Author: Dan Wolfe

Arthritis, The Downfall When The SHTF

Will Arthritis Be Your Downfall When The SHTF Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Are you prepared to care for arthritis pain after SHTF? Even if you don’t have arthritis today, odds are good that someday you will. To be clear, this episode isn’t just for people suffering from arthritis now, but for everyone

November 9, 2015 4

Putin wars & the dark side!

Putin wars: the dark side strikes back Matthew Gilman “The Collapse Experiment” The week on the collapse experiment, a Russian airliner crashed into the Sinai desert in Egypt. All 224 people on board were killed. The initial reports said the plane broke up while in flight leading investigators to believe it was a terrorist act.…
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November 8, 2015 0

Democracy, committing suicide!

Democracy, committing suicide! James Walton “I Am Liberty” “Democracy… while it lasts is more bloody than either [aristocracy or monarchy]. Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There is never a democracy that did not commit suicide.” John Adams quotes

November 7, 2015 0

Food Storage, another look!

Food Storage, another look! Food storage is easy, storing food to get the most length of storage out of it and to keep it as safe as possible while not taking up the entire house with towers of cans can be a bit more work! However, since food is essential for life, it’s worth doing…
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November 6, 2015 1

Co-ops and buying clubs!

Co-ops and buying clubs D.J. Cooper “Surviving Dystopia” Last week we talked about pinching pennies and ways to save with projects aimed at reducing the costs of some of the things we need.  Another way to save money and make those pennies last is to buy in bulk, Co-ops and buying clubs.  If in the…
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November 5, 2015 0

Caving 101

Caving 101 Josh “7 P’s of Survival” This week on the 7 P’s Of Survival we will have Tyler Anderson back on the show and we will be talking all things Caving. Tyler will walk you through where to start on your caving journey as far as equipment, training, packing, guides, clubs, rescue and much…
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November 4, 2015 0

Blast from the Past in Technology!

Blast from the Past! Highlander “Tech Preps” This Episode we will talk about what I refer to as the Prometheus effect, if we were to bring technology back in time, what would people think? Prometheus, meaning “forethought”)[1] is a Titan in Greek mythology, best known as the deity in Greek mythology who was the creator…
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November 3, 2015 0

Pandemics The Unknown Threats!

The Pandemics Threat The Media Isn’t Talking About Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” This episode of Herbal Prepper Live will be cover the latest news on infectious diseases that should be in the news, but haven’t been. More importantly, how to do a Self Imposed Reverse Quarantine (SIRQ). Unless you’re actively looking for information about…
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November 2, 2015 0


FRANKENSTEIN Old Time Radio After you take the kids out for the tricks and treats tonight sit down and share some old time radio with them. On this special Halloween broadcast we have 5 short stories for you… Frankenstein! The Australian production of FRANKENSTEIN starring George Edwards

October 31, 2015 0

It’s Spooky, It’s Halloween!

It’s Spooky, It’s Halloween! James Walton “I Am Liberty” We are closing in on another spooky Halloween. Lighten up and enjoy it. You probably saw me about two shows back sporting the Deathstroke mask and yes I will be dressing up. No I will not be fighting my sons for their candy but I will…
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October 31, 2015 0

Ready to Update Your Bug-Out Bag?

Ready to Update Your Bug-Out Bag? Every once in a while you need to fine-tune your preps. Nobody gets it right the first time and we all end up with less than ideal gear because, as beginners, we often buy things out of impulse, falling prey to seductive advertising. Since our bug out bags are…
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October 30, 2015 0

Penny Pinching Projects!

Penny Pinching Projects for Preppers… D.J. Cooper “Surviving Dystopia” Well now isn’t that a tongue twister? But seriously, a great topic I think. After last week’s chat about others around us not agreeing with why we prep. It seems only fitting that we discuss some things to help us prep without breaking the bank. There…
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October 29, 2015 0

Pathfinder School, Knife, & Self-Reliance!

Pathfinder School, Knife, & Self-Reliance! Josh “The 7 P’s of Survival” Hold on to your hats Ladies and Gentlemen this show is a barn burner and race against the clock! Tonight we will have Jamie Burleigh (lead instructor at the Pathfinder School) on the show to talk about all things Pathfinder! This will be a…
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October 28, 2015 0