Pets in a Post-SHTF World

Pets in a Post-SHTF World

November 1, 2016 Animals dogs Pets Survival Tech Preps 2

Pets in a Post-SHTF World
Highlander “Survival & Tech Preps” Listen in player below!

Pets in a Post-SHTF WorldWhat about owning or maintaining your pet in a post-shtf world? Is having your pet going to be a good thing, a hindrance, or are you somewhere in the middle. There can be some great advantages to pets now and then, if not for just for the mere companionship that they provide.

10-31-16-24535871_mAs with previous episodes I have talked about the mental aspect of prepping, in this respect consider your pet. Pets can bring peace of mind, companionship and security for those that own them. I myself own a pet and it is nice to have a welcome when I come home to a pet that is loyal. There can only be advantages to having a good pet as a prep giving unconditional love. This can have a huge impact on your mental well-being in a time when the need for mental stability is a must.

10-31-16-100_1093How do you care for a pet in a shtf world? The bigger question is, when food is at a low how do you feed your pets? How do you make sure you have available water? I have talked to many people and their loyalty to their animal is astounding. Many say they would starve before their animal would, this shows great pride that people have in their pets. Self-sacrifice for an animal is not just humane but a great attribute. Can it be done in a shtf world that both you and your pet live in? It certainly would not be an easy task.

There are many advantages to having a pet depending on the animal. The right pet could be a great asset in security or a weapon against would be attackers. There are many convincing arguments include owning a pet and providing their care in your preps. They can watch over you while you sleep more than any person can. They can sense what is coming long before you may. So what do we choose? We discuss this thoroughly in player below!
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2 Responses

  1. use resources says:

    Am I supposed to know what shft is?
    Well I do not

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