Post-Apocalyptic Authors Shaw & Bird

Post-Apocalyptic Authors Shaw & Bird

February 12, 2016 Books Fiction Prepping for Tomorrow 0

Post-Apocalyptic Authors A. R. Shaw and Steven C. Bird
Bobby Akart “Prepping For Tomorrow

2-11-16 AKART Post-Apocalyptic AuthorsOn this week’s episode of the Prepping for Tomorrow program with Author Bobby Akart, critically acclaimed post-apocalyptic authorsA. R. Shaw and Steven C. Bird will be our special guests. The month of February continues with Bobby’s interviews of some of his fellow authors who contributed to The Perseid Collapse Kindle World.

2-11-16 a-r-shaw-bio-photoA. R. Shaw, born in south Texas, served in the United States Air Force Reserves from 1987 through 1991 as a Communications Radio Operator at Kelly AFB. Her first novel, The China Pandemic, (2013) climbed to #1 in Dystopian and Post-Apocalyptic genres in May of 2014. Hailed as “eerily plausible” and her characters “amazingly detailed,” Shaw continues the engaging series in post-apocalyptic fiction. Her works include the Graham’s Resolution Series and three novellas in Kindle Worlds. She lives with her family in eastern Washington State, where after the deep snow of winter finally subsides to glorious rays of summer; she treks northeast to spend her days writing alongside the beautiful Skagit River. C. Bird was born in Harlan, KY in 1973, where he lived until joining the U.S. Navy in 1992. He spent the next thirteen years living in northwest Washington, where he served on active duty for eleven of those years. After leaving active duty, he completed twenty years of service with the Navy Reserve, retiring as a Chief Petty Officer. His works include the critically acclaimed New Homefront Series, and two novellas in Kindle Worlds. His latest novel is titled The Shepherd: Society Lost. Steven Bird is a self-sufficiency minded individual with a passion for individual liberty and economic freedom. He puts this passion into his writing where he conveys the things that he feels are truly important in life, intertwined with action packed adventure and the struggles of humanity. Bobby is proud to call Steve and his family – “neighbors”.

These two incredible authors are working on a novel together titled: Surrender the Sun, available soon on Amazon. Join in the conversation as I welcome A. R. Shaw and Steven C. Bird to the Prepping for Tomorrow program Thursday night!
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