Mans Best Friend! Dogs and Prepping

Mans Best Friend! Dogs and Prepping

November 5, 2018 dogs 0

Mans Best Friend! Dogs and Prepping
Ryan & Collin Buford “The Next Generation” Audio player below!

Mans Best Friend! Dogs and Prepping

There’s a saying out there that a dog is a man’s best friend. It’s also a woman’s, and a child’s, and a family’s best friend. Dogs have been a part of my life and upbringing for as long as I can remember. For those of us who hold our K-9 companions dear, we have the added benefit of a selfless defender of the home and the added responsibility of caring for this member of the family in a disaster.

If you don’t have dogs but are considering an addition to your family, have you put enough considerations into the type, size, behavior and skill set inherent with the dog you are looking into? All too often, the choice of dog can be the ruin of the dog if not fully understood from the onset. This often leads to overruns at animal shelters because of unwillingness to train, or understand the importance of knowing the type of dogs out there beyond their fur, reputation or intelligence. Misbehavior’s are confused when training fails as a result of attempts to train out behaviors that are bred into the dog. By selecting a breed that doesn’t match your abilities, time, skillsets or lifestyle, you could be setting this animal up for failure and a tough road as an owner.

Listen to this broadcast or download “Mans Best Friend! Dogs and Prepping” in player below!

This week on The Next Generation Show, we’ll be kicking off a 4-part series of the K-9 persuasion by going into the basics of breeds, and beginning preps to have on hand. As we continue with this series, we’ll be discussing skill training techniques, tactical training techniques, and some sweet gear that you can keep on hand for tracking, packing and handling your new family member.

Also, don’t miss out on the Pint-Sized Prepper Project of the week, where we show you how to create a checklist for your emergency preparedness plan that incorporates the pets in your life – and a kit to go along with it!

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