Author: Dan Wolfe

EMP, The Big Blackout!

EMP, The Big Blackout! Highlander “Tech Preps” This episode I will talk about the technology we should have in case an EMP was to occur. What we should have before and after and how to prep for such an event. We will go over the possible causes of EMP (electromagnetic pulse) and how to prevent it from affecting…
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October 27, 2015 0

House Fire, smoke inhalation and burn care!

House Fire, smoke inhalation and burn care! Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live“ A couple of months ago, our smoke detectors went off. I didn’t think much about it at first, as they had only ever done that when one of their batteries was near dead. Then the doorbell rang, and the elderly man who lives…
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October 26, 2015 0

Fall for Planting Trees?

Fall for Planting Trees? The other day, my husband and I loaded up the kids and took a trip to the local farm supply store. Our objective was to get feed for the goats and sheep, and the chickens, as well as a few heat bulb for our adolescent chickens. As we approached, we saw…
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October 25, 2015 0

Elephant Plague, World News

Elephant Plague, World News Matthew Gilman “The Collapse Experiment” Today saw the land fall of the most powerful hurricane ever recorded. Hurricane Patricia made landfall on the west coast of Mexico with winds over 200 mph. the size and wind speed broke the previous record set by

October 25, 2015 0

Survival Skills For Women

Survival Skills For Women A general perception about women is that they are weak and vulnerable and are not capable of handling tough situations as people think they react more easily than their male counterparts. It’s not just men who believe in this whole women being weak concept but most women sell themselves short when…
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October 24, 2015 0

Kids and Winter Survival Skills!

Kids and Winter Survival Skills! My kids have had their sleds lined up by the garage door since Thanksgiving. They’ve been trying on their snow clothes and eyeing new ski jackets in the L.L. Bean catalog and are ready to get out in the snow and burn some serious calories! I love to watch them…
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October 23, 2015 0

Holiday Gifts, Odds and Ends!

Holiday Gifts, Odds and Ends! I thought instead on one general theme, I would touch on several different things today. It’s fast approaching holiday time and it shows in all the markets. I enjoy baking for the holidays and giving holiday gifts of of food to people. This is a great thing to do and if…
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October 22, 2015 0

Helping others to understand prepping!

What to do when others around you scoff at your prepping. Helping others to understand prepping! D.J. Cooper “Surviving Dystopia” You’ve just returned from the grocery store and hidden those seven cans of tuna neatly under the bed and in walks your spouse who lets out that sigh you hate to hear. They just don’t…
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October 21, 2015 0

Mountaineering 101

Mountaineering 101 Joshua “The 7 P’s Of Survival” Not just about Mountaineering but the skills to survive. Great show! This week on the 7 P’s Of Survival we will have Tyler Anderson on the show and we will be talking all things Mountaineering (not West Virginia University, but if you want to talk about that…
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October 20, 2015 0

10 Comfort items you’ll wish you had!

10 Comfort items you’ll wish you had! The following 10 items are not just a wise idea to think about for that emergency kit but also for that weekend camping trip or that visit to the relatives for a weekend. Can you count the number of times when upon reaching you destination you realized what it…
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October 20, 2015 0

Bleeding, tips to control in emergency!

Bleeding, tips to control in emergency! Just recently I had the misfortune of accidentally cutting a deep wound in my hand. It was severe enough that I should have gone into the doctor and I still may. I know from experience that properly taken care of it would require several stitches. It is a clean wound…
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October 19, 2015 1

Garlic, Post-Disaster Medicine

Garlic for Post-Disaster Medicine Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” This week’s show is dedicated to the pungent, spicy, and strong-flavored herb, garlic. The culinary and medicinal applications of garlic should warrant it a major place in any home garden. For the prepper/survivalist making plans

October 18, 2015 0

World News and It’s Hunting Season!

World News and It’s Hunting Season! Mathew Gilman “The Collapse Experiment” On this episode of the Collapse Experiment… Around the world the hunt is on. Here in Michigan bow season for deer is in. Turkey season is in full swing with me unable to get a license in time, sigh. In Syria, Putin is also…
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October 17, 2015 0