Pet Food in the Apocalypse! – with The Next Generation Show

Pet Food in the Apocalypse! – with The Next Generation Show

September 24, 2020 Animals Shows The Next Generation 0

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0 (12s):
The broadcasting Network. We have to hit the reset button, create a true culture, preparedness, starting in a very young age, in all the way up.

0 (48s):

1 (1m 9s):
Oh, everyone. And welcome to the next Generation. Show where we delve deeper into the little things in life. Here, we explore the lost art of fatherhood Parenthood and fundamental preparedness for the world today. I’m your host, Ryan Buford, along with my cohost young master Colin, and tonight we are joined. We are broadcasting from the heart of the Pacific Northwest. There’s a lot a moment to lose. So let’s dig right in first off, a few have announced few announcements. For those of you listening on the podcast, we do thank you for that support.

1 (1m 41s):
Come on over and join us during the live chat. By going over to Prepper Broadcasting click The live chat button element, his the way to go. Ah, if you have the opportunity to sign up for that, we can invite you into the chat room. And my goodness, there is some killer conversation is happening in the chat room and there’s more than one chat room. So if you want to see some of the other content that we have, that is the way to go. So check us out over in the chat room during the live chat, during the live streaming events, when we were Broadcasting these Shows and you’ll get all of the content when we pull it out today is going to be a link heavy Show.

1 (2m 17s):
So a it’s a good one to be here for those of you. Thanks for joining us full. Can I, and mr. Swanson appreciate that for the audio check in the background. And ah, if you, if you’d like to get access to the content and you’re already signed up on their live chat room, or you can backtrack and get those links that we drop in there. So, ah, if you are already signing a chat and you missed the show live, you can scroll up and you can pick up this information. So check it out.

1 (2m 47s):
That’s a great way to stay tuned and double back to get information. If you feel like what your listening to too special, thanks to the folks out in Aptos, California, as the top listeners of one location this week also coming in second, our neighbors down South in Eagle, Idaho, a special thanks to the listeners across the pond and around the world as well. It looks like we got a couple of new listeners over in Turkey and France. So thanks for joining us. And don’t forget to check out our new member portal over at the PBN site. This is an opportunity for you to get additional content streaming information and updates, added podcasts, videos, extra stuff, completely unfiltered and unfettered.

1 (3m 29s):
Just the way you like it here at Prepper Broadcasting Network so check that stuff out. If your interested, you can also, Hey, we’ve got a bunch of new folks jumping in the chat. It’s like, am I graze back? We spent a while. And for those of you out there who were still interested in some of the other stuff that we have going on here at Prepper Broadcasting through our show page, you can reach out to us directly by going over to Prepper and hit us up on the next Generation Show they’re going to find all of our social contact information and a, you know, you can follow us on all the Instagram, Twitter, Facebook.

1 (4m 9s):
I don’t know what other ones on there, Patriot not Patriot on what’s the other one parlor MI. We all have that good stuff. And if you would like, you can always email me directly. I do answer emails as much as I possibly can, and you can always, you know, request links or information. I’m happy to send show notes to focus. If you a, if you get there’s a show that really sticks with you and you want to get more information on it and you missed out on the live broadcast. And we dropped a bunch of stuff in there, hit me up.

1 (4m 40s):
I’m happy to respond and help folks out. And you can do that by emailing me, a quick tactical and miscellaneous updates. On our end, we are looking forward. There’s a company that I’m going to be reaching out to, to do some possible bag reviews. And these are 72 hour basically sign up semi the bag and its ready to go type of thing. So we’re looking forward to find out if those guys are interested in working with us and we’ll probably wind up doing some sort of a last minute dropship camp out type session.

1 (5m 18s):
If we actually get our hands on to some of those. So we’re looking forward to that. If we do, we’ll let you know and get you the review information. Still some content forthcoming. I have been significantly held back on weather and other stuff on my end on the back burner, but it is coming and we are working still on getting content out for the folks out there who do follow us on tactical or the YouTube channel and all that good stuff. I did have one, a personal plug that I wanted to drop in a way because it applies to today’s show and a car.

1 (5m 53s):
It’s got a little bit of my personal flavor in it. So this is a new book that just dropped recently from angry Eagle publishing. This is a publishing company that was started by D Cooper DJ Cooper. And for those of you out there who were into Prepper fiction, she’s one of the names in that genre who most folks can identify with. And she compiled a group of authors and put together a series of short stories.

1 (6m 26s):
So it’s a collection of short stories that is geared toward an apocalyptic winter. And I was lucky enough to be invited into this group to be able to submit work. And my work was selected for publication. So it’s kind of ties in with today’s story because, you know, I shoot, I shot out the request on social media, like, Hey, you know, what, what should, what should the topic be for today? What, what do people want to hear about and Morgan over at rogue preparedness chimed in a way?

2 (7m 2s):
Well, if, you know, for sure,

1 (7m 4s):
Pet, Food in the Apocalypse, you know, pet food and an SHTF situation. You know, she, she was interested in that and there were several people who were also interested in that. And that’s why we decided to gear today’s show on that. And I thought I would read a small section of this short story to you because it does tie into this whole idea of what, what people think about when it comes to Food preparedness. And most of the times it’s just yourself, right?

1 (7m 34s):
So this is a fiction story that, and it’s just a couple of paragraphs, so I won’t keep it too long for you. You guys, if your interested, you can or want to read more, you can buy the book, but the story itself has called a good sign and we have specific parameters. We have to include certain words and we had to make sure that these words were in there for whatever reason. It was part of the challenge. One of the words we had to include was bear. And in this story barrier is the name of the canine companion, that tags along with the main character, Chris.

1 (8m 11s):
So here’s, here’s a portion of the story that I wanted to share with you guys have your black boots on Chris’s feet, sinking, unstable snow. As they walk, their footsteps are the first to try on their untouched, snow crunches beneath them. No plows, no tire tracks, no footprints, except there’s snowdrifts clamor at the side of the road, frozen in place where the wind had finally stopped not long ago, like giant white teeth, gnashing at the roadside.

1 (8m 48s):
Got a surprise for you. Bear. I’ve been setting it aside for some time. Now just for the occasion,

3 (8m 57s):
Chris taps, a side pocket on his pack and fields for the canned to make sure it’s still there. A habit formed over the past few weeks, daily affirmation, sometimes several times a day at daybreak before dusk, every time they stop, he checks to make it still there. Make sure it’s still there. The simple little thing that he’s been setting aside ever since he found it in a cabinet, somewhere along the way as they walk their shadows grow longer, legs long and lean against the path.

