reliance Illustrated and Blind Horse Knives LT Wright joins in for a conversation about what prepping is all about “Self-Reliance”. Questions about how to get there, why we want to be there.  The phone lines will be open for you to ask LT…
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December 1, 2011 0