3 (9m 32s):
Their bodies are alien invaders. Chris adjusts, his head scarf and covers more of his gray beard. The wind begins to pick up and wisps of snow start covering their path. It whips his head scarf bear stops. Chris stops. He looks ahead watching the dog with a side long glance. Chris reaches for his, a boot and unclips a button down, a leather strap to reveal a throwing knife and pulls it out slowly.

3 (10m 3s):
Bear takes a step towards the ditch bank, along the side of the road, lowering his head and sniffing another step. Chris winds up ready to launch intense focused. Another step. Chris watches another step. Then a clamor of the ditch bank launches into the air flapping and fighting the wind as bare advances with striking speed. But he misses chomping at the AER.

3 (10m 33s):
The unmistakable white ring neck have a pheasant and a long decorative tail struggles against the high winds, but manages to get higher than bears jaws. And mid-flight Chris flings the knife and it lands with a thud. The pheasant rolls from the sky and plummets to the ground. Bare captures the kill, gives it a shake, have returns to the road where he drops it at Chris’s feet. Add a boy, bear what a feast.

3 (11m 4s):
The story goes on to talk about, you know, what they do and what they, how they handle this quote unquote feasts, the single pheasant that they were able to capture and kill together. And it, to me, this story when given the challenge of writing a story about winter in the Apocalypse naturally has to include dogs. And for those of you who have listened to the show, you the time and time again, you know that there are dogs in the background. I mean, there was a dog that was barking in the background while I was reading.

3 (11m 35s):
That is just part of my life. That’s part of our life. And for many of you out there having a dog is part of your life, but how many of you prepare for the dog’s needs? And I remember not six months ago, when everybody was in panic mode, we were a fine, we had all the Food we needed, we have been stocking up.

3 (12m 6s):
We had all the toilet paper we needed. We’d been stocking up, you know, we had enough dog food, but that wasn’t about enough to last a month. And I was like, yeah, we should be okay. But I noticed early on when the panic started hitting hard, there was a massive run on dog food. And I wasn’t anticipating that I was anticipating things like beer and you know, Food staples me.

3 (12m 36s):
I mean, I kind of guessed meat milk and bread would be gone. But what really caught me off guard was the idea of dog food and how many people were unprepared when it came to their levels of dog food. And I remember I’m on one of the previous episodes. I can’t remember if it was one of the Corona virus podcasts that we did is a group or one of the ones that we did on our show. But I brought this up before it has how, you know, how concerning it was to me, that dog food was something that flew off the shelves and that Ron have a dog Food it kind of reminded me of to things.

3 (13m 15s):
And they’re kind of contradicting scenes. One was a scene from Ron Foster’s book in the longest walk where he pretty much calls out dogs as being a threat because after a couple of days of not having Food, they have a tendency to pack together and get Food whatever by whatever means necessary. Sometimes that means taking out other animals. Sometimes it means, you know, raw rummaging through dumpsters or whatever, but when humans and dogs start competing for Food in a, a SHTF scenario, it really puts a different light on the importance of having Food the other scene that I’m, that kind of brought to my attention was this one scene or a couple of scenes from a movie called I am legend.

3 (14m 6s):
And the, I think will Smith was in there and he had the shepherd was a beautiful shepherd, right. You know, it was obviously well fed and it was definitely a show dog movie grade shepherd, but what struck me was a, the, the scenes where the dog was being fed and what the dog was being fed. And it made me really kind of wonder, you know, if you were by yourself, how much would you be able to spare for your dog, especially if you were hungry and you were hunting for your own food, or you were having trouble collecting your own food.

3 (14m 44s):
So to me, it was kind of a combination when I came up with the short story of those two, trying to, to merge those two up and find some sort of balance between being prepared and being prepared for not only your whole family, but you animals as well. And what does this have to do with prepping? Well, as preppers, we can sometimes find ourselves at a level of comfort as we sit back on our own preps while other people struggle.

3 (15m 14s):
But holes in our plans are often revealed through the panic of others. One of the holes in my plan was that onset of the whole pandemic in early March and where dog food landed within that. And now I know what hopefully some of you know, and that is what we all need to know to be ready for the potential of a second lockdown or a second, a wave of like food shortage or a run on dog food.

3 (15m 53s):
But first, before we get into today’s show, the rest of today’s show, Colin, can you share the fun fact of the week?

4 (16m 0s):
What did Do everybody? My name is Colin and I am the cohost here at the next Generation Show where will be diving into a little bit of alternative dog food sources and preservation methods for your dog food. But real quick, before we get too much further into that, I’m going to quickly cover the crafted call on fun fact of the week. For those of you listeners who have been here for a minute, you know, it’s just a short segment on our show that gives you a fun tidbit of something that’s usually related to the Show topic. So without any further ado, let’s get right into it.

4 (16m 32s):
Today is graft a go in and a fun fact of the week is it said to me, the dogs curl up in a ball when sleeping to protect their organs, a holdover from their days in the wild, when they were vulnerable to predator attacks. Umm, and when I read that, I, you know, it kind of clicked in my head because I’ve, anytime I’ve ever seen like a movie or show with wolves, like a pack of wolves, they are together, but they’re all in a ball.

4 (17m 3s):
And I mean obviously it could be cause of warmth as well, but it makes

3 (17m 7s):
Yeah. Yeah. And that’s kind of cool there, there are several things that are Are. That’s awesome, buddy. Thank you. Well, yeah, there’s, there’s a lot of parts about canine survival that STEM directly from generations past and a, you know, you think just earlier this week Jane was, or maybe last week, I’m losing track of time. James made a, he was having a, he was doing a monologue on one of his shows and he mentioned this idea of how far we are removed from our own ancestors.

3 (17m 43s):
And it made me think, I, and he might’ve even mentioned, this is how far a dog has removed from his ancestors. You know, the wolves, the coyotes, you know, I like that. And several survival instincts remain intact. And one of those is, you know, that particular thing, you know, that, that, that basic level of survival just when you’re asleep so that you don’t, you know, come under attack even though, you know, our dogs today, aren’t likely to come under attack in that regard.

3 (18m 13s):
But ah, the fact that they carry that in their genes is still, I mean, it’s kind of like us, you know, carrying this whole preparedness side in our genes, you know, so that’s awesome, buddy. Thank you. So yeah, so we’re talking about Mmm Pet Food in the Apocalypse and there’s a kind of, it’s going to be a link heavy Show and hopefully we can keep it somewhat organized and get as much information as we can out. So let’s start off with a couple of do’s and don’ts let’s start there.

3 (18m 47s):
So, umm, or maybe you, should we, should we talk a little bit about quantities and the importance of having food on hand or how do you want to, do you want to kick this off buddy? I’m we could probably talk about quantities toward the end with the project. So let’s do let’s do do’s and don’ts so this is it’s it’s to consider your pets when it comes to Food, but you have to be careful about what you feed them. Well, I haven’t been in environments where people just go and feed their dogs Food off the table sometimes that’s OK.

3 (19m 18s):
If the dog’s stomachs are used to that, but in most cases you can’t just go from dog food to feeding him scraps off the table. It just doesn’t, it’s not good for their system, a, the American kennel club, a and you know, just as a preface today’s show is not solely on dogs, we’re going to be talking about other pets, but for the most part, the majority of us have dogs and some of the same concepts can be applied to cats as well. And our going to me to share some other information on that and other pets that might have a similar characteristic, if you have specialty pets like, like weird exotic lizards or fish or a lizard, not lizards, but like, you know, rodents or things like that and snakes and stuff.

3 (20m 4s):
Yeah. That’s something where, you know, you’re gonna already have an idea of how to feed them properly. And you know, sometimes the cost of, you know, reading your own bugs or whatever they eat is cheaper than going to get it from the store. I mean, if you’re, if you’ve got snakes and you know, your feeding them baby mice, then you might want to get used to figuring out how to propagate mice so that you can do it yourself. In a lot of cases, people will kind of do that on their own, but today we’re talking about a house pets or things like dogs and cats and the things that most of us have.

3 (20m 46s):
So this one particular article is called cooking for your dog do’s and don’ts of homemade dog food. And this is an excellent article with several resources embedded within a, including some of the things like a common mistakes when you’re cooking for your dog and, you know, making sure to capture the nutrients that you’re your dogs need. And this is, this is very important because dogs have to have a different level of, and really any animals.

3 (21m 18s):
They have to have different levels of nutrients to balance their diet. A and this is, I mean, things that are already calculated out when you buy your bag of dog food or cat food or pet food, whatever it is, they’ve already got ratios built into that, you know, 10% crude protein, 40% fiber, 30% carbohydrates, you know, whatever a balance and fat’s or whatever it is. I mean, those percentages are just, I’m just kinda throwing them out there, but you get the idea they’re already basically set up in there.

3 (21m 53s):
But many times you don’t know exactly what is in that. I mean, crude pool protein could be anything. I mean, that could be anything from horses to other dog’s to spare parts of random animals, chickens, you know, just whatever’s leftover or anything that doesn’t make it to the, to the, the meat counter at your local grocery store, often winds up and dog food. And since many of us don’t process our own meat, the ability to get our hands on similar products is going to be slim to none.

3 (22m 30s):
So, ah, you want to consider how your going to replace certain things like that, like, you know, crude proteins and they’re one of the articles or one of the links that is tied in with this article is a Next. What I found out was a pretty effective, how do you call it like a calculator? I guess you could say that helps you determine what kind of things to include in that diet.

3 (23m 6s):
So it’s called, what is it called blanche? It is that right plan tried to eat balance balance. It it’s an auto balancer basically where you can go through and pick the types of meat for, you know, or proteins. So for example, you’ve got cat fish or a rabbit or salmon or a cottage cheese. So you pick a couple out of that column and then you pick a couple of another column where your got your own notes and your pasta and your potato and King OUAB rice.

3 (23m 39s):
And you pick one or two out of the next column, which is your oils, your soy beans, Sesame, olive oil, coconut, things like that. And then another column where you pick out a vegetable like broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, blah, blah, blah, and then another one with a certain level of fruits, like, you know, how do we do blueberries, plums, pineapples, and things like that when you go through and you pick out which ones he want, and then it kicks out a balanced or a recipe for you.

3 (24m 10s):
And you can, you can determine what is going to be best for your dogs based on these things, especially for folks who, I mean, is it from the American kennel club? So we’re not talking, you know, you know, these are folks who cook their own food for their dogs because they are usually thousand dollar or $10,000 animals that, you know, benefit from having a very specific diet. But we’re looking at this from a different angle, the idea of what commonly available foods can we acquire or generate or combined or whatever, or pull from our own Food stock’s to still be able to provide some level of nutrient a stability for our pets.

3 (24m 55s):
So that’s, that’s a great way to start when it comes to getting an idea of the nutritional value that you would need to be considering when it comes to building your own pet food. So Colin mentioned before the show that he’s got a couple of good recipes in, there is something that he mentioned before with regard to access to protein. So call him why don’t you share that with the audience for a little bit and kind of what you’re talking about

5 (25m 23s):
Or, and so, yeah, basically I was a, and I think what you just said about like the difference between the really expensive dog breeds that benefit from having those, those good, you know, healthy diets, there’s a difference between those dogs and just the, the more common dogs among other people. So I definitely think of, there is something like that where you can just find the recipe that your looking for with the, you know, the specific percentages that is something that you might benefit from more than the recipes that I am able to provide, because a lot of them Are, you know, the few that I came up with were mainly just like, you know, random ones, but six of them are vegan because when we, I, if we, if we get a little bit more into the preservation side of the dog food for a year, month to month supply of food, I was thinking, looking at it from this perspective perspective, if, if your not going to use, I’m the processed dog food with all the preservatives in it, then you’re most likely going to be making it yourself.

5 (26m 51s):
And it’s hard to preserve meat. So you need to find a way to make a diet that your dog can benefit from and your dog can get its nutrients from that. Won’t be difficult to make in a, like a, a situation where you need to, you know, have this food readily available. Basically what I’m saying is meats are harder to preserve than vegetables. That being said, six of the This the recipes I have are just vegan.

5 (27m 28s):
And then one of them is one with beef. It’s a beef sirloin, a recipe. So I’m going to go ahead and put the vegan ones in the chat, the, the beef sir, line beef sirloin one, I just, I just called it fried rice. I don’t know what it’s, they didn’t give it a name, but it looks like fried rice. So I just called it fried rice, but basically it’s got a beef lean sirloin in it, Brown rice carrots, hard boiled eggs parsley, and like hot a, an oil that’s high in omegas, which I’m sure it’s just like official something like that.

5 (28m 11s):
Right. And so, I mean, it’s, it’s pretty simple. And I feel like with a lot of the homemade ones, they are pretty simple. You cook the meat, you cook the grains and you add the hard boiled eggs and herbs and oils, and you kinda just throw it together. And for this particular recipe, the recommended amount is one cup per 10 pounds of your dog. So that’s a lot of food, but it’s also not like the power pellet or kibble that you’d be feeding your dog.

5 (28m 42s):
That’s Scott, all of the other stuff like jam packed into a small portion. Right? Cause I mean, if you, if you’re looking at a dog that’s, you know, 30, 40, 50 pounds, then four cups of Denver. Yeah. A hundred pound dog, like massive that’s 10 cups of food. That’s a lot of food. So that’s something to consider if, if you are thinking about, I don’t know, making like a, a 30 day or whatever, but I was also thinking like earlier today when I was like, I was kind of looking through them and I was talking about preservations and Are, and I wasn’t talking about, I was just thinking of myself and when it comes to dog food, dog, food is stuff that we buy and it’s processed and it has all these preservatives in it.

5 (29m 34s):
And it has the nutrients for our dog to live healthfully like a, a decently long life. Right. And we’re over here cooking our own meals. And the difference is you can make homemade dog food for your dog as you would yourself. Or you can give them the power pellets. And for us humans, it’s just like eating an MRE. It’s just like, it’ll last a long time. It’s already like prepackaged or whatever.

5 (30m 5s):
You’re just have to pull it out pretty much and eat it. So it, in a real bad situation, just using kibble would be, I think probably the, the easiest way to make a longterm in a 30 day plan of dog food for however many dogs you have. Yeah. But a thing to consider kind of like you mentioned earlier with the healthy foods and changing their diet, just like, just like us, basically.

5 (30m 36s):
Umm, if you change your diet, you’re going to notice a difference in your health or the way you feel. It’s the same thing with your dog. If you go from homemade meals to kibble, then it’s possible that your dog is, is going to show, you know, is going to be a little sluggish or whatever until it adjusts to that diet. And it may not work at all. So if you make homemade meals, consider the boss’ stability that your dog might not like your dog might not be eating that luxury, luxury a meal.

5 (31m 11s):
If, if something really did go down. Right.

1 (31m 15s):
Well, and the other part of that, and I’m glad you bring that up. And I was going to talk about that a little bit later, but amaz will bring it up now so that whenever we make changes to our dog’s food, we always introduce it slowly. So usually mix it in 50 50 or you know, 30, 60, something like that to make sure that they can adjust to that food before they start eating it a fully. And basically that transition over time allows their body’s to adjust to the new food.

1 (31m 48s):
And this is important because if you are looking down the pipe and I remember when I was, when, when we were facing a crutch on dog food and I saw it clearing the shelves and I knew that we had a month’s supply at home. I went ahead and bought the wrong kind of food because it was all that I could get. A and my wife was upset at me. She was like, why did you buy this? You know, this is, well, you know, this isn’t what they eat. We’re going to have to take it back. Well, 30 days later when she was looking at, you know, not being able to get the dog food that she was used to getting, then it started to make sense why I bought that because that way we can at least still integrate that type of food into the food that we have because at least we had something.

1 (32m 32s):
So, you know, if you get to the point where your dog food is running, like, you know, two to three weeks and you can’t find any food to replace it with, that’s either the similar kind or whatever you might need to start thinking seriously about transitioning into food that you can make from home. So that’s where these recipes start really kicking in high gear and, and some of the recipes are pretty simple.

1 (33m 5s):
I mean the, the vegan recipe that and dropped into chat, that’s something that you can actually a look at and you know, it’s like any recipe, you can take a look at it and see where it comes in and make adjustments here and there for your own. You know, the, the food that your, you have accessible to you, but you know, the ability for you to kinda pick and choose and work with some staples that are shelf stable in place, have something that’s coming from China or wherever else does provide an option for you to keep your dogs fed.

1 (33m 42s):
And if nothing else hold them over until the supply chain catches up again, because a supply chain did eventually catch up. The challenge is that it took almost 60 days for it to catch up, which for me was unacceptable. Now, if that is 60 days, turns into 90 days or 120 days, then you really start seeing some challenges where people are no longer feeding their pets or their, or cutting of Luce or dropping him off or whatever. So you gotta be really mindful of that when it comes to longterm food storage for pets and long term food storage for yourself.

1 (34m 20s):
So will get to the food storage part a in a little bit, let’s take a quick break. Cause I want to talk about some alternative forms of Food and how you can kind of introduce some of the, the types of things that are in these recipes into just your normal livelihood things you may not even think about. So let’s take a quick break. And when we come back, we will tackle the rest of this. This Pet Food in the Apocalypse Show

6 (34m 50s):
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3 (36m 10s):
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7 (36m 22s):

3 (36m 27s):
Broadcasting Network

7 (36m 42s):

3 (36m 57s):
And we’re back ladies and gentlemen, friends and family from around the world. Great sponsors, great shows and great audience. Thanks for staying tuned. And don’t forget to keep our sponsors and our other show hosts and mind on your path toward preparedness. Shows continue this week with James Walton tomorrow over at The. I am Liberty show on Wednesdays Dane with the governmental Omri on Thursdays rotating hosts, Dave, the MBC guy and Michael Klein on Fridays. Of course, we’ve got Jay Fergie over on Saturdays with a family affair.

3 (37m 30s):
She had a great women of prepping round table. This last weekend. It’s a bit I still haven’t listened to, but I’m excited to hear it. Those are always a good time. Plus you can catch our Sunday reliance broadcasts with Stephen men King. Those are always a good time medical Mondays, where we kinda dig through The the archives. And that’s kinda changed a little bit here and there to open the door for preparedness round tables and a covert cast, different things like that.

3 (37m 60s):
So Mondays have kind of turned into a wild card of preparedness for the folks of you out there who are listening to something that’s that’s, it’s kind of a nice little change up from the routine Shows we have. And then we double down on Tuesday with the, a double barrel Tuesday. I’m a Patriot power hour, kicks it off one hour before our show. And then we start every Tuesday night at 6:00 PM Pacific time. So don’t miss out. We have a great shows every day, this week. And of course we’ve got the daily audio cash.

3 (38m 32s):
Is that a help to promote and, and give

1 (38m 36s):
You an idea of what’s going on in the Prepper world from Dave Jones perspective, he’s usually top-notch and getting those things out. And I think he just put out a recent one today on getting ready for the, the big Prepper camp that’s happening this weekend. I believe down in down South. So looking forward to hearing some audio feedback from that, Show, it’s going to be Are from that event. Hopefully we’ll get some live stuff, kicking off, umm, from the different Show hosts and you know, maybe we’ll pull aside some folks and get their take for people who are just walking around with the Show here on the next Generation show.

1 (39m 14s):
For those of you who’ve been with us for awhile, you might already know, but for those of you who are new, we have teamed up with power film, solar to bring you a special partner deal. Right now, if your interested, you can get one of their light saver products at 10% off using our pro bono code, PBN 10, that’s a PBN ten one zero 10 a day. So these are the rollable solar panels. These are foldable solar panels. They’re not collapsible. They’re not something that you, you know, I have to protect and keep safe and sound.

1 (39m 45s):
They’re actually, they roll up like a scroll and they have a battery built in. So you can charge them up. As long as you got us, you know, access to the sun and they work in rain or shine cloud cover doesn’t matter. They’ll still charge up. In fact, we were actually, I was still able to charge them up even with the, the intense smoke cover that we had over the last week or so here. And I was pretty impressed. So they’re, they’re a great option for backpacking kayaking, you know, hanging out and doing that kind of stuff.

1 (40m 17s):
And if you’re interested in that, you can go over to tactical or a head on over to the power from solar. And again, use that promo code. PBN 10, go ahead, buddy. You are gonna say something.

5 (40m 30s):
Yeah, I was, I was just going to, I was just going to say, you know, you know what I love doing? I love camping. Yeah. And what I love doing more than camping is feeling safe, feeling connected, knowing that I’m going to have my phone and its, and its going to be charged up. And when we go out kayaking on the water’s the, the walkie talkies or gonna have power to them. So I don’t have to worry about them dying. And then me not being able to a, you know, flag dad down if I’m like floating away on the river or whatever.

5 (41m 3s):
So I mean, it’s nice. It’s definitely nice having them because we’ve used them. I’m on the road when there is no other power source. Just put it on the, a little headboard. What is it? The dashboard. Yeah. And then just plug stuff in your phone. Your, we think we used to it on the gimbal. Just whatever else on the road. Just, I don’t know if it’s nice to have, cause we have used them like on camping trips. So yeah. Definitely check them out. They’re pretty neat. Yeah. It’s pretty cool.

5 (41m 34s):

1 (41m 34s):
Check them out. So with that, We, let’s get right back into the, the show for today. So we’ve been talking about pet food and keeping up with pets, nutrition and stuff like that in an Apocalypse. How do you do that? How do you produce food for your dogs? You know, Do, you’re going to have to pull it out over your own stash or whatever, you know, are you going to go in there? And you know, if you’ve got a limited supply of meat that you’ve been preserving or saving or freezing or canning, ah, have you budgeted for the needs for your pets?

1 (42m 6s):
You know, are you going to put your sirloin steak into your dog bowl or you going to do a lot of people are, if you’re going hungry, there’s a good chance that your not a, so what do you do? What do you do when you meet starts to run out? You know, how does that, how is that going to affect your preparedness level? You know, and the thing is, is about dogs and it, for the most part, for those of you out there, who’ve listened to our podcast before you know that dogs are a family to us. Now I have to children, you know, calling it to my daughter and I am married.

1 (42m 42s):
So there’s for people in my family. But what people don’t get sometimes is that I also have four dogs, which means that in my mind, I’ve got eight people in my family because even though, you know, I may not feed my dog from my table. I still have a responsibility to my dogs in my family and me providing for them and me taking care of them and me making sure that they have food and shelter is a critical component in them being there for me when I need a most, cause the last thing I wanted to lose my dogs because they’re running off to try and find food because they’re not going to hang around me.

1 (43m 25s):
If I’m not able to provide food, sometimes they will. But more than likely, they’re going to still be looking for looking to me for food. So how do you provide that? How do you do that? So some of the things that I came up with with regard to alternative forms of Food are things like in, in a lot of these recipes, let me, let me back up a little bit because did I put this in here? Yes I did. Okay. So many of the ingredients that most dog food contains our things that we would normally store longterm food stuff, things that hold like oats, rice, grains, lagoons, you know, other things that we store like frozen vegetables, canned vegetables, things like that.

1 (44m 19s):
Cheeses. Sometimes these can all be used a, a, an oil and things like that. They can all be used to create dog food, some of the missing components or things like, like proteins, like crude proteins. When I was growing up, whenever we had a surplus of eggs, we would wind up dropping an egg and to our dogs food. And for many of you out there you might have been listening into Are our egg drama series that we’ve had for the last, I don’t know, a couple of weeks, a couple of months.

1 (44m 51s):
And to me, the idea of having chicken’s on hand to produce eggs, as odd as it may seem is not only for me to be able to go into the fridge and throw up a couple of eggs for breakfast. It’s also a source for me to be able to feed my dogs in a very, very, a severe situation. So one of the, one of the aspects of that as well, I have chickens.

1 (45m 22s):
So if my chickens are well fed, I can make sure to make sure that I can make sure that my dogs are well fed. So I actually found a decent recipe from garden, And I dropped that into the chat room, but that is a recipe for chickens. And this is a pretty basic similar things. What are we have in here? A garden Betty toward the bottom is the recipe that she has for her chickens. And it is pretty simple.

1 (45m 56s):
You know, oats, sunflower seeds, wheat berries, a whole corn lentils, Sesame seeds, flax seeds, brewers, yeast, oyster shells, and things like that.

5 (46m 9s):
Well, most of those, go ahead, buddy. I was going to say most of those, you can like, like, ah, the rice or the oats, a lot of the grains, you can get all of those in bulk for a fairly cheap price for a full bag of rice, full bag of oats. I don’t know what else can. Well then all of a sudden down

1 (46m 33s):
A 25 or 30 pound bag of rice doesn’t seem as crazy. You know, when you roll up in a shopping cart and pull, put one of each and your BAS or you know, in your car and walk out the door. But what’s interesting is by, by providing, cause you can use those things for dog food or chicken Food because you can put oats in dog food, you can put rice in dog food and you can put, you know, the same things as in dog food, but when you feed them to chickens and you make sure that your chickens are well fed, your chickens are going to produce protein in the form of eggs and fats in the form of eggs.

1 (47m 8s):
And those proteins and fats can be added to your dog or your cat food in addition to the oats and the legumes and everything else. So in doing that, it adds a little bit of variety and it adds a little bit more of a nutrient value specifically related to protein because you’ll have more of a protein value with an egg. Then you will with,

3 (47m 30s):
You know, an equal density of oats, for example. So you kind of, you can substitute things like meat with things like eggs. And as long as you don’t kill off all your chickens, you can keep those eggs coming in and maintain some level of Food for your health, for your dogs.

5 (47m 48s):
Did you want to, you have more alternatives to, do you want to eventually, okay. Okay. Do you have a couple, well, no, not alternatives. I just wasn’t sure. If you still wanted to go on about this stuff, you shouldn’t feed your dogs that people might not know, but we can get into that after the alternatives. Yeah.

3 (48m 7s):
Yeah. Let me write race through these real quick and then we’ll get into the alternatives are the things you don’t want to feed them. So I have two to more that when I say has three a day, but two or more links that I wanted to drop into a chat. One of them is a little bit more unconventional, but it is something that for those of you urban dwellers can understand squirrel Food now here in on the homestead, we have rabbits and not rabbits, excuse me, we have chickens.

3 (48m 37s):
So we have a source of egg protein that we can use to incorporate with our dog food. One of the things that in, in, in urban scenarios, you may not have access to a lot of chickens. You may not have the ability to do that, but, or suburban scenarios to you can also have some of those. The idea of squirrels is probably more feasible and squirrels are a potential of crude protein that you can apply toward dog food, but your not just going to be able to go out and set a trap and get a bunch of squirrels.

3 (49m 14s):
So this particular recipe is for squirrel food. And what you can do is you can start right now to make your own squirrel Food to attract them and bring them into your environment. One of the let’s see some of the things that are on here are actually very similar. Let me see if I can find the or the cutthroat recipe to drop in. And just for the folks who are listening, just one second, scroll, scroll, scroll.

3 (49m 48s):
Okay. So we’ve got, and Colin mentioned in chat peanuts, a crunchy salad, peanut butter, quick oats, cornmeal, lard, flour, sunflower seeds, peanuts, corn kernels, and that’s it, slap it together, put it in a tote. Next thing you know, you’ve got essentially a feedstock for squirrels that you can use to feed your dogs or your cats or whatever. So this is more of a, a lure or to get them in so that they’re used to coming around and used to eating the food so that when you need them, you have them another alternative that may or not be available in

1 (50m 28s):
An urban environment. Are rabbits now Robert’s or actually a, the idea of breeding like rabbits. That term is they’re for a reason. And if you have the ability or the space or the desire to get your hands on a couple of rabbits, this is actually a, an article that I identified on a rabbit food, like basically how to create your own rabbit food. And the ingredients are pretty similar.

1 (50m 58s):
You know, six cups rolled oats, a wheat berries, Pearl barley, a split peas and sunflower seeds. All of that stuff is very easy to preserve, very easy to set aside. And if you have that on hand, you can breed rabbits for protein in the form of meat, obviously for your dogs. And it’s actually something that you could eat for yourself. Plus you have the byproduct of the, for that you could use for other things. A lot of times you have to be very careful with this breeding.

1 (51m 30s):
Rabbits in urban environments is a lot is often restricted. And there’s a reason for that. And that reason is because you can actually breed up to 4 million rabbits from one starter pair in two years. And this was all your mind to drop this link in the chat because it’s actually pretty interesting. This was a study that was put on by the university of Miami, I believe. And it basically puts together the exact figures on how many rabbits can be produced within four years.

1 (52m 5s):
So by the end of the first year, I think they figured that you would have 36 female babies from two, from one mating pair. By the end of the second year, you’ll have 1,332 female babies. By the end of the third year, you’ll have 49,284 female babies. And by the end of the fourth year, you’re going to have 1,823,508 female beers, babies, excuse me, female BRC, or a female female babies.

1 (52m 38s):
So the potential, and after at the, toward the end of that year, you’re going to have upwards of 4 million. And by that point you won’t even have enough food to feed the rabbits. This is something that Inn in a pinch. If you need to be able to breed for the source of meat and you have the food to feed your meat, then you have the potential to feed your larger animals based on that. So rabbits are a very sustainable source of food.

1 (53m 9s):
Even if you don’t want to eat them yourself, obviously you’re gonna want to check for diseases and things like that, but it’s an alternative source of crude protein. And then of course, you know, like we’ve talked to before on previous episodes, learn to fish, there are several types of dog food, animal food,

3 (53m 26s):
Cat food that specifically incorporate fish into that diet. And for many of us, we’re going to toss the junk fish, right? The pike minnows and the Squaw, a fish, it’s something called squat fish or anymore like minnows. I’m a sucker fish, you know, the junky things that you normally wouldn’t eat, a anything you normally would throw back the things that always wind up catching your line, hang on to them, learn how to prep ’em out. And then those can be used as crude protein for your animals.

3 (53m 58s):
So I’m going to go ahead and leave those alone, drop a couple more things in chat and then Colin, why don’t you go ahead and dial in the do’s and don’ts when it comes to feed.

5 (54m 12s):
All right. Yeah. So real quick, We you just at the end there, you mentioned fishing and we talked about phishing a couple of weeks ago, but I, it reminded me that it reminded me of hatchet the book, because I finished it about a week ago, not too long after that. Show and I just, the such a disappointing ending to that book. It’s just so anticlimactic after I was done, after I was done reading it, I felt like I learned nothing.

5 (54m 48s):
So I just, I just wanted to mention that, but onto these columns, these yup, exactly. So on to the stuff that you shouldn’t feed your dogs, I just walk you through these real quick. It’s all pretty common stuff, stuff that we probably have around on the day to day I’m and I’m going to put a link that has more, but these are just a few of them. So the first one we have is an actually a Food it’s a chemical called a This xylitol, I think.

5 (55m 22s):
And it’s found it’s a sweet, yeah, its found in a candy gum toothpaste, a lot of diet foods, like a low sugar diet foods as a sweetener and a lot of baked goods too, but it can call your dog to vomit, become lethargic and develop coordination issues. So keep those project products that I listed away from your dogs. It’s pretty, pretty easy to do that, but I mean just baked goods in a candy, obviously keep those away from your dog.

5 (55m 57s):
Next up avocado, not only the fruit, but the seeds, the leaves and bark contain person, a P R P R and S I N. And I guess that’s, that would be another chemical that’s found in the particular plant avocado. And it can cause vomiting and diarrhea and you know, problems with your dog again and make it ill. I’m the next one is alcohol.

5 (56m 29s):
I don’t really know how this would happen, but for whatever reason, dogs, I mean, I dunno how your dog will get alcohol is what I’m saying. But dogs have a low tolerance obviously to alcohol and it can cause brain and liver problems as it could to humans. If, if we were to have enough of it, it causes problems with vomiting, diarrhea, coordination problems, once again, breathing problems, coma, and even death.

5 (57m 0s):
And it’s worst with smaller dogs just as if it would be worse for a child to have alcohol versus a, an adult in the next one is onions and garlic in all forms. It’d be like a powder, a raw cooked, whatever you don’t want to because it kills all onions and garlic.

3 (57m 25s):
We really are pretty bad, but yeah, definitely

5 (57m 30s):
Those two will kill, ah, the blood cells causing, I believe it’s, amnios how you say it or anima and Emma, a NEMA or something like that. And so, I mean, if, if there’s any possible changes that your dog got a hold of any garlic or onions, look for weaknesses, vomiting and breathing problems. The next one is, again, I don’t know how your dog would come across these, but a caffeine coffee, tea, drinks, or energy drinks.

5 (58m 5s):
It can be common in cold medicines and painkillers so that I could understand how you’re, if you drop a pill or whatever, but it can be very fatal to your dog. You wouldn’t be putting those in there. Food anyway, but ah, the next one and the last one I have here is a grapes and raisins. That’s a pretty common one. I think a lot of people know that, but not everybody does, but the main, mainly it causes kidney failure in excessive vomiting would be an early sign that your dog got a hold of grapes or raisins, but just after a day, you’ll see your dog get a really sluggish and down and depressed.

5 (58m 46s):
But I’m going to, I’m going to drop a link that has like 20 other ones that you should, that you should look out for if you were, if you were interested in making your own a dog Food, but I’d hope to do a little bit of research before you make, make your own anyway.

3 (59m 2s):
Cool. Well, let’s, we’re at the top of the hour, so we’re going to run just a little bit long, but I think it’s important to get this stuff in before we move on to the pint size Prepper project of the week is quantity and food storage. I’m just going to say something real quick about this. Obviously, if you’re using, if your looking into your own longterm food storage include

1 (59m 22s):
Longterm Food sword for your animals, if your looking at the potential of longterm food storage, as kind of, you know, incorporating your own food storage, the things you normally eat, like oats, grains, things like that, that we’ve already talked about as ingredients for recipes, for dog food, just increase those quantities and treat things like normal, no big deal. But if you are planning to buy, if you’re like, no, I don’t want to do any of that. I don’t want to have anything to do with cooking my own dog and my own food.

1 (59m 56s):
I’m just going to rely on cables. That’s fine. But keep in mind that longterm food storage of these types of a canned food or even

3 (1h 0m 8s):
Bagged Food okay,

1 (1h 0m 9s):
You need to make sure that it’s properly contained. And I say that because I live out in the country and we have mice and rodent problems. When we leave food out, it doesn’t matter whose food is and when it’s cold enough. And when there’s not enough food around rodents will find a way to get to your Food. They don’t care if it’s dog food or a human food. And if you wind up feeding your dog food, that’s been contaminated with whatever those mice or rodents or whatever have on them.

1 (1h 0m 42s):
You run the risk of issues with your own dog or your own animal. So make sure you store your pet food in similar types of containers, whether it’s a five gallon bucket, you know, food grade bucket. If you take your food, your dog food bag, and you just pour it out into half a dozen, you know, five gallon buckets or whatever it is, or if you’ve got rubber made totes, that’s usually what we do. We just take a full bag, dump it into a Rubbermaid tote, and we’re good to go for the month.

1 (1h 1m 14s):
Then we keep another tote or two, in some cases on deck in are a kind of in Are what do you call it? A root cellar kind of thing. So just keep in mind that you can’t, you don’t want to just leave The the open packaging on the ground or in the basement or in, you know, outside neglected in an area where animals can get to it because they will. So keep in mind how your longterm storage needs are for yourself and try and incorporate the same thought pattern with your dogs or your cats or your other animals, canned food.

1 (1h 1m 51s):
You usually okay. But there are expiration dates to those canned foods. And when you’ve got crude protein in a canned food product, if you develop things like botulism or things like that, you’re going to have the same issues with food spoilage when it comes to your dog, as you will, as a human. So you could have food spoilage that takes place as a result of neglect of rotation and things like that. So you need to think about things as well.

3 (1h 2m 22s):
Did you have anything else to add to that before we do the pint size Prepper project buddy? Or do you want to kind of transition into

4 (1h 2m 29s):
No, I think that’s a perfect transition talking about quantity using and being ready for that sort of thing. Cool. Well today we get, we can hit that. Hit that segue.

3 (1h 2m 40s):
Yeah. Let’s let’s do that. So today’s pint size is Prepper project or the week is brought to you, right? Power film, solar, and a, the project today is basically to build an inventory of Food inventory for your own pets. So call on why don’t you go ahead and describe how this project works and how to make it happen?

4 (1h 3m 0s):
Yeah, so more often than not a We people are pretty familiar with what we have in the house. What we keep in our cupboards, our fridge, if you have a pantry, what you keep in the pantry, and as you use it, you notice how much you have or, or when the next time you need to buy something is, and it’s especially something to consider. If you are a, have, you know, if your Prepper Lake and you have your own inventory of foods that you have for a week, two weeks or a months worth of Food or whatever, it’s goes the same for a dog.

4 (1h 3m 40s):
If you have pets and something that I’m starting to notice more recently is how many dogs I have, or, or we have combined versus, you know, my friends who might only have one or two dogs in their household, I have five and you have four. And so, you know, that’s a lot of, I mean, there, yeah, it’s a lot of Food. So when it comes to inventory, inventorying them for us, we might be able to evacuate or, or go somewhere in, have either a supply of food that we just take with us or food that we’re able to get on the way with dogs.

4 (1h 4m 26s):
It might not be the same. And it’s easily enough to create a spreadsheet, whether it’s a physical spreadsheet or like an Excel spreadsheet or a Google spreadsheet, whatever you use, you can. It’s a, it’s a very simple, you put, you put in the names of your dogs, how much they weigh can be important depending on the Food you use. And you just make columns for each dog. And you, you go on with however many days you need.

4 (1h 4m 59s):
So a XL, I know you put in a numb or in one of the columns and you can add dates. And as you put in the amount of food that the dog is supposed to have, or this number, as you add on a day by day, it’ll add the number automatically to come out with a total. So if you have three columns for three dogs and each day you ad, or, or in each a little under each column, you add the amount of food that dog is supposed to have each day.

4 (1h 5m 37s):
So day one day, two day three or a week, one week, two week three, however far you’re gonna go, you take the total amount and you store that amount away. So if you have one dog and I dunno how many, if you have one like medium sized dog, like a 30 pound dog, umm, and you would, I don’t know how much Food like how much Food does, you know,

1 (1h 6m 5s):
Mean eat. So you probably for,

4 (1h 6m 8s):
Or like a cuff or a half a cup of your way.

1 (1h 6m 10s):
Well, they get away with about 15 pounds a month

4 (1h 6m 12s):
For her. Okay. So yeah, I mean you can measure in pounds or cups or, or however you do it and that’s pretty much the gist of it. But when it comes to those evacuated evacuation scenario’s or even like a planned scenario, when you’re going across the country for a month and you don’t wanna leave your dog behind a cause, is your visiting family or, or, or going on or a short business strip or whatever it is, at least you won’t be trying to do math when you should be rounding up, you know, your essentials, your important documents and all that.

4 (1h 6m 50s):
Cause if you have that spreadsheet and you at least know what it is and you keep that with your important documents or you make that spreadsheet in advance, then you can have that information that you need and you don’t have, it’s just a good way to prepare for your dogs. It’s a very simple way to prepare for your dogs because it’s not like you have to do meal prep for them. Yeah. It might be that way, depending on whether or not you make your dog’s food. But like I said earlier, it’s kind of like Emory’s, if we were relying on Emory’s and we knew how much we needed a day, three Emory’s a day or two Emory’s a day for a month, then we get 60 MRAs or 90 MRAs.

1 (1h 7m 29s):
Yeah. And you know, one of the cool things about a spreadsheet is C if you find a recipe online or, or a couple of recipes online, you can drop the links in and, or the entire recipe’s themselves, just cutting and pasting right in to the spreadsheet so that if you know how much food your dog needs and how much you normally feed them and what the volume is based on the nutrient levels, then you can make those connections and be able to create your own food diet for your dog.

1 (1h 8m 4s):
If it ever comes down to it, if you’re looking down the pike and you are a CIA, you know, there’s no dog food on the shelves and it’s not being refilled anytime soon, I’m going to have to start stocking up on ingredients, ABC and D and you don’t even need to think about it. You can reference that spreadsheet. You can even print it out if you’d like and put it in your, your binder, your home binder for a emergency survival and stuff like that. So this, this spreadsheet, this inventory is a downgraded version of what most of us generally keep on hand when it comes to our own Food inventory and making sure that we’re doing well on our own, but it’s a great way to introduce the skills and concepts of things like inventory and basic math, how to determine volume in quantities over time.

1 (1h 9m 3s):
And also is a great way to introduce the idea of, you know, cooking for your pets and making sure that they are equally cared for when it comes to Food and making sure that they’re taking care of, Hey, we hope to keep these projects coming. And if you’d like to see more of these and support our work directly here at the next Generation, Show head on over to Amazon and type in my name or Colin’s name or a pint size Prepper project in our book will pop right up. You can select to download it right then and there.

1 (1h 9m 34s):
Or you can get a hard copy that you can share with friends and family. There’s 28 more projects, just like this one that you can do with your family. And we do encourage you to take advantage of that. Hopefully if a, I mean, whenever you do that, whenever you a download or buy those books, it, it kind of, it provides a level of encouragement on our part that what we’re doing is actually having an impact and it’s actually making people more aware.

1 (1h 10m 4s):
And sometimes you might already know that you might already know everything that we’re talking about, but there’s a good chance that there’s someone out there who doesn’t or someone who’s, you know, interested in preparedness. These books are great opportunities for you to step out of the box and say, Hey, you know, if your interested, you know, this is something that you might want to look into, or if you got nieces or nephews or grandchildren coming over for the weekend are for a holiday, flip it, open, check out some of the projects and do something for fun, get them away from their digital devices and, you know, start up a project here and there.

1 (1h 10m 44s):
I think for the final takeaway today, a it’s pretty basic. The things that we consider when it comes to preparedness, oftentimes, or beans, bullets of bandaids, but very rarely are pets calculated within those decisions. Do you have the food prepared and or stored, or do you know how to make food for the animals and pets and your life? This isn’t

3 (1h 11m 14s):
Limited to dogs or cats or chickens. It incorporates any animals that you have because every animal in your life is there for a reason. And whether that reason is protection or Food or some form of survival or sanity, it’s there for a reason. So take care of it, be mindful of the other animals in your life and make sure that those animals are considered within your level of preparedness.

3 (1h 11m 54s):
Lastly, in case you missed it last week, we had an excellent article or article article, excellent podcast with a special guest, Rob McNeilly. And we talked specifically about cryptocurrency and preppers and some of the things that preppers might wanna consider when it comes to cryptocurrency and, and the future of cryptocurrency, we are going to have Rob on a little bit more here, the near future, probably do a couple of other series getting in to the, the, the red pill, deep rabbit hole side of things when it comes to cryptocurrency and why it might be a viable resource for, for those of us out there who were kind of curious, or who might see a value in having our assets diversified, I guess you could say so.

3 (1h 12m 47s):
Yeah. If your interested on previous episodes, but you can check ’em out on the show page or on your favorite streaming service. And while your there be sure to leave as a five star review, it does help to boost our presence and share this message with others. Gosh, I think that’s going to be it for today. Everyone. Thanks for joining us on this special extended version of the next Generation show. And don’t forget to tune in next time where we explore another aspect of a little things in life that make all the difference in the world. This is your host, Ryan Buford, and your cohost Colin Buford, reminding you to stay informed, get involved and be prepared, have a great night everybody and make it a great week.

3 (1h 13m 30s):
thank you for listening to the Prepper Broadcasting Network where we promote self-reliance Independence tuning in tomorrow for another great show and visit


